从 曼省 EOI (MPNP Expression of Interest) 继续讨论:
飞出国2016年4月对曼省技术移民eoi邀请情况进行了汇总,并详细的说明了曼省 eoi 评分标准。方便申请人更好的判断申请曼省省提名的可行性。该政策针对的是曼省近一年的邀请情况,事情总在变,要用动态的眼光看待问题。
曼省技术移民评分标准 - 飞出国
曼省自 2015-05-20 起开始发放 EOI 邀请,已经进行了 15 次邀请,总共邀请数达到 6958。其中从曼省申请的获邀数是 2061,从加拿大境外申请曼省 EOI 获邀的申请数是 4897。
在 2016 年进行的所有邀请中,曼省境内申请获邀的最高分是 700,最低分是 467。从加拿大海外申请曼省获邀的最高分是 607,最低分是 543。
曼省 EOI 评分标准里如果有曼省6个月工作经验的话可以直接加500分,那样申请人就可以直接获得邀请。下面是曼省历次邀请情况。
曼省 EOI 2015-2016 年邀请情况记录 - 飞出国
EOI# | 邀请日期 | 曼省人数 | 曼省分数 | 境外人数 | 境外分数 |
1 | 2015-05-20 | 75 | 700 | 77 | 607 |
2 | 2015-06-05 | 126 | 675 | 202 | 588 |
3 | 2015-06-25 | 100 | 673 | 152 | 581 |
4 | 2015-07-17 | 111 | 670 | 105 | 578 |
5 | 2015-08-13 | 174 | 575 | 292 | 570 |
6 | 2015-09-09 | 125 | 550 | 361 | 562 |
7 | 2015-09-25 | 100 | 545 | 242 | 560 |
8 | 2015-10-13 | 100 | 506 | 272 | 558 |
9 | 2015-11-03 | 100 | 499 | 356 | 556 |
10 | 2015-11-27 | 125 | 698 | 477 | 553 |
11 | 2015-12-17 | 126 | 694 | 598 | 549 |
12 | 2016-01-13 | 150 | 692 | 390 | 548 |
13 | 2016-02-10 | 175 | 673 | 449 | 547 |
14 | 2016-03-09 | 175 | 657 | 452 | 545 |
15 | 2016-04-06 | 299 | 467 | 472 | 543 |
16 | 2016-05-16 | 150 | 722 | 206 | 569 |
17 | 2016-06-08 | 200 | 665 | 411 | 550 |
18 | 2016-06-29 | 173 | 593 | 378 | 547 |
19 | 2016-07-29 | 155 | 593 | 454 | 545 |
总: | 飞出国 | 2739 | 467 | 6346 | 543 |
以下职业当前很难被曼省 EOI 选中:
- 注册护士 Registered Nurses
- 中小学教师 Secondary and Elementary School Teachers
- 职业学院教师 Vocational and College Instructors
- 大学教授 University Professors
- 普通科及专科医师 General and Specialist Physicians
更多可以参考飞出国: 曼省自有 EOI 邀请情况记录 (MPNP under the Expression of Interest System Draws)
曼省技术移民评分标准 - 飞出国
曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 评分项包括语言(根据 clb 级别单项积分,第二语言达到 clb 5 可以加25分,第一语言最多可以加 100 分,共计 125 分),年龄最高 75 分(21-45周岁之间),工作经验4年以上就是75分(持有曼省内需要注册的职业的证书可以加100分,申请时提名的职业需要与该职业相关),教育最高125分(硕士或博士),适应能力最高500分(有远亲或朋友加50分,有近亲加200分,有曼省工作或留学经验可以加100分),同时曼省评分里还有减分项,如果与其他省份联系密切会被减分,详细的参考下面曼省EOI具体平分项说明。
Factor 1: 语言能力 Language Proficiency
语言CLB级别-飞出国 | 曼省得分 |
第一语言 | |
CLB 8 或更高 | 25 每项 |
CLB 7 | 22 每项 |
CLB 6 | 20 每项 |
CLB 5 | 17 每项 |
CLB 4 | 12 每项 |
CLB 3 或更低 | |
Second Official Language | |
CLB 5 或更高 (overall) | 25 |
最高得分 – Factor 1 | 125 |
Factor 2: 年龄 Age
飞出国:曼省技术移民 EOI 类别年龄评分按递交 MB PNP EOI 时的年龄计算,最高 75 分。
年龄 | 分数 |
18 | 20 |
19 | 30 |
20 | 40 |
21 to 45 | 75 |
46 | 40 |
47 | 30 |
48 | 20 |
49 | 10 |
50 及以上 | 0 |
最高得分 – Factor 2 | 75 |
Factor 3: 工作经验 Work experience
工作年限 | 得分 |
不足一年 | |
一年 | 40 |
两年 | 50 |
三年 | 60 |
四年及以上 | 75 |
去掉职业资格认证 | 100 |
最高得分 – Factor 3 | 175 |
Factor 4: 教育得分 Education
曼省 EOI 评分标准里按照申请人已经取得的最高学历计算学历分数。
已经完成的最高教育 | 得分 |
硕士或博士 | 125 |
两个学制2年以上的高等教育 | 115 |
一个学制3年及以上的高度教育 | 110 |
一个学制2年的高等教育 | 100 |
一年高等教育 | 70 |
技工证书 Trade Certificate | 70 |
非正式高中后教育 No formal post-secondary education | 0 |
最高得分 – Factor 4 | 125 |
Factor 5: 适应能力 Adaptability
适应能力项 | 得分 |
曼省联系 | |
有曼省近亲属 | 200 |
在曼省有半年以上工作经验 | 100 |
在曼省完成2年以上的高等教育 | 100 |
在曼省完成1年的高等教育 | 50 |
在曼省有朋友或远亲 | 50 |
曼省需要 Manitoba Demand | |
曼省6个月以上工作(为同一个雇主) | 500 |
获得 Strategic Initiative 邀请 | 500 |
偏远地区开发 Regional Development | |
移民定居地在温尼伯以外地区 | 50 |
