澳洲杰出人才858永久签证 Subclass 858 Distinguished Talent Visa概述Overview
- 申请人必须要满足以下条件:
- 申请该签证或者该签证下签时,申请人是在澳洲境内或者境外都可以
- 申请人在自己的专业领域,文艺,体育,学术等具有国际认可的突出成就
- 有一位在申请人同领域的具有国际声誉的澳洲公民,或澳洲永居,或者合格新西兰公民,或者澳洲机构组织作为推荐人
You must
- either be in or outside Australia but not in immigration clearance when you apply and when this visa is granted
- have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the following areas:
- a profession
- a sport
- the arts
- academia and research
- be nominated by an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or Australian organisation with a national reputation in relation to your area of talent
- 申请人获得该签证后,可以:
- 在澳大利亚工作和学习
- 澳大利亚永久居留权
- 可以担保亲属移民澳洲
- 可以入澳大利亚国籍
With this visa, you can
- work and study in Australia
- stay in Australia permanently
- sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence in Australia
- if eligible, apply for Australian citizen
- 申请该签证,可以带家庭成员随行,只要在签证下签前都可以带上:
- 主申请人的配偶或者事实伴侣
- 主申请人以及配偶的子女,子女可以是18周岁以下的子女,或者18-23周岁但是依赖于父母的子女,或者23周岁以上但是有身体或者精神残疾的子女,以及以上子女的子女
You can include members of the family unit when you apply. You can also add family to your application at any time before we decide on your application.
For visa purposes, you are a member of the main applicant’s family unit if you are:
the main applicant’s spouse or de facto partner
the main applicant’s child, or their partner’s child, who is not engaged, married or in a de facto relationship and is:
- aged under 18 years, or
- aged 18 to 23 years and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner, or
- aged 23 years or older and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner due to a partial or total physical or mental disability
the dependent child of the child above
- 签证申请周期一般根据个案会有所区别,取决于:
- 递交申请时是否材料齐全完整
- 移民局补料信,是否答复快速
- 材料审核的情况
- 补料时,第三方机构(比如体检,无犯罪,安全背景调查等)的反馈速度
- 移民年度的配额剩余情况
We assess applications on a case-by-case basis, and actual processing times can vary due to individual circumstances including:
- whether you have lodged a complete application, including all necessary supporting documents
- how quickly you respond to any requests for additional information
- how long it takes to perform required checks on the supporting information provided
- how long it takes to receive additional information from external agencies, particularly in relation to health, character, and national security requirements
- how many places are available in the migration program
- 澳洲签证都是电子签,所以申请人护照上不会有纸质贴签,永居签证是五年有效期内可以任意出入境澳洲,五年期满后,需要申请155或者157居民返程签证。
We will digitally link your visa to your passport. You will not get a label in your passport.
You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years from the date we grant the visa. After 5 years you will need a Resident Return (RRV) visa (subclass 155 or 157) to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident. To see when the 5 years ends, use VEVO.
澳洲杰出人才858永久签证 Subclass 858 Distinguished Talent Visa申请要求
- 对澳大利亚社会发展有利,包括经济上的,社会上的,文化上的,以及提升澳大利亚在国际上的学术,艺术和体育地位
Be of benefit to the Australian community
Your contribution may be:
- economic
- social
- cultural, or
- to raise Australia’s academic, artistic or sports standing internationally
You must contribute to the nation as a whole.
- 有能力在澳大利亚立足,可以是有能力在澳洲找到自己领域的工作,或者去到澳洲后在自己的领域能自立,申请人不能将工作以外的收入纳入考虑范围
Have the ability to establish yourself in Australia
You must be able to find work in your field in Australia, or become independently established in your field in Australia.
You can’t include income from work outside your field. Even if this is only part of your overall income.
- 在自己的专业领域,文艺,体育,学术等具有国际认可的突出成就,具体要求为:
- 当前在该领域依然是突出的
- 在该领域有着优异于其他人的能力
- 在任何从事您的领域的国家都被认为是杰出的
- 有持续记录的成就,且将来不会减少
- 申请人所从事的领域也可以是澳洲认可接受的,有国际地位的
- 申请人需要近两年在该领域也是突出的
Be internationally recognised with a record of achievement
You must be internationally recognised with a record of achievement in:
- a profession
- a sport
- the arts, or
- academia and research
Your achievements must be exceptional and outstanding. This means you:
- are currently prominent in your field
- have superior abilities to others in your field
- are acclaimed as exceptional in any country where your field is practised
- have a record of sustained achievement that is unlikely to diminish in the future
You must also participate in a field that:
- is recognised and accepted in Australia
- has international standing
You must have been prominent in this field in the past 2 years.
