


移民类别-飞出国 2021-22年度配额
雇主担保 22,000
独立技术移民 6,500
偏远地区 11,200
州担保 11,200
B投资移民 13,500
GTI杰出人才 15,000
普通类杰出人才 200
技术类总计 79,600
配偶团聚 72,300
父母团聚 4,500
其他家庭成员 500
家庭类总计 77,300
特殊类别 100
子女移民 (预计; 不限制于封顶数) 3,000
总计 160,000


State Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) visa Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP)
ACT 600 1,400 30
NSW 4,000 3,640 2,200
VIC 3,500 500 1,750
QLD 1,000 1,250 1,400​
NT 500 500 75
WA 1,100 340 360
SA 2,600 2,600 1,000
TAS 1,100 2,200 45
Total 14,400 12,430​ 6,860



  • 投资移民
  • GTI杰出人才
  • 雇主担保移民

In 2021-22, the Migration Program Skill stream will continue to focus on visa categories that will help Australia’s economy rebound from COVID-19, with priority given to those that provide Australia with investment, jobs and critical skills.

The three priority categories within the Skill stream of the 2021-22 Migration Program are the:

  • Business Innovation and Investment Program;
  • Global Talent Program; and
  • Employer Sponsored Program.


Under the 2021-22 Migration Program, there will continue to be priority processing of onshore applications for Skill and Family stream visas. Prioritising onshore applicants will provide greater certainty to visa applicants in Australia, help Australia retain highly skilled migrants, facilitate family reunion and help stabilise NOM.