魁省大学入学申请(Applying for admission to university)

魁省留学生入学要求(General Admission Requirements) 继续讨论:

魁省大学入学申请(Applying for admission to university) - 飞出国

录取截止日期 - 飞出国



  • 参加当年秋季课程,在3月1号前递交;
  • 参加冬季课程,在11月1号前递交(学习授权需要很长的时间,因此最好在8月1号前递交。)。



申请步骤 - 飞出国


  • 近期的成绩单;
  • 出生证明;
  • 申请评估费,大概在30-100加币之间。



Applying for admission to university


The normal academic year is divided into two sessions, the fall term(early September to late December) and the winter term (early January to late April). There are also spring and summer terms which offer fewer courses.

To be admitted at the undergraduate level, the university must receive your duly completed application for admission:

before March 1 for the upcoming fall term
before November 1 for the winter term. (Since the period required to obtain study authorizations is often extensive, it is best to apply before August 1.)

For graduate studies, your application must be received before February 1. Since the deadlines for admission to certain programs may be earlier, it is best to confirm the dates with the university that you have chosen.

Late applications may be considered if the program is not subject to quotas.

PRACTICAL ADVICE :All stated deadlines are the same as for Québec students. Since the period required to obtain entry authorizations is often extensive, it is recommended you submit your application for the fall term in early January.


Admission is based on consideration of your file. To apply to your chosen university, you need to obtain the institution’s application for admission. The application form can be obtained either by mail or by downloading it from the university’s website. Some universities also allow you to apply online.

Your application for admission must include the following:

  • your most recent transcript
  • your birth certificate
  • payment of the fee for evaluating your application (between C$30 and C$100)

Certain disciplines may have other requirements or require additional documents: portfolio, interview, audition, letters of interest, letters of recommendation, etc.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Decisions pertaining to admission are often based on the official preliminary results that are available when the files are being reviewed. They also take into account the student’s cumulative academic record. Students who qualify by only a narrow margin are not assured of being admitted into a program subject to a quota.

Useful link: Liste des universités (List of universities)

魁省大学入学要求 :http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/applying-admission/submitting-application/university.html
