从 澳洲2020-2021年财政预算案出炉,GTI/配偶移民/投资移民迎来利好,技术移民配额大减! 说起,
澳洲移民2020-21财年的年度配额情况,总配额为160000个,其中Skilled技术类有79600个,Family家庭类有77300个,Special Eligilibity 特殊类有100个,Child 子女类有3000个。
The Migration program is designed to achieve a range of economic and social outcomes. The program is set annually, with the total places available capped at a ceiling of 160,000 for 2020-21. The total program is broken down into the following streams:
- Skill – designed to improve the productive capacity of the economy and fill skill shortages in the labour market, including those in regional Australia. In 2020-21, the Skill stream has 79,600 places allocated.
- Family – is predominately made up of Partner visas, enabling Australians to reunite with family members from overseas, and provide them with pathways to citizenship (77,300 places in 2020-21).
- Special Eligibility – this covers visas for those in special circumstances. This can include permanent residents returning to Australia after a period away, and is the smallest stream (100 places in 2020-21).
- At least 3,000 Child places will be available in 2020-21.
Stream and Category 2020-21 Skill stream Employer Sponsored 22,000 Skilled Independent 6,500 Regional 11,200 State/Territory Nominated 11,200 Business Innovation & Investment program 13,500 Global Talent 15,000 Distinguished Talent 200 Skill Total 79,600 Family Stream Partner 72,300 Parent 4,500 Other Family 500 Family Total 77,300 Special Eligibility 100 Child (estimate; not subject to a ceiling) 3,000 Total 160,000
State Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) visa Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) ACT 702 598 30 NSW 3,550 2,800 2,200 VIC 2,500 1,043 1,750 QLD 1,000 1,250 1,200 NT 500 500 75 WA 1,100 340 360 SA 1,500 1,850 1,000 TAS 1,000 1,400 45 Total 11,852 9,781 6,660
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa - 552 places
Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa - 452 places
Tasmania has now received its full nomination quota for the 2020 – 21 program year. The full allocation is made up of:
Subclass 491 – 1400 places
Subclass 190 – 1000 places
Business migration – 45 placesApproximately 25% of skilled visa nomination places have been used.
Migration Tasmania is currently adjusting selection requirements and policies to reflect the expectations and priorities set out by the Department of Home Affairs, with the expectation of opening to general applications in late January 2021. Until this time, the interim program arrangements below will continue to operate.
BSMQ has received final nomination allocation for FY20-21 from the Department of Home Affairs.
The skilled program remains suspended until further notice (apart from the 491-SBO). Please DO NOT submit an EOI as they will not be picked up or considered.
While BSMQ recognises there are a number of people in challenging situations, we are required to adhere to selecting occupations critical to the COVID response and recovery. These occupations will be processed as a priority. Priority cannot be given to applicants who have a visa expiring at this time.
BSMQ is currently processing EOIs from 29 September – 05 October 2020 in selected occupations related to the COVID response and recovery as per the Department of Home Affairs guidelines.
PLEASE NOTE : The standard subclass 491pathway and subclass 190 will not re-open until the 25 January 2021, and new EOIs for the skilled program will not be picked up until this time, so please do not submit an EOI prior to this date.
We are pleased to advise that South Australia has been provided with our full State Nomination allocations by the Department of Home Affairs.
We are continuing to invite and assess applicants through the current EOI and ITA process until further notice with details on any changes to program requirements being published in due course.
The Skilled & Business Migration office will close at 3:00pm on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 for the holiday period. We will reopen at 9:00am on Monday, 11 January 2021.
Invitations to apply for the State Nominated Migration Program will resume in January 2021. The Western Australian State nomination criteria have been revised inline with State health and economic recovery prioirties. The changes to the criteria are as follows.
- Intending applicants must be currently residing in Australia to be invited and nominated.
- Intending applications subject to a section 48 bar, are not eligible for State nomination.
- If you are applying through the Graduate stream and due to COVID-19 you completed some of your Western Australian studies online (either onshore or offshore), you are now able to use this study toward the Western Australian study requirement.
Victoria’s full 2020-21 skilled visa nomination program (subclasses 190 and 491) will re-open at 10am AEDT on Tuesday, 5 January 2021.
VISA TYPE INTERIM PROGRAM (SEPTEMBER 2020) ADDITIONAL FOR REMAINDER OF 2020-21 (FULL PROGRAM TOTAL SKILLED NOMINATION PLACES FOR VICTORIA Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa 600 1,900 2,500 Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) visa 200 843 1,043 3,543
Onshore applications for Northern Territory nomination under the General Skilled Migration program can now be lodged through the online application system. Offshore applications remain closed while the national border restrictions stay in place.
Regional Development Australia (RDA) offices will begin assisting NSW Treasury manage the subclass 491 visa in early February 2021.
If you reside outside of Australia, you must:
- hold a valid skills assessment for an occupation that appears on your nominated region’s occupation list; and
- have at least five years of skilled employment in such nominated occupation, or a closely related occupation.