2017 年魁北克技术移民评分标准 The Québec skilled worker selection grid

魁北克技术移民评分标准 - 飞出国


2017 年魁北克技术移民变政 - Modifications to weighting of the skilled worker selection grid


2017-03-08 魁北克技术移民变政,通过分数提高,613816 被追溯。

2017年3月8日,魁北克技术移民实施新评分标准,与2015年8月5日评分标准相比,2017年最新 CSQ 评分标准主要的评分变化是总分降低,初审和甄选分提高,申请难度增加。


飞出国:魁北克技术移民普通类别 CSQ 评分标准里其他评分项基本没有变化,而该评分标准也是追溯的,613816 没有完成 “Preliminary review” 阶段的都会按这个新评分标准来审理。

这也就是意味着原先 613816 申请人里 12或16分受训加分的如果在没有法语或英语成绩下刚刚够分的就必须要英语很好或法语较好才能通过了。或者就是要考虑加拿大类别,澳洲,新西兰,甚至美国项目了。


2017-03-08 QSW Points Grid 评分标准 - 飞出国

20170308 QSW 评分标准(Criteria-飞出国) 总分:99/116
Factor1. 培训(Training-飞出国) 最高26分
1.1 学历(Education level)-flyabroad Maximum = 14
a. 普通高中(Secondaire général) 2
b. 职业高中(Secondaire professionnel) 6
c. 2年普通大专(Postsecondaire général 2 ans) 4
d. 1年或2年技术类大专(Postsecondaire technique 1 an ou 2 ans) 6
e. 3年制技术大专(Postsecondaire technique 3 ans) 8
f. 一年全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 1 an) 4
g. 二年全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 2 ans) 6
h. 三年及以上全日制本科(Universitaire 1 er cycle 3 ans ou+) 10
i. 一年以上硕士(Universitaire 2 ième cycle 1 an ou +) 12
j. 博士(Universitaire 3 ième cycle) 14
1.2 受训领域(Areas of training-飞出国) 最高12分
Points à la partie I (diplôme étranger) ou à la partie II (diplôme du Québec ou l’équivalent) de la Liste 0,2,6,9 或 12
Factor 2. 工作(Experience FCG) 最高8分
少于6个月(Less than 6 months) 0
6-11个月(6 to 11 months) 4
12-23个月(12 to 23 months) 4
24-35个月(24 to 35 months) 6
36-47个月(36 to 47 months) 6
48个月及以上(48 months or over) 8
Factor 3. 年龄(Age-飞出国) 最高16分
18 -35 岁 16
36 岁 14
37 岁 12
38 岁 10
39 岁 8
40 岁 6
41 岁 4
42 岁 2
43岁及以上 0
Factor 4. 语言(Language proficiency) 最高22分
4.1 法语(French) 最高16分
法语-听 0,5,6,7
法语-说 0,5,6,7
法语-读 0,1
法语-写 0,1
4.2 英语(English) 最高6分
英语-听 0,1,2
英语-说 0,1,2
英语-读 0,1
英语-写 0,1
Factor 5. 魁北克停留及魁北克亲属(Stay and family in Québec) 最高8分
5.1 魁北克停留(Stay in Quebec) 最高5分
在魁北克工作或学习过6个月以上 Travailleur étranger ou étudiant étranger 6 mois ou + 5
在魁北克学习或工作3-6个月 Travailleu r étranger ou étudiant étranger 3 mois à moins de 6 mois 5
在魁北克有3个月以上打工度假 Participant à un PVT(Work Holiday Visa) aux fins de travail 3 mois ou + 5
其他停留三个月以上 Autres séjours 3 mois ou + 2
其他停留2周到3个月 Autres séjours (2 semaines à moins de 3 mois 1
5.2 魁北克亲属 - 飞出国 最高3分
配偶,兄弟姐妹,父母,祖父母 Cjt, pr, mr, fr, sr, fils, fille, gp, gm 3
Factor 6. 配偶(Characteristics of the accompanying spouse or de facto spouse) 最高分17分
6.1 教育级别 Education Level - flyabroad 最高4分
(a) 普通高中 secondary school general diploma 1
(b) 职业高中 secondary school vocational diploma 2
(c) 2年制普通大专 postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies 1
(d) 1 或2年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies 2
(f) 3年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies 3
(g) 一年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies 1
(h) 2年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies 2
(i) 3年以上本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies 3
(j) 1年以上硕士 master's degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies 4
(k) 博士 doctorate 4
6.2 受训领域 Areas of training - fcgvisa 最高4分
Domaine de formation 0,1,2,3,4
6.3 年龄(Age) 最高分3分
18 - 35 岁 3
36 岁 2
37 岁 2
38 岁 2
39 岁 2
40 岁 1
41 岁 1
42 岁 1
43 岁及以上 0
6.4 语言能力(Language Proficiency - flyabroadvisa) 最高6分
(a) 配偶法语听 0,2,3
(b) 配偶法语说 0,2,3
Factor 7. 有效工作offer(Validated employment offer) 最高10分
7.1 蒙特利尔大都市地区有效工作 Offre d'emploi validée dans la RMM 8
7.2 蒙特利尔以外地区有效工作 Offre d'emploi validée à l’extérieur de la RMM 10
初审分(单身/已婚,飞出国) 43 / 52
Factor 8. 子女 ENFANTS 最高8分
8.1 12岁及以下 for each child 12 years of age or younger 4
8.2 13-21 岁 2
Factor 9. 财政自足能力 Maximum = 1
CSQ 通过分-飞出国,单身/已婚 50/59


