魁省留学生入学要求(General Admission Requirements)

魁北克留学项目优势(The advantages of choosing to study in Québec) - 飞出国 继续讨论:

魁省留学生入学要求(General Admission Requirements) - 飞出国


教育资质 - 飞出国


学习本科课程,必须有大学预科文凭(Diploma of pre-university college studies (DCS)),需要完成2年的中学后教育,也就是总共完成13年的学习。有些大学接受完成了12年学习的学生,这些学生入学后,大学学习时间会延长一年。

学习Collge 级别的课程,需要完成等同于中学文凭的学习(Diploma of Secondary Studies (DSS)),也就是完成11年的学习。

对等学历 - 飞出国



对于普通中等教育或职业中等教育水平(general or vocational secondary levels)的申请人,在入学申请批准前,需要做魁省对等学历认证(Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec.)。

语言能力 - 飞出国


Knowing the general admission requirements

Your admission depends on your educational credentials and language capabilities. Other requirements may also apply. If, when submitting your application for admission, your educational credentials or language capabilities do not fully meet the stated requirements, you may be admitted on condition that you successfully complete certain courses.

Educational credentials

To be admitted to a Québec educational institution, your educational credentials must be equivalent to those required of Québec students.

At the undergraduate level, you must have earned the equivalent of the Diploma of pre-university college studies (DCS), which recognizes two years of schooling following secondary school, i.e. 13 years in all. Some universities may accept students who have completed 12 years of schooling, in which case the university program would be extended by one year.

At the college level, you must have earned the equivalent of the Diploma of Secondary Studies (DSS), which recognizes 11 years of schooling.

Equivalent studies

The evaluation of your diploma or the studies you have completed outside Québec is conducted by the higher learning institution or the regional admission service at the college level. Prerequisite requirements, or course recognition through equivalency, can therefore vary from one institution or one regional admission service to another.

Course equivalencies are granted (where applicable) only after the candidate’s admission has been confirmed.

At the general or vocational secondary levels, you must, at the institution’s request and prior to your definitive admission, submit a Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec.

Language capabilities

To be admitted to a program of study in French or English, you must have sufficient language skills to be able to complete the program successfully. Educational institutions may assess your language level in whatever manner they see fit.

魁省入学要求 : http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/applying-admission/admission-requirements.html
