加拿大随行子女年龄将从 19 调整为 21 周岁还是重回 22


2014年8月1日后随行子女的年龄定义为 19 周岁,而之前随行子女最大年龄可以是 22 周岁。

自由党上台后早就有消息说要修改,近期,不同媒体给了不同答案,有的说2017年秋天会修改为 21 周岁,但更官方的说法是重新定义为 22 周岁。

1 Subparagraphs (b)(i) and (ii) of the definition dependent child in section 2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations are replaced by the following:
(i) is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner, or
(ii) is 22 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before attaining the age of 22 years and is unable to be financially self supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

不论如何,随行子女年龄增加对商业移民,团聚移民,包括子女团聚移民都是利好消息。具体年龄是 21 还是 22,很快会有官方回答。

Change to age of dependants – find out if your application is affected

Canada’s definition of a dependent child, for the purposes of Immigration, has changed. As of August 1, 2014, only children under 19 years of age are eligible as dependants. The former definition allowed children under 22 years of age to be eligible as dependants.

A child who depends on their parent for financial and other support. A son or daughter is considered a dependant of their parent when the child is:

  • under 19 years old, and does not have a spouse or partner, or
  • 19 years old and over, and has depended largely on the parent’s financial support since before the age of 19 because of a physical or mental condition.

The definition of a dependent child before August 1, 2014 was:

A child who depends on their parent for financial and other support. A son or daughter is considered a dependant of their parent when the child is:

  • under 22 years old, and does not have a spouse or partner, or
  • a full-time student on an ongoing basis since before the age of 22, and has depended largely on a parent’s financial support since that time, or
  • 22 years old and over, and
    • became a spouse or partner before the age of 22, and
    • has been a full-time student on an ongoing basis since before the age of 22, and
    • has depended largely on a parent’s financial support since they became a spouse or partner, or
  • 22 years old and over, and has depended largely on the parent’s financial support since before the age of 22 because of a physical or mental condition.


2017年10月24日起,加拿大移民部将对现行随行子女19周岁的限制重新改回 22 周岁,注意是 “under 22” ,这对很多投资移民和雇主担保移民是好消息。



Changes to Regulations Will See Age Increased for Dependent Child

News Release

From Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

May 3, 2017—Ottawa, ON – The Government of Canada has published regulatory changes to increase the maximum age of a dependent child which will allow more families to stay together. This change showcases the Government’s commitment to family reunification.

The new age limit of “under 22” will come into effect this fall, on October 24, 2017, raising it from the current “under 19” requirement. The increased age will apply to new applications for all immigration programs under Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, including for refugees. Children who are 22 years of age or older and who rely on their parents due to a physical or mental health condition will continue to be considered dependent children.

A higher age limit will have more positive social and cultural impacts by keeping families together. It will also better address humanitarian and safety concerns by enabling more family members of refugees to qualify as dependants. Increasing the age limit will also help to enhance Canada’s economy by making it a destination of choice for skilled immigrants who want to keep their families together.

Family reunification is a key immigration commitment of the Government of Canada. The Government has made a number of important changes to uphold this commitment. Regulations were recently published to eliminate the conditional permanent residence measure in recognition that most marriages are genuine and to reduce the vulnerability of spouses in the immigration program. Access to the parent and grandparent program was improved with changes to the 2017 application process to make it fairer and more transparent. In 2016, the number of parent and grandparent sponsorship applications accepted each year for intake was doubled to 10 000 applications, and the Government announced processing times for most sponsored spouses and partners would be reduced to 12 months.


“Raising the age of dependants lets more families stay together. This will bring economic and social gains to our country as it enhances our attractiveness as a destination of choice for immigrants and refugees.”

– The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick Facts

  • The change is consistent with the global socioeconomic trend for children to stay home longer, including to pursue their post-secondary education. The change would allow older immigrant children, aged 19 to 21, to study in Canada thereby boosting the pool of applicants from which Canadian post-secondary schools can draw talented students. Upon graduation, these individuals would be equipped with a Canadian education and be able to contribute to Canada’s economy.
  • A higher age for dependants better aligns with two of the main objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which are to see that families are reunited in Canada, and support the self-sufficiency and social and economic well-being of refugees through family reunification.

Canada to benefit economically and socially by increasing the age of dependants


From Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Immigrants select countries based on a number of considerations, including whether families can stay together when they emigrate. The Government of Canada’s commitment to family reunification recognizes that when immigrant and refugee families are able to remain together, their integration into Canada and their ability to work and contribute to their communities improve.

A higher age for dependants better aligns with two of the main objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which are to see that families are reunited in Canada, and to support the self-sufficiency and social and economic well-being of refugees through family reunification.

The definition of a dependent child in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations is used to determine whether a child is eligible to immigrate as a family member of the principal applicant in all immigration and refugee programs, or may be sponsored as a principal applicant through the family class.

Currently, the age limit of a dependent child according to the Regulations is “under 19”. The higher age limit of “under 22” will come into force on October 24, 2017 when the regulatory change will be formally implemented. The new higher age limit will apply to permanent residence applications received on or after this date. For applicants who submitted a permanent residence application between August 1, 2014, and October 23, 2017, the current “under 19” definition of a dependent child applies.

Once the regulatory change comes into force, those who have a dependent child who meet the new “under 22” definition can sponsor him/her under the family class. Dependants who are 22 years of age or older and who are unable to support themselves due to a physical or mental condition would continue to be eligible as a dependant. If someone has a pending application for permanent residence, and had listed their dependant (who was under 22 years of age at the time they applied) on their application, they may contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to request that the child be processed for permanent residence as a dependant under humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Applicants who wish to do this should be aware that processing times on their application will be affected.