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2 个赞




评分项 最高分 博士,受训 本科,受训
学历受训 26 26 22
工作 8 8 8
年龄 16 16 16
魁北克联系 8 0 0
配偶 17 6 6
雇主offer 10 0 0
子女 8 0 0
财政 1 1 1
语言 22 0 0
最高 99/116
单身 43/50 51 47
已婚 52/59 57 53




613816申请人来说,大部分无法短期内拿到 B2 成绩,结果要么是拒签要么给更长时间准备法语。



38 新政调整内容里对申请人影响较大的首先是初审分和通过分提高,单身提高1分,已婚提高2分,初审分从单身42提高到43,已婚初审分从50提高到52,相应的通过分单身从49提高到50,已婚从57提高到59。单身和已婚的分数差还是7分。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


魁北克技术移民最新受训领域列表 - 20170308 版 - 飞出国。

QSW-list-training-flyabroad-20170308.pdf (183.4 KB)

请问是不是法语b2不受开放时间限制 随时都能申请?

法语16分 成绩如何对应 比如读和写各拿一分 是要达到B2的 还是B1的?



法语16分对应的是听说 C2,各7分,共14分,读写B2 以上,各1分,共2分,总共是16分。法语听说读写单项达到B2的才能加分,只是听说加分高,读写最多加1分。配偶加分也是类似,并且配偶只有法语听说加分。

魁北克技术移民法语考试成绩与加分对应关系 - 飞出国:





add new information on your stay in Québec before the submission date of your application




Séjour au Québec flyabroad
Travailleur étranger ou étudiant étranger 6 mois ou + 5
Travailleur étranger ou étudiant étranger 3 mois à moins de 6 mois 5
Participant à un PVT aux fins de travail 3 mois ou + 5
Autres séjours 3 mois ou + 2
Autres séjours (2 semaines à moins de 3 mois 1

魁北克停留部分的 PVT 说的是 WHV - Working Holiday Visa Program (法语 Programme Vacances-Travail),加拿大叫 IEC 项目,对中国还不开放。

Programme Vacances-Travail (PVT) ou Working Holiday Visa (WHV)

Le terme Programme Vacances Travail (PVT), également appelé Permis Vacances-Travail, Visa Vacances-Travail (VVT) ou Working Holiday Visa (WHV)

对应的英文版魁北克停留打分表 - 飞出国:

Stay in Quebec - flyabroad Points
Full-time study or full-time work for 3 months or more 5 points
Full-time study or full-time work for 6 months or more 5 points
Participant in Working Holiday Visa Program, with work experience for 3 months or more 5 points
Other stay for no less than 2 weeks and not more 3 months 1 points
Other stay exceeding 3 months 2 points
Maximum 5 points