最高得分 – Factor 5 | 500 |
Factor 6: 风险评估 Risk Assessment
分险项 | 曼省得分 |
其他省有近亲但曼省没有 | -100 |
有其他省份工作经验 | -100 |
在其他省读过书 | -100 |
曾经申请过其他省提名 | -100 |
最高得分 – Factor 6 | -400 |
MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #1 – May 20, 2015
Skilled Workers in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 76
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 700
Skilled Workers Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 75
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 607
对于2015.5.20 曼省第一论邀请的说明:
For reasons which could include a large existing inventory of un-assessed applications; low labour market-demand; and/or significant barriers to labour market participation, Expressions of Interest from Skilled Workers Overseas in the following occupations have not been considered in this draw:
- 注册护士 Registered Nurses
- 中小学教师 Secondary and Elementary School Teachers
- 职业学院教师 Vocational and College Instructors
- 大学教授 University Professors
- 普通科及专科医师 General and Specialist Physicians
2.如果你的分数高于排名最低的候选人,但是你有没有收到Letter of Advice to Apply,这可能是因为:
- 在EOI中表明已经参加了语言考试,但是没有提供有效的考试号;
- 此前曾表示过,已经收到Strategic Initiative项目的MPNP ITA邀请,但是没有提供有效的邀请号;
- 你曾表明你的职业是监管职业,且你已经在曼省注册,但是事实表明你的职业不是监管职业;
- 另外,你可以定期更新EOI,以便下一轮被选中。
- You have indicated that you have taken a n approved third-party language test to demonstrate your language ability in English/French, but have not provided a valid Test Number in your EOI
- You have indicated that you have received an Invitation to Apply to the MPNP under a Strategic Initiative, but did not provide a valid Invitation Number
- You have indicated that you are working in an occupation that is considered regulated and are fully licensed to practice in your profession or trade in Manitoba, but your occupation is not regulated.
- Please note that for each question in EOI, help text is available, providing detailed information on the information you should enter. If one of these scenarios applies to you, you may wish to update your EOI with the correct information in order to be considered for the next draw from the EOI pool.
Factor 6: Risk Assessment
Ranking points will no longer be deducted if you or your spouse have a close relative living in another Canadian province or if you have a previous immigration application to another province. You are still required to answer these questions. The maximum negative ranking points possible now is -200.
If you have a valid EOI, you do NOT need to create a new one, the points will automatically be adjusted. You can log-in to view your current score and change/update your valid profile at any time if your circumstances change by updating the information in your EOI and hitting re-submit.
Points are calculated based on any connections you or your spouse, if applicable, may have to other parts of Canada.
Risk Factor Ranking Points Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba 0 Work experience in another province -100 Studies in another province -100 Previous immigration application to another province 0 Maximum Points – Factor 6 -200