萨省省提名企业家移民简介(SINP Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Entrepreneur Category)

飞出国:萨省企业家移民 EOI 筛选及邀请提交申请(ISA)流程。

获得 SINP 企业家移民邀请后会收到系统的邀请提交申请信(Invitation to Submit an Application),信里会包含档案号(FN:file number),因为信息不匹配导致拒签的2年内不能再次申请萨省企业家移民。

收到 ISA 后需要在 20 自然天内支付 2,500 加币申请费(成功与否不退费)并确定资产及商业计划评估的第三方金融机构;90 自然天提交电子版资料及商业计划书;180 天内提交第三方审核报告。逾期的邀请将被撤销需要重新申请。

The EOI Selection and Invitation to Submit an Application

EOI’s are assessed based upon the criteria in place at the time when your EOI was submitted. If your EOI is selected it will be removed from the application pool and you will no longer be able to update it. Selection doesn’t guarantee your application will be approved or that you’ll receive a nomination or permanent residence.

After your EOI has been selected:

  • You’ll receive an Invitation to Submit an Application (ISA) letter. The letter will include a file number. If your application doesn’t match the information in your EOI it will be rejected and you’ll be unable to submit an EOI or apply to the SINP for two years.
    • If your situation or any of your information has changed and the changes would result in a loss of points or you would no longer meet the minimum criteria then you should request to withdraw your EOI and not submit an application.
  • You’ll have 20 calendar days from the date of the ISA letter in which to:
    • Pay a $2,500.00 CAD non-refundable processing fee; and,
    • Select and identify a recognized third party financial review service provider on your online application.
  • You’ll have 90 calendar days from the date of the ISA letter in which to:
    • Submit your complete electronic application, including all required supporting documents; and
    • Submit your BEP.
  • You’ll have 180 calendar days from the date of the ISA letter in which to:
  • If you’ve not submitted the required information or processing fee within the time given, your invitation to apply will expire and your application may be closed and removed from the system.
    • If your application has been removed from the system and you’re still interested in applying to the SINP you’ll have to submit a new EOI, under the relevant criteria in place at the time of submission.
  • You’ll need to upload supporting documents to your electronic application.
    • Carefully review the document checklists for a full list of all required documents.
  • All documentation must be provided in English or French.
    • Where documents are in a language other than English or French, you must submit an electronic copy of the original document, as well as an electronic copy of its translation and a translator affidavit: 85134-translator-affidavit-20110530-flyabroad.pdf (18.7 KB).

If your application is accepted for processing and the information you provided changes, such as your family composition, marital status, country of residence, contact information, etc., you must inform the SINP. You’re required to update your application even if your visa has already been issued.