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/



1 个赞



魁北克技术移民英语要拿到满分6分需要听8,读4,写5,说7,也就是 听说 CLB 9,读写 CLB 5。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/



历史上魁北克多次追溯,不都是坏的,例如 2015年8月5日魁北克调整分数,取消适应能力分,2011年那批申请人坚持下来的很多都直接免面试免提供法语成绩获得 CSQ 。

另外一次是2013年8月1日要求提供法语B2才加分的政策,当前吓到一批人,后来证明,这个政策及后面的取消适应能力分的政策促成了2010年10月后申请人等待5年后免面试拿 CSQ 的结果。对认证政策变化都应该用平和的心态去接受,希望变坏事为好事。怪移民部不如自己努力,何况除了魁北克还有澳洲,新西兰,美国,至少还有加拿大联邦。

魁北克技术移民2017年新政追溯又在被请愿,613816 申请人请求魁北克移民局不对已经提交申请的 QSW Mon Project 申请人追溯。

当前已有 1229 人参与请愿,目标是 1500 人参与请愿,数据还在不断更新中。

1,229 supporters, 271 needed to reach 1,500

飞出国: Request to exempt 2015 & 2016 intake applicants on Modifications to the weighting of QSWP

Dear Kathleen Weil,

Honorable Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusiveness,

Reference is made to the recent changes made in the selection grid for Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW) Program. We, the prospective applicants for QSW Program would like to request to the “Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion” to roll-back the recent changes that were made in the QSW Program for the applicants who had already applied and received the acknowledgement of receipt. We urge the ministry to consider the new points system to be applicable for the applicants from March 2017 onward. The recent changes will have a major impact on the already applied applicants and it affects dreams of many immigrants who are waiting for their turn to call Quebec “HOME”

We are a group of applicants (June 2016 and August 2016 intake) and aspirants from across the world for QSW program whose cases are now either being processed or about to start. The recent changes have shattered our dreams, goals, planning, hope and most importantly faith in Quebec Government.

From the recent changes, the qualifying points for a Single applicant are 50 (earlier 49) and for Married 59 (earlier 57). In the current scenario, it is more difficult to achieve these points. As well, there is also change in points on the List of Area of Training. The maximum points available under AOT are 12 (earlier 16), 9 (earlier 12) and so on. The occupations which are identified as crucial and critical in Quebec have lower AOT points allocation, for example, Human Resources has 6 Points in AOT, Teaching has 6 Points in AOT.

With these changes in effect, many applicants till March 2017 would not qualify for QSWP. This will result in unnecessary stress, delay in the process, increased age for reapplication process, change in personal circumstances and so on. Most of the applicants have no idea of what is happening to their applications. At first, June 2016 applicants waited since Jan-2016 to be in condition to apply. When successfully applied and accepted, we started planning many things for our prospective future. We missed many opportunities thinking that we are the lucky and chosen ones whose applications are accepted and we dreamed to land in Quebec soon. Many applicants started learning French and planned to invest money with the wake of new prospects which were about to be real.

We took huge risk in our respective careers and as our file was accepted we stopped looking for alternate opportunities. Our supervisors know our plans as they helped us in documentations and they become hesitant to allow us to move forward on our career paths within the company. We will either become stagnant in our roles (he/she is about to migrate/leave the company anyway so why promote him/her?) or - which is highly likely - move on to another company to avoid being branded as one who has one foot out of the door of the company. We feel that this is unfair for us - especially when we were accepted and the first installment of the fees already paid and we were assured that our file is open and relevant details will be locked and will not be affected.

In this regard, as stated earlier, we would like to request to Roll-Back changes in Selection Grid for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSW) till New Intake takes place in 2017 We urge the Quebec Government to consider the previous criteria before March 08, 2017 to evaluate the previous applications till new Intake which takes place after March 08, 2017 onwards


请愿很难灵,官方说法是 613 和 816 申请人都会收到清单,4, 5 月份开始发清单,一切分数以具体提交的材料为准,没雅思的准备考一个吧。求人不如求己。

请愿数据更新: 1,334 supporters,166 needed to reach 1,500。



需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
