BEP( Business Establishment Plan)- 萨省省提名企业家移民商业计划书(SINP Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Entrepreneur Category)

萨省省提名企业家移民简介(SINP Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Entrepreneur Category) 继续讨论:

萨省省提名企业家移民商业计划书(SINP Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Entrepreneur Category Business Establishment Plan) - 飞出国

萨省商业计划书(BEP - The Business Establishment Plan),必须是一个连贯的并且考虑周全的计划,能够使申请人在萨省成功定居和开办企业。提交的信息需要证明企业满足最低的标准。同时申请人会积极参与日常管理。



  • The Business Establishment Plan (BEP) must be a coherent and considered plan for successful settlement and business development in Saskatchewan. The BEP should contain a well thought out idea to ensure that the business has a reasonable chance of success and can be implemented upon arrival. Information presented should demonstrate that the business meets the minimum investment requirements and the applicant will have an active ongoing role in the management of the business.

  • In developing this BEP the Applicant must conduct extensive research and consider relevant economic and market factors. The applicant must also take into account his or her management strengths and weaknesses.

  • There is no penalty for a third party developing a BEP; however, the Applicant must be involved in its design and contribute to the content. The applicant must have complete knowledge of his or her BEP and will be held accountable to any proposals, meetings, partnerships, or activity listed within the BEP. In the event that the Applicant is unaware of his or her BEP’s contents the Applicant may be deemed ineligible and the points for the BEP on their EOI may not be awarded.

  • Please note that the SINP reserves the right to have Business Establishment Plans assessed by professional third parties identified by the Government of Saskatchewan. The assessment conducted by identified Third Parties will only focus on the preparation and due diligence conducted by the applicant in preparing their proposed business plan.


商业构想: 行业,需要包含北美行业分类系统代码;业务介绍;企业所有权形式;营业地点;市场分析;产品和服务;营销渠道;营业时间;法规和许可;为萨省当地公民和永居提供多少个就业机会;为了支持以上计划所做的调查的所有的细节。

投资: 投资金额及如何投资;启动资金和费用估算,包括第一年的现金流预测;投资的资金来源,如果投资中包含贷款,要说明贷款金额;

业务联系: 企业服务提供商的联系方式;编写或者帮助撰写BEP的人员的联系方式;负责准备BEP或者提供咨询的人员的总结。

人力资源: 打算如何管理当前业务,每周打算花多少小时管理企业;萨省创业准备和培训;教育背景以及与未来企业的相关性;企业管理经验以及与未来企业的相关性;如果学历和经验都与未来企业不相关,需要解释下如何将你的知识和经验应用到未来企业中。

Business Idea

  • Proposed industry/sector. Include the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code;
  • Description of your proposed business;
    • If you are planning to purchase an existing business please include the legal name of the business as well as the trading name. Please also include details of any changes you are considering to the business operation.
  • Business ownership information – partnership, proprietorship, orporation, franchise,
  • Proposed location for the business (city or town);
  • Market analysis;
    • Who are your customers
    • Who are your suppliers
    • Who is your competition
  • What products or services will you offer;
  • What distribution channels will you use;
  • What hours will your business operate;
  • What regulations or licenses do you need to operate your business;
  • Number of jobs to be created for Canadians or Permanent Residents living in Saskatchewan;
  • Please include full details of research undertaken to support these plans.


  • Proposed investment amount including how the money will be spent;
  • Forecasted start-up funds and expenses, include a cash flow projection for the first year of operation;
  • Source of financing for investment (you must provide the minimum investment amount from your own funds). If credit will be required in addition to investment from own resources, please specify the amount of credit.

Business Relationships

  • The name, organisations, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and emails of contracted professional business service providers who the Applicant has contacted and/or has established an active working relationship or paid contractual agreement with.
  • The name, organization name, mailing address, email and telephone number of the person who compiled or assisted in the compilation of the BEP; and
  • A summary of people contracted or consulted in preparation of the BEP.

Human Capital

  • Management contribution you will make with respect to the proposed business (e.g., sales, distribution, production, research and development etc). Please include an estimate of the hours you will spend managing and/or working in the business on a weekly basis;
  • Preparation and training for entrepreneurship in Saskatchewan (including course titles and institution names, if applicable)
  • Educational background and its relevance to the proposed business idea,
  • Entrepreneurial experience and its relevance to the proposed business idea
  • If you have no relevant experience or background directly related to your business idea please expplain how your knowledge or experience can be applied to the proposed
    business idea


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飞出国萨省提名商业计划 BEP 要求:89677-Business Establishment Plan-May10-2016-flyabroad.pdf (209.1 KB)