A13 申请需要递交的文件
从新西兰指南-Administration-Forms and Leaglets继续讨论
A13.1 表格类文件
需要递交证明申请的所有的材料的原件,或者是文件的certified copy件,或者是新西兰移民局有特殊要求情况下无需certified的文件。可以填写电子表格等。
A13.1 The form in which documents must be submitted
All documents submitted in support of an application must be originals, or certified copies unless uncertified photocopies are specifically requested on the relevant INZ form or guide, or the application is made on an electronic form, in which case a legible scan of the original document must be provided in the manner specified by the online form or by an immigration officer.
A13.1.1 原件
- a 复印或者快速处理;
- b 尽可能的返还给主人或者授权的代理者;
- c 不能将信息披露给任何人,除非申请人授权给某些人;
A13.1.1 Originals
Original documents must:
- a.be photocopied or processed immediately; and
- b.be returned directly to the owner or the owner’s authorised agent (eg, solicitor) as soon as possible (unless the relevant INZ form or guide specifies that only uncertified photocopies should have been provided, in which case originals should only be returned where requested); and
- c.not be released to any other person unless the owner has made a written statement authorising their release to a specified person.
A13.1.15 Certified Copy件
- a 相应的复印件需要盖此件与原件相符的章或者进行签注等,由相关法律授权的机构等盖章;
- b 提供certified copy件的文件,移民局官员也可能要求原件;
- c 当移民官认为复印件和原件细节相符的时候,移民局官员可能确认核实递交的certify copy件;
- d 如果移民官员认为复印件是真实的,需要标注:
- 此件是原件的复印件;
- 他们的initials;
- 日期;
- e 移民局官员可能接受certified copy件的传真件,然后在最早的机会递交;
- f 已经盖章的文件,需要递交给移民官员,Schedule1-3代表团会决策进一步的处理方案;
A13.1.5 Certified copies
- a.Certified copies must be stamped or endorsed as being true copies of the originals by a person authorised by law to take statutory declarations in the applicant’s country or in New Zealand.
- Examples: a lawyer, notary public, Justice of the Peace, or court official.
- b.If certified copies are supplied, immigration officers may also request the original documents.
- c.An immigration officer may certify photocopies submitted with the original document if they are satisfied that the copy agrees with the original in essential details.
- d.If the actioning immigration officer is satisfied that the copy is a true copy, they must write on it:
- i.the words “original sighted”; and
- ii.their initials; and
- iii.the date.
- e.An immigration officer should accept faxed copies of certified documents only if the originals, or certified copies, are then submitted at the earliest opportunity.
- f.Documents with evidence of having been tampered with, or unofficially altered, must be referred to an immigration officer, with Schedule 1-3 delegations, who will decide what further action to take.
A13.5 Uncertified 的复印件
A 13.1.10 Unvertified photocopies
Where uncertified photocopies of original documents have been provided with such applications, an immigration officer may request to see the original documents before making a decision on the application.
A 13.5 翻译件
- a 申请人需要提供所有文件的翻译件的Certified件;
- b 申请人需要提供无犯罪证明的翻译件的Certified件,出生证明等文件的英文翻译件的certified件;
- c 移民局官员有要求的情况下,申请人需要提供翻译件的certified件,
- d 移民官具备某些语言能力的时候可能会翻译文件;
- e 翻译件需要满足:
- i 不用申请人准备,也无需其家庭成员或者移民咨询者准备;
- ii 需要和原件的的certified copy件一起递交;
- iii 由申请人付费;
- iv 需要由专业的从事翻译人员进行翻译,并确保翻译件的正确;
- v 盖相关的翻译章并署名翻译人员的名字以及翻译公司的名字;
- vi 可能的话,翻译在翻译公司的信头纸上;
- f 翻译件需要由下列列举的准备:
- i 内部事务部门的翻译服务;
- ii 或者能够准确翻译文件的人,A13.5(e)(i)中列举的;
- iii 大使馆或者高级官员(翻译如果由大使馆或者噶机官员签注的);
- iv 以及其他的官方认可的或者私人的翻译机构;
- g 移民局官员可能要求翻译:
- i 完整的翻译件,或者是原件上需要进行翻译的部分;
- ii 由另一个更专业的翻译公司翻译(对原先的翻译不满意的情况下);
A13.5 Translations
- a.Applicants must provide a certified translation for all documents not written in English which are provided in support of an application for a residence class visa.
- b.Applicants must provide a certified translation for all police certificates and medical certificates not written in English which are provided in support of an application for a temporary entry class visa.
- c.If requested by an immigration officer, applicants must provide a certified translation for any other documents not written in English and provided in support of an application for a temporary entry class visa.
- d.Immigration officers may translate documents where they have the appropriate language skills.
- e.Translations must:
- i.not be prepared by an applicant, any member of their family or an immigration adviser assisting with the application; and
- ii.be accompanied by the original documents or certified copies; and
- iii.be paid for by the applicant; and
- iv.be certified as a correct translation made by a person familiar with both languages and competent in translation work; and
- v.bear the stamp or signature of the translator or translation business; and
- vi.if applicable, be on the official letterhead of the translation business.
- f.Translations may be prepared by:
- i.the Translation Service of the Department of Internal Affairs, or
- ii.reputable people within the community who are known to translate documents accurately, with the exception of those listed in A13.5(e)(i) or
- iii.embassies or high commissions (if the translation is endorsed with the appropriate embassy or high commission seal), or
- iv.any other private or official translation business.
- g.An immigration officer may request a translation:
- i.of the complete document where the translation is of a selected part(s) of the document, and/or
- ii.by a different (specified) translation service where they are not satisfied by the initial translation.