A higher age limit is consistent with the global socioeconomic trend for children to stay home longer, including to pursue post-secondary education. The increased age will allow older immigrant children, aged 19 to 21, to study in Canada and boost the pool of post-secondary students for Canadian universities and colleges, as well as the pool of employees once these individuals graduate with a Canadian education, and contribute to Canada’s economy.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/



可以, 现在22周岁以下可以随同

2017年10月24日后递交申请的随行子女年龄限制从19提高到了22,under 22。

Expanded definition of dependent children will help more families stay together in Canada

October 27, 2017 – Ottawa, ON – The Government of Canada has changed the definition of the age of dependants from “under 19” to “under 22,” fulfilling a key mandate commitment of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. This change will help more immigrant families stay together. When newcomer families are able to stay together, their integration into Canada, and their ability to work and contribute to their communities all improve.

This change applies to all new applications received by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on or after October 24, 2017.

飞出国:2017年10月24日后加拿大随行子女年龄的定义是 Under 22 也就是不要到22周岁生日,21周岁可以,但过了22周岁就不行了。



对于年龄超过21周岁还打算通过父母带子女的,推荐荷兰项目: 荷兰王国库拉索移民,目标欧美,适合中产家庭的多功能移民项目!

Age limit and requirements for dependent children

To qualify as a dependant, your child must be within the age limit and meet the requirements of a dependent child.

Definition of dependent children with new age limit

The age limit of dependent children has changed from “under 19” to “under 22.”

Children qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

  • they’re under 22 years old , and
  • they don’t have a spouse or partner

Dependants over the age limit

Children 22 years old or older qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

  • they have depended on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22, and
  • they are unable to financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition

See the previous definitions of dependent children.

How to find out if your child qualifies as a dependant – applications for permanent residence (immigrate)

Follow these two steps to find out if your child qualifies as a dependant:

1. Check the lock-in date for your program or category.

We assess your child’s eligibility as a dependant based on how old they were at a specific point in time, called the lock-in date. To see if your child qualifies as a dependant, we only consider the age of your child on the lock-in date, even though your child’s age may change during processing.

  • For most programs, your child’s lock-in date is the date when we receive your complete application for permanent residence.
  • Some programs are completed in several steps and your child’s age is locked in before you submit your complete application for permanent residence.

See age lock-in dates by immigration or category.

2. Make sure your child meets the age limit and requirements before including them as a dependant on your application.

See the list of requirements in force for dependants if we received your complete application for permanent residence:

Note: If your child’s age was locked in on or before July 31, 2014, your child must meet the requirements that were in force at that time, regardless of when you submit your application for permanent residence.

Remember, during processing:

  • Your child’s age may pass the age limit. We only use the age of your child on the lock-in date to assess your child’s eligibility.
  • Your child must continue to meet all the other requirements of the definition of a dependant that applies to your application until we finish processing your application.

You can use our online tool to check if your child qualifies as a dependant by answering a few questions.

Find out if your child is a dependant

See the examples below to better understand how to determine if your child qualifies as a dependant using the lock-in date and the date when we receive the complete application for permanent residence.

Example 1

Lise is applying to sponsor her partner, Juan, and his son Mateo under the spousal sponsorship program. We received Lise’s sponsorship application and Juan and Mateo’s application for permanent residence on November 1, 2017. On that date, Mateo was 19 years old, and single (he was not married and not in a common-law relationship).

Based on this scenario:

  • Lock-in date for Mateo’s age is November 1, 2017. For the spousal sponsorship program, we use the date when we receive the complete application for permanent residence as the lock-in date.
  • On lock-in date, Mateo is 19 years old. This is the age we’ll use to determine his eligibility.
  • On the date we received the application for permanent residence, the definition of a dependent child was the one that came into force on October 24, 2017.

Mateo qualifies as a dependant because:

  • his age (19 years old) on the lock-in date (November 1, 2017), is within the age limit that was in force when we received his application for permanent residence, and
  • Mateo meets the other requirements of the definition (he is not married or in a common-law relationship)

If, during processing, Mateo’s marital status changes, he could become ineligible to immigrate to Canada with his father.

Example 2

Tobogo wants to immigrate to Alberta with his daughter Lailah under the Provincial Nominee Program. The province of Alberta received Tobogo’s complete provincial nomination application on July 17, 2016. On that date, Lailah was 21.

Based on this scenario:

  • Lock-in date for Lailah’s age is July 17, 2016. For the Provincial Nominee Program, we use the date when the province or territory receives the complete provincial nominee application as the lock-in date.
  • On the lock-in date, Lailah is 21 years old. This is the age we’ll use to determine her eligibility, regardless if her age changes during processing.
  • The age limit that was in force when we received Tobogo’s application for permanent residence was “under 19.”
  • On October 24, 2017, the age limit for dependants was changed to “under 22.”

Lailah qualifies as a dependant because:

  • Though her age (21 years old) on the lock-in date (July 17, 2016) was above the age limit that was in force when we received Tobogo’s application for permanent residence, her age is within the new age limit that came into force on October 24, 2017.
  • Lailah meets the other requirements of the definition (she is not married or in a common-law relationship).
  • When Tobogo submitted his application for permanent residence, he did not include Lailah as an accompanying dependant since her age on lock-in date was over the age limit.
  • Tobogo can now add Lailah to his pending application as an accompanying dependant because we have a Public Policy in place to allow qualifying dependants such as Lailah to be added to existing applications.
  • Tobogo can also sponsor Lailah when he becomes a permanent resident. Our Public Policy allows for qualifying dependants such as Lailah to be sponsored even if they are over the age limit.
  • To add Lailah to his application as an accompanying dependant, or to sponsor Lailah, Tobogo will have to notify us by January 31, 2018.

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