加拿大境内申请学签 Apply for a study permit within Canada

加拿大境内申请学签 - 飞出国2019

2018年年底,加拿大境内申请学签的周期是4周,加拿大续签学习许可的周期是 53 天(纸质申请是 80 天)。


加拿大移民部从2014年6月1日开始放宽了可以在加拿大境内申请学习许可的条件,下面是适用于 2019 年的加拿大境内申请学签的条件,飞出国中英文对照版。

  1. 未成年人在中小学读书 a minor child in primary or secondary school。
  2. 交换或者访问学生 an exchange or visiting studen
  3. 已经完成了一个短期课程,并且达到了加拿大指定院校(DLI)专业课的录取通知书 Letter of Acceptance - a student who has completed a short-term course or study program, which is a condition for being accepted at a DLI。
  4. 持有临时居住许可(TRP),并且有效期长于6个月(不包含旅游签) someone who holds a temporary resident permit (TRP) valid for at least 6 months , or their family member。
  5. 配偶是移民或者已经申请了移民 a spouse or common-law partner (and their family members) being sponsored to immigrate。
  6. 目前已经在境外申请学签,但边境发放学签 a person with a study permit from a visa office abroad, and the permit was issued before you got to Canada, who wants to keep studying。
  7. 家属成员是国家级别的运动员、媒体代表等 a family member or private staff member of a foreign representative who is properly accredited。
  8. 当前已经持有学习或工签,境内续学签 a foreign national or their family member with a valid study or work permit, who wants to stay in Canada longer to study

加拿大游转学就是利用第3条,已经在加拿大完成了一个短期的课程(语言课程或者预科课程),并且达到了加拿大指定院校(DLI)的录取标准,即获得了专业课录取通知书 Letter of Acceptance。

  • a student who has completed a short-term course or study program, which is a condition for being accepted at a DLI


加拿大境内游转学的另外一个要点是在加拿大完成短期语言课程,即6个月内(移民局规定6个月内的学习不需要学习签证),满足在加拿大就读了短期课程并达到专业课的录取标准(拿到专业课的录取通知书 Letter of Acceptance),才满足境内申请学签的基本要求。飞出国提醒申请人注意的是并不是就读所有语言学校后都有机会拿到专业课的录取通知。





Who may apply for a study permit from within Canada?

The following persons may apply from within Canada :

  • Holders of valid work or study permits and their family members;
  • Persons studying at pre-school, primary or secondary level;
  • Visiting or exchange students studying at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI);
  • Persons who have completed a short-term course or program of study that is a prerequisite to their enrolling at aDLI;
  • Holders of temporary resident permits (TRPs) valid for a minimum of six months and their family members;
  • Refugee claimants and persons subject to an unenforceable removal order;
  • In-Canada permanent resident applicants and their family members who are determined eligible for permanent residents (PR) status in one of the following classes:
    • live-in caregiver, spouse or common-law partner, protected persons, and humanitarian and compassionate considerations (H&C);
  • Persons whose study permits were authorized by a visa office abroad, where the permit was not issued at a port of entry;
  • Family members of athletes on a Canadian-based team, media representatives, members of the clergy, or military personnel assigned to Canada.

Apply for a study permit within Canada

You can only apply for a study permit within Canada if you’re:

  • a minor child in primary or secondary school
  • an exchange or visiting student
  • a student who has completed a short-term course or study program, which is a condition for being accepted at a DLI
  • someone who holds a temporary resident permit (TRP) valid for at least 6 months , or their family member
  • a spouse or common-law partner (and their family members) being sponsored to immigrate, who are:
  • in Canada, and
  • have applied for permanent residence, if eligible
  • a person with a study permit from a visa office abroad, and the permit was issued before you got to Canada, who wants to keep studying
  • the family member of:
  • athletes on a Canadian-based team
  • media representatives
  • members of the clergy, or
  • military personnel assigned to Canada
  • a family member or private staff member of a foreign representative who is properly accredited (90 days before or after you are no longer authorized to study without a study permit ), or
  • a foreign national or their family member with a valid study or work permit, who wants to stay in Canada longer to study


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
