魁北克留学项目优势(The advantages of choosing to study in Québec) - 飞出国

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魁北克留学项目优势(he advantages of choosing to study in Québec) - 飞出国



  • 魁北克文凭在是国际公认的。魁北克能保证所有公立学校的教学质量。只有大学和大学附属学校可以提供大学课程。
  • 有大量法语和英语课程可供选择,具体取决于所选择的机构。
  • 在魁北克留学学费相可以与其它工业化国家相媲美。魁省的生活成本在加拿大中属于最低的省份之一。
  • 魁北克高效,不论其规模大小和地理位置,都配有超现代化的设施(高科技实验室,计算机实验室,体育设施,礼堂等。
  • 留学魁北克最独特的地方,就是可以在北美洲体验法语文化。魁北克安全又充满刺激的生活环境。
  • 魁省,面积是法国的三倍,有着广阔的空间。除了无数的湖泊和河流的,一个巨大的寒带森林,峡湾和宏伟的海浪,还拥有众多的国家公园,其功能会随着四季变化而改变。

The advantages of choosing to study in Québec

Here are some of the advantages of choosing to study in Québec:

  • Québec diplomas are recognized internationally. Québec ensures the quality of the programs offered in each of the public institutions of its educational system (through, among other things, legislation, the use of external assessment bodies and by securing the agreement of professional orders). Only universities and university-affiliated schools and institutes are authorized to offer university programs.
  • You have a vast range of French and English programs of study to choose from, depending on the institution selected.
  • Tuition fees applicable to foreign students in Québec compare favourably to those in other industrialized countries. The cost of living is also among the lowest in Canada.
  • Québec’s institutions of higher learning, irrespective of their size and location, are all equipped with ultramodern facilities (high-tech labs, computer labs, sports facilities, auditoriums, etc.) regardless of their size or location.
  • Studying in Québec also, and uniquely, means experiencing North America in French. At the crossroads of Latin and Anglo-Saxon cultures, and enriched by the contributions of a multiethnic immigration, Québec offers a stimulating living environment with the added benefit of being safe.
  • Finally, Québec, a territory three times the size of France, is synonymous with wide open spaces. In addition to its myriad lakes and rivers, a huge boreal forest, a fjord and a majestic seaway, it has a multitude of national parks whose features change with the four seasons.

