为什么提到澳洲移民就要说到职业评估Skills Assessment?




Skills assessments are issued by relevant skills assessing authorities. A skills assessing authority is an organisation that checks that your skills meet the standards they set to work in a relevant occupation.

澳洲移民的Combined list of eligible skilled occupations有列明所有的移民职业,每个职业都有对应的职业评估机构,移民局只接受指定的评估机构做出来的职业评估。

The combined list of eligible skilled occupations sets out all relevant occupations under 4 occupation lists. Most occupations in each list have their own skills assessing authority. We can only accept a skills assessment issued by the relevant assessing authority.


It is your responsibility to contact the relevant assessing authority for your occupation and obtain a skills assessment, if required. Each assessing authority has its own assessment procedures, timeframes and charges.


Obtaining a suitable skills assessment is mandatory for some visa subclasses (and streams) and may be requested for others. You should read all of the available information about the visa you are interested in applying for. This will allow you to determine if you need to submit a skills assessment and when you need to obtain it.


技术移民签证 General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas

  1. 申请技术移民签证189类别,190类别,489类别以及491类别的都需要有提名职业的职业评估函。
  2. 对应不同的签证类别,需要看该职业对应的职业列表选择合适的提名职业。
  3. 当递交以上签证类别的签证申请的时候,申请人需要已有提名职业的职业评估函。在收到签证邀请前要已经获得职业评估函。

When you submit your visa application you will need to provide evidence that you have a suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation. You must have obtained a skills assessment by the time you are invited to apply.

  1. 当递交以上EOI打分制的签证申请时,申请人需要确保在收到签证邀请时,职业评估还在有效期内,具体按照以下计算:
  • 如果职业评估函上没有有效期,该评估函从签发之日起算三年有效。
  • 如果职业评估函上的有效期少于三年,该评估函的有效期就按照评估函上所写的来算。
  • 如果职业评估函上的有效期多于三年,该评估函从签发之日起算三年有效。
  1. 建议申请人在递交EOI之前先做好职业评估,不要再收到签证邀请后再去做职业评估,
  2. 职业评估机构有多种职业评估类型,申请人需要拿到的是可以用于永久移民的职业评估函。职业评估机构对于不同的职业评估类型有不同的评估标准。

Skills assessing authorities may issue more than one type of skills assessment. You must have a skills assessment that meets the requirements for permanent migration. The criteria that an assessing authority uses for the different types of skills assessments is determined by them, set against their relevant professional standards.

  1. 有的职业评估机构对于485签证申请人所需要做的职业评估是签发一个临时职业评估函,该临时职业评估函不能用于以上打分制的技术移民签证申请。

Some assessing authorities issue a provisional skills assessment for recent graduates of Australian educational institutions, who are applying for a subclass 485 visa. A provisional skills assessment issued for a subclass 485 visa application is not a suitable skills assessment for a points tested visa application.

  1. 对于医生职业,需要获得完全注册才算是合适的职业评估,以下由AHPRA签发的算是完全注册:
  • 完全/临时/普通医学注册
  • 条件性的专科医生注册-该注册允许申请人在特定的专科执业,且没有进一步的培训或者督导要求

For doctors, evidence of full registration is a suitable skills assessment. We accept one of the following certificates issued by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as evidence of full registration:

  • full/unconditional/general medical registration
  • conditional specialist registration — this registration allows you to practise only in your particular speciality, with no further training or supervision requirements.
  1. 对于律师职业,需要获得对应的州或者领地的允许执业证明才算是合适的职业评估。

For solicitors, evidence of admission to practice as a lawyer in the relevant Sate/Territory is a suitable skills assessment.

雇主担保签证 Employer Sponsored visas

  1. 186雇主担保分为临居转永居,一步到位以及劳工协议三个类别,其中临居转永居和劳工协议类别一般不需要做职业评估,但是不排除在移民局审理时会被要求做职业评估。而一步到位这个类别,则必须要做职业评估。对于186申请人,要求有提名职业技能水平的至少3年的全职工作经验。

If you apply under the Temporary Residence Transition stream or under the Labour Agreement stream, a skills assessment is not required at time of application. A decision maker can still ask you to obtain a skills assessment if they think this is necessary before deciding your application.

If you apply under the Direct Entry stream, a skills assessment is required. The relevant skills assessing authority for your occupation is indicated in the combined list of eligible skilled occupations.

  1. 187偏远地区雇主担保分为临居转永居以及一步到位两个类别,其中临居转永居一般不需要做职业评估,但是不排除在移民局审理时会被要求做职业评估。而一步到位这个类别的有些职业,则必须要做职业评估。

临时工作签证 Temporary Skill Shortage visa


Certain primary TSS visa applicants must undertake a mandatory skills assessment as part of the visa application process.

The following steps apply, when submitting your visa application:

  • check that you need a mandatory skills assessment or are eligible for an exemption, Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)
  • begin or have completed a skills assessment, within a three year period, before you submit
  • include the skills assessment reference number to avoid processing delays
  • provide evidence of any exemption if you are eligible.

Note: As part of the application process, we may ask for a skills assessment, even where it is not mandatory. We will request it in writing where this is the case.

毕业生临时签证Temporary Graduate visa (Subclass 485)


To be eligible for a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) — graduate work stream you must have nominated an occupation that is on the Medium to Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). All occupations on the MLTSSL have a relevant skills assessing authority. We can only accept a skills assessment issued by the relevant assessing authority.

If your skills are assessed on the basis of a qualification you got in Australia when you held a student visa, the qualification must be from studying a course registered on CRICOS.

You must provide evidence when you apply that you have at least applied for a skills assessment or we cannot process your visa application.

You only need to apply for a skills assessment if you are applying in the Graduate Work stream. Applicants in the Post Study Work stream do not need to obtain a skills assessment to support their application.

如何获得职业评估 Getting a skills assessment

  1. 可以通过查看移民局职业列表查明提名职业对应的是哪个职业评估机构,且了解对应申请的签证类别对于职业评估是否有做要求。每个职业评估机构有对应的评估要求,主要体现在学历和工作经验方面,且职业评估机构的评估要求也会不时调整变化。

Contact the relevant assessing authority for your occupation. Check which skills assessing authority is the correct one for your nominated occupation and organise your skills assessment well before you apply for the visa.

Each assessing authority has its own procedures, timeframes and charges. The assessment of your qualifications and experience by the assessing authority can take some time and can vary between different authorities.

  1. 在递交签证申请时需要提供职业评估函的扫描件,如果职业评估没通过,则不能用于签证申请。

Provide a scanned certified copy of the suitable skills assessment with your visa application. If you don’t get a positive assessment result you cannot apply for a skilled migration visa.

  1. 澳洲常见的职业评估机构有EA工程师评估VETASSESS职业评估ACS计算机职业评估TRA技工职业评估AIM高管职业评估CPAA会计评估AACA建筑师评估AIQS工料测量师评估AITSL教师职业评估AASW社工职业评估,等等。