加拿大指定的学习机构列表(Designated learning institutions list) - 飞出国
DLI,全称 Designated learning institutions
,是加拿大移民局对专上教育机构(post secondary)的认证,每个机构都有一个 Designated learning institution number
自2014年6月1日开始,只有在加拿大指定认可的指定教育机构(Designated Learning Institution,以下简称DLI) ,加拿大移民部CIC指定学习机构将拥有一个字母“O”开头的DLI编码,需要填写在申请表格上;
不在DLI名单中的学校,将不得招生海外国际学生,所有2014年6月1日以后递交的学生签证申请,除了原先要求的录取通知书、资金证明等申请材料外,必须要注明“DLI号码” , DLI号码成为签证必须提供的材料(信息)之一。
1.所有的中学以上的DLI学校都可以在联邦移民局CIC官方网站上查询到: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/prepare/designated-learning-institutions-list.html
2.所有中小学都被定义为DLI学校,不在上述 list 上;
How do I find out if my school is a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?
For schools at the post-secondary level, you must consult the Designated Learning Institution List.
If the institution loses its status as a DLI after you have already been issued a study permit:
- you will be able to pursue the program of study that you are enrolled in for the duration of your current permit; and
- you will be able to renew your study permit in order to complete your program, but not beyond June 1, 2017.
If you want to apply for an initial study permit and the post-secondary school you want to attend is not in the DLI List, you cannot submit an application for a study permit.
Important information:
All primary and secondary institutions in Canada are automatically designated and do not appear on the DLI List.
从 加拿大学习许可综述 (study permit) 继续讨论。
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