- 有一位在申请人同领域的具有国际声誉的澳洲公民,或澳洲永居,或者合格新西兰公民,或者澳洲机构组织作为推荐人
Be nominated
You must be nominated to apply for this visa. Your nominator must also meet our criteria.
Your nominator must be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen or an Australian organisation with a national reputation in the same field as you. Where appropriate, the nomination should come from the peak Australian body.
- 申请人的年龄没有限制,但是如果是小于18周岁或者大于55周岁,则需要证明对澳大利亚社会有特别有利之处
Be this age
You can be any age to apply for this visa.
If you are under 18 years old or you are aged 55 years or older when you apply, you must be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community.
- 申请人如果是从澳洲境内申请,当前需要持有实质性的澳洲签证或者澳洲过桥签A/B/C
Have this visa
You do not need to hold a specific visa to be able to apply for this visa. However, if you are in Australia at the time you apply, you must hold either of the following:
- 申请人以及随行的18周岁成员,需要提供等同于雅思4.5的英语成绩或者缴纳语言分以豁免语言
Have functional English
Applicants aged 18 or over, must have functional English or you will need to pay an extra charge, called the second instalment.
- 申请人以及随行家庭成员满足澳洲体检要求
Meet our health requirement
You and any family members who apply for the visa with you must meet our health requirement.
Family members not accompanying you to Australia may also need to meet our health requirement.
- 申请人以及随行的16周岁成员,需要品行良好,无犯罪记录
Meet our character requirement
You and family members aged 16 years and over who apply for the visa with you must meet our character requirement.
Family members not accompanying you to Australia must also meet our character requirement.
- 如果申请人或者家庭成员(无论是否随行)之前有在澳大利亚负债,需要已偿清债务
Have paid back your debt to the Australian government
If you or any family members (including those who don’t apply for the visa with you) owe the Australian government money, you or they must have paid it back or arranged to pay it back.
- 认同澳洲价值观
Sign the Australian values statement
If you are 18 years of age or older, you must:
have read, or had explained to you, the Life in Australia booklet and
confirm you will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws when you sign an Australian Values Statement.
- 如果在澳大利亚境内有过签证取消或者拒签的情况,则有可能不能申请该签证
Not have had a visa cancelled or a previous application refused
You might not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia. Check if visa cancellation affects your eligibility.
澳洲杰出人才858永久签证 Subclass 858 Distinguished Talent Visa申请步骤
- 在申请该签证前,申请人需要有合适的推荐人或者推荐机构
- 申请人需要提供证明材料证明符合签证申请要求,包括证明个人成就的材料
- 身份类材料:包括护照,身份证,更名证明,结婚证/离婚证
Identity documents
Provide the pages of your current passport showing your photo, personal details, and passport issue and expiry dates.
Also provide:a national identity card, if you have one
proof of change of name
Documents that prove a change of name include:a marriage or divorce certificate
change of name documents from an Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, or the relevant overseas authority
documents that show other names you have been known byRelationship documents
If you are or have been married, widowed, divorced or permanently separated, provide proof such as divorce documents, death certificates, separation documents or statutory declarations.
- 个人成就类材料:
- 相关的资质和获奖证书,尤其是国际认可机构颁发的
- 政府机构或者行业,科学,文化和体育类机构的支持信
- 可以证明在所在领域取得了杰出成就的书面材料
- 有同领域的推荐人或者机构的推荐信或者媒体报道之类的证明近两年仍在该领域是突出的
Record of achievement documents
You must prove your achievements in an eligible field.
relevant qualifications and awards, particularly from internationally recognised organisations
supporting statements from government, professional, scientific, cultural, sporting or other relevant bodies
documentary evidence which demonstrate an exceptional and outstanding record of achievement that positions you amongst the very best in your field
The evidence supplied to support your record of achievement must also demonstrate prominence in the field within the 2 years immediately before applying. It should include:a reference from a person or organisation qualified to assess your claims
profiles of your achievements in any media, such as magazines, newspapers or TV programs
If you are younger than 18 or older than 55, you must prove you would be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community.
- 澳洲推荐人材料:需要提供澳洲推荐人签字的Form 1000表以及推荐人声明
Nominator documents
a completed Form 1000 Nomination for Distinguished Talent (213KB PDF) and relevant supporting documents
a statement by your nominator that supports your claims
- 品行证明材料:
- 申请人在满16周岁后近十年内有累计居住超过12个月的国家,都需要提供该国家的无犯罪证明;
- 如果有部队服役经历则需要提供服役证明
- Form 80和Form 1221表
Character documents
We will tell you when you need to provide a police certificates.
