


Modifications to the selection grid for skilled workers: the “adaptability” factor is no longer considered in the evaluation

Modifications have been made to the selection grid for skilled workers in order to improve the selection process for immigration applicants, making it more uniform and efficient. Consequently, points will no longer be attributed for the “adaptability” factor. The passing scores have been adjusted to take this modification into account.
These modifications have been made as part of the Ministère’s modernization efforts and are in effect immediately, that is, they will apply to all applications received by the Ministère on August 5, 2015, or after and to those already received and for which a decision has yet to be rendered.

飞出国提供:自8.5起,QSW 魁省审理初选资料有三种结果:

第一、直接获得CSQ, 应该适用于总分达到初选分,有法语成绩单的申请人,官看情况而定

  1. Selection based on the file: In some cases, an interview is not necessary and the application is processed solely on the basis of the applicant’s file. If you have attained the general passing scores of the selection grid, the interview may not be required. In this case, you will receive a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) in the mail as well as information about Québec. You will be notified of the next steps in your immigration process.


  1. Intent to refuse: You will receive a letter informing you that your application will be refused, unless you provide, within 60 days, documented proof to justify reviewing the decision. If the requested proof is received within the prescribed timeframe, the review of your application will continue. Failing that, your application will be refused without further notice. You then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.


  1. Notice to attend an interview: If the preliminary review of your application is positive, but a selection interview is required, you will receive a notice to attend an interview, specifying the date, time and place of the interview as well as the documents to bring with you.
    During this interview, the immigration counsellor will verify all the information provided in your application for a selection certificate, particularly the information on schooling, work experience and language knowledge.

参加面试后有下面三种结果 Following the interview, three results are possible:

  1. 通过发CSQ-Approval: If the assessment is positive, the counsellor will inform you of the next steps to follow in your immigration process. If possible, the counsellor will immediately issue your Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate). Otherwise it will be mailed to you. You will also receive a kit containing important information which you will be asked to read carefully. Depending on your needs, the counsellor may also give you other specific documents.

  2. 拒签-Refusal: If the assessment reveals that you do not meet the selection criteria, an explanatory letter is given to you. You will then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.

  3. 意向拒签-Intent to refuse: If supporting documentation is missing, the counsellor will give you an explanatory notice of intent to refuse the application. You will then have 60 days to provide the proof requested. If you do not provide the necessary proof within this timeframe, your application will be refused without further notice. You will then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.

详见: http://vac.fcgvisa.com/qsw/2015/08/06/8.5-QSW-New/






Des modifications apportées au Règlement sur la pondération applicable à la sélection des
ressortissants étrangers, le XXXX 2015, nous oblige à réexaminer votre dossier.

En conséquence, votre entrevue de sélection du 2015-XXXX à 08:30 est annulée. Veuillez ne
pas vous présenter.

Vous recevrez des nouvelles par écrit de notre part sous peu.

Nous vous prions de recevoir l’assurance de nos meilleurs sentiments.








