曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 概述 (MPNP Expression of Interest)

曼省省提名技工移民综述(MPNP for Skilled Workers Overview) 继续讨论:

曼省 EOI (MPNP Expression of Interest)- 飞出国

提交 MPNP EOI Submit an Expression of Interest - 飞出国

谁可以提交: 提交EOI是申请MPNP的第一步。符合任何一个曼省提名申请条件(境内或者境外申请)的申请人,都可以提交。

What do you submit: 申请人需要先注册EOI账号,在线回答一系列问题,但是暂时不需要上传文件。申请人提交EOI后,资料会和其他合格的申请人的资料一起进入候选池子。根据申请人注册时提供的信息,申请人会得到一个分数。MPNP会根据分数对你进行排名,如果你的分数非常高,会收到MPNP的ITA邀请。MPNP对EOI的提交数量没有限制,也没有截止日期。



The MPNP reserves the right to limit the intake of or exclude from draws Expressions of Interest in specific occupations with a high volume of existing submissions and/or application inventories, evidence of a limited employment outlook and other significant barriers to employment in Manitoba.

MPNP EOI 候选池如何工作 How the pool works - 飞出国


  • EOI的有效期为一年,到期后需要提交新的EOI。
  • 根据你提供的信息,你会收到EOI排名分数(Ranking Points)。
  • MPNP将定期选拔得分最高的候选人,并邀请他们提交一个完整的MPNP申请。
  • MPNP会通过Email与申请人联系,申请人要保证提供给MPNP有效的电子邮件地址。
  • 如果申请人收到邀请,可以用同一个EOI账号登陆,完成申请。
  • 申请人需要保证EOI中的信息一直都是真实准确的,如果情况有变化,需要随时更新个人资料。
  • 如果MPNP发现申请人提供了虚假信息,你的申请将被拒绝,而且2年之内不能提交另外一个申请。

MPNP EOI 评分标准 Understanding the ranking system - 飞出国


Factor 1: 语言(最高分125分)

Language Proficiency Ranking Points
First Official Language
CLB 8 or higher 25 per band
CLB 7 22 per band
CLB 6 20 per band
CLB 5 17 per band
CLB 4 12 per band
CLB 3 or lower
Second Official Language
CLB 5 or higher (overall) 25
Maximum Points – Factor 1 125

Factor 2: 年龄(最高分75分)


Age Ranking Points
18 20
19 30
20 40
21 to 45 75
46 40
47 30
48 20
49 10
50 or older 0
Maximum Points – Factor 2 75

Factor 3: 工作经验(最高分175分)



Additional points for licensing are ONLY awarded to those candidates who are working in professions or trades that require licensing in Manitoba and have completed ALL necessary steps to be able to seek employment in Manitoba. Evidence of this is required at the time an application is submitted to the MPNP.

Years of work experience Ranking Points
less than one year
one year 40
two years 50
three years 60
four years or more 75
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body 100
Maximum Points – Factor 3 175

Factor 4: 教育(最高分125分)

Highest level of completed education Ranking Points
Master’s degree or Doctorate 125
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each 115
One post-secondary program of three years or more 110
One post-secondary program of two years 100
One-year post-secondary program 70
Trade Certificate 70
No formal post-secondary education 0
Maximum Points – Factor 4 125

Factor 5: 适应能力(最高分500分)

Adaptability Factor Ranking Points
Connection to Manitoba
Close relative in Manitoba 200
Previous authorized work experience in Manitoba (six months or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (two years or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) 50
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba 50
Manitoba Demand
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for six months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer 500
Invitation to Apply under a Strategic Initiative 500
Regional Development
Immigration destination in Manitoba outside of Winnipeg 50
Maximum Points – Factor 5 500

Factor 6: 风险评估 Risk Assessment(最高扣400分)


Risk Factor Ranking Points
Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba 0
Work experience in another province -100
Studies in another province -100
Previous immigration application to another province 0
Maximum Points – Factor 6 -200

LAA - Letters of Advice to Apply - 飞出国

MPNP会定期从EOI池子中选拔合格的申请人,包括境内和境外的。被选中的申请人会收到LAA - 申请建议信。每轮的LAA数量会根据年度处理目标和能力来签发。申请人收到LAA后,有60天的时间来提交完整的MPNP申请。


提供真实的信息 Provide truthful information - 飞出国



  • 在涉及“ connections or applications to other provinces in Canada ”这个问题时,如果你和配偶任一方符合,都需要选“Yes”.
  • Previous immigration applications: 如果你之前的联邦申请的目的地不是曼省,或者有其他非曼省的省提名申请,本项都要选YES.

曼省EOI : Expression of Interest (EOI) | Manitoba Immigration

飞出国曼省技术移民官方评分标准:MPNPRankingPoints-201504-flyabroad.pdf (473.7 KB)。