If requested you will need to:
provide an Australian police certificate if you have spent a total of 12 months or more in Australia in the last 10 years since you turned 16. We only accept complete disclosure National Police Certificates issued by the Australian Federal Police. We do not accept standard disclosure certificates or national police certificates issued by Australian state or territory police.
an overseas police certificate from every country, including your home country, where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since you turned 16
military service records or discharge papers if you served in the armed forces of any country
Complete and provide the following forms:Form 80 Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (596KB PDF)
Form 1221 Additional personal particulars information (338KB PDF)
- 英语成绩证明,申请人以及18周岁以上的随行家庭成员需要提供等同于雅思4.5的英语成绩,否则需要交纳语言费
Functional English documents
Provide proof you have at least functional English.
All applicants aged 18 years and older at the time of application who can’t provide evidence of having at least functional English must pay a second instalment of the visa application charge.
If you and any family member applying with you have less than functional English, provide a statement indicating your intention to pay the second visa application charge for each person with less than functional English.
We will advise you when to pay this.
- 配偶证明材料:
- 配偶个人身份证明材料,照片,结婚证以及品行证明材料
- 如果是事实伴侣关系,则需要证明关系已经持续至少一年的证明
- 关系证明材料可以包括联名账户账单,联名结算账目,联名贷款,同居证明
Partner documents
We need to see evidence of your partner’s identity and relationship with you.
- identity documents and photos
- character documents
- marriage certificate, if applicable
- documents about other relationships, if applicable
For de facto relationship provide either:evidence that your relationship is registered by an Australian State or Territory
enough documents to prove you have been in a de facto relationship with your partner for at least 12 months before you apply
For both married and de facto applicants you must provide evidence that you are in a genuine and continuing relationship. Evidence can include but is not limited to:
- joint bank account statements
- billing accounts in joint names
- joint leases or mortgages
- documents that show your partner has lived at the same address as you
- 随行子女证明材料:
- 如果孩子是18周岁以下,需要提供出生证明或者领养证明,且如果子女有父/母不随同的情况下,需要不随同父/母提供带照片的身份证明文件比如护照,并签署Form 1229或者做法定声明允许子女移民
- 如果孩子已满18周岁但未满23周岁且依赖于父母,或者23周岁以上由于残疾依赖于父母,需要提供子女的身份证件,婚姻关系证明,品行证明,且需要提供依赖于父母的证明,包括出生证明,收养证明,Form 47a表,近一年依赖于父母的证明(和父母居住在一起,在读证明,父母支付其生活成本的证明等),如果是残疾需要提供残疾证明
- 如果有使用移民代理,需提供Form 956代理表
- 对应以上材料,如果不是英文原文材料,则需要对应的提供翻译件,翻译件需要是NAATI盖章或者翻译公司盖章,并著有译员姓名,地址,资质和联系方式
- 递交签证申请:858签证申请可以通过immiAccount在线递交,或者通过邮寄纸质都交给阿德莱德办公室
- 签证申请递交后:
- 移民局不会告知申请状态更新信息,但是申请人可以通过immiAccount查看移民局是否有联系申请人要求补料
- 移民局会告知是否需要做体检
- 如果递交时,没有完整提交材料,可以继续主动提交,或者移民局会要求补料
- 如果是在澳洲境内递交的,则递交后会自动下发过桥签,以确保万一目前持有签证过期而858签证还未下批之前可以合法待在澳洲境内
- 在签证下签之前可以增加家庭成员(配偶和子女)
- 如果发现申请信息有误,可以通过immiAccount更新修改
- 如果需要中途撤销移民代理,可以通过提交Form 956进行撤销
- 如果申请人联系方式,婚姻状态,子女情况邮编或者需要撤销申请,也可以及时告知移民局
- 签证结果:
- 如果签证通过了,移民局会告知签证准签号码,签证起始有效期,签证条件等
- 如果签证拒签了,移民局会告知拒签的理由,并告知是否有上诉的权利
- 但不论如何,即使拒签,签证申请费也不会退回
Visa outcome
You can be in or outside Australia but not in immigration clearance when we decide your visa application. We will let you know our decision in writing.
If we grant your visa, we will tell you:
your visa grant number
the date your visa starts
your visa conditions, if applicable
Keep a copy of the decision.If we refuse your visa, we will tell you:
why we refused the visa
whether you have a right to a review of the decision
We will not refund the application charge if we refuse your application.
飞出国注:在2020年11月之前,澳洲杰出人才签证类别根据申请人递交签证申请时所在地分为 澳洲境外杰出人才类永久签证 Distinguished Talent Visa (124 Visa) 和 澳洲境内杰出人才类永久签证 Distinguished Talent Visa (858 Visa) ,但是从2020年11月起,申请人不分境内境外,合并统一为858签证。