塔斯马尼亚州担保 TAS 留学生类别 - Subclass 190 - Skilled Nominated Visa - Category 1 – Tasmanian Graduate
也在塔州生活。该类别并不要求申请人已经获得雇主offer或职业在塔州紧缺职业清单上(TSOL),只需要申请人满足澳洲移民部 SkillSelect EOI 的 65 分要求即可,也就是通过职业评估(有些职业评估需要工作经验),雅思最低4个6(PTE 4个50分),同时满足 65 分(包括州担保的5分): 2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test 。
更多参考飞出国论坛: 2019年澳洲移民塔州TAS州担保政策-飞出国塔斯马尼亚州移民新政 。
Category 1 – Tasmanian Graduate (2 years minimum study in Tasmania)
Subclass 190 - Skilled Nominated Visa
To be considered for this category you must meet all the following criteria.
- Have completed and graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania and met the Australian study requirement through study in Tasmania.
- Have lived in the state for at least 2 years and during your period of study.
- You and your dependants must currently be living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of genuine commitment to continue to live in Tasmania. (Refer to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page for indicators as to how to meet this requirement).
** For applicants who enrolled in a Tasmanian tertiary institution prior to 31 July 2017 , to be considered for this category, you must meet the following criteria:
- completed and graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania. The course undertaken:
- must be a degree (bachelor or any higher degree), a diploma (advanced, associate or graduate) or a trade qualification (minimum Cert III level for a skilled occupation in Major Group 3 in ANZSCO)
- must have a minimum duration of one academic year (40 weeks)
- must be full-time and on-site in Tasmania
- you have lived in the state for at least 1 year during your period of study
- you and your dependants are currently living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of your ongoing genuine commitment
Please refer to the Document Checklist tab for further information on providing evidence to support your application.
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)或 预约面谈 : https://flyabroad.me/contact/。