新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别申请条件及流程(NSNP Skilled Worker Stream)

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新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别申请条件及流程(NSNP Skilled Worker Stream) - 飞出国

新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别是NS雇主提供工作offer给海外技术类雇员, 该职位是省内稀缺,且NS雇主已经做出努力在本省内很难找到具有技术要求的加拿大永久居民或公民。


新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别申请人条件 -飞出国

  1. 在居住国身份合法;

  2. 年龄21-55周岁;

  3. 拿到全职固定的工作offer:

    • 该NS省职位需是全职,固定,从属于NOC 0,A,B类职业
    • 该职位符合NS省工资要求;
    • NS雇主很难在本省找到符合技术要求的加拿大永久居民或公民;
    • 合法,未产生劳动纠纷;
  4. 学历:取得加拿大同等高中毕业证,总教育/培训12年以上,有的职业需要执照或者鉴定证书;

  5. 语言: 两年有效期。NOC 0.A.B的职业:CLB5;NOC C.D职业CLB4.

  6. 近五年有一年相关工作经验;

  7. 有真实的定居意向;

  8. 足够的安家资金,主申或者配偶名下均可。主申11000加币,每增加一个家庭成员增加2000加币。

新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别雇主申请条件 - 飞出国

3.企业活动,工资待遇合法;雇主须取得Foreign Worker Employer Registration Certificate

将完整的申请寄到如下地址 - 飞出国:

Send NSNP applications to:

Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
1741 Brunswick St., Suite 110A
P.O. Box 1535
Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA
B3J 2Y3

新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别申请条件及流程: – Skilled worker


NSNP Skilled Worker 类别的核心是已经获得 NS 省雇主的有效工作 offer。

NSNP Skilled Worker

The Skilled Worker stream helps employers recruit foreign workers and recently graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia.

An employer can only hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill with permanent residents or Canadian citizens.

NSNP Skilled Worker Eligibility flyabroad

flyabroad To apply you must:

  • have a **full-time permanent job offer** from a Nova Scotia employer;
  • have **1 year of work experience related to the job**. (Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must already have six months’ experience with the employer.);
  • be 21 to 55 years old;
  • have a high school diploma;
  • have the appropriate training, skills and/or accreditation for the job;
  • prove language ability equal to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Level 5 if you are a skilled worker. If your first language is English or French, that is enough proof. Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must have test results to prove they meet CLB 4 even if their first language is English or French;
  • show enough financial resources to successfully settle in Nova Scotia.

How to Apply flyabroad

Complete the online application form and include all required information and attachments.


可以提交飞出国免费在线评估: http://flyabroad.me/contact/

新省雇主担保技术工人类别 NSNP Skilled Worker 对 Job Offer 的要求

飞出国: NSNP Job Offer 的要求是 NS 雇主提供的全职,永居 job offer。提交 SW 类别申请前需要有雇主 offer。

该 job offer 不能是自雇的,不能是主要股东,不能是去 NS 后打算创建的企业,同时 NSNP 会考虑该职业是否有当地人能满足,也就是 NSNP 对雇主 offer 的评估会存在主观性。

Job Offer

You must have a full-time, permanent job offer from a Nova Scotia employer before submitting an application to the NSNP Skilled Worker stream. For greater certainty, your application must not be based on a job offer where you are self-employed in Nova Scotia, on being the majority shareholder in a Nova Scotia business, or on the intention to start a business and/or become self-employed in Nova Scotia. Provincial priorities may change as skills shortages are met by permanent residents or Canadian citizens. Generally, the NSNP will not support nominations in occupations where labour market information shows that there are individuals in Nova Scotia with the necessary skills and that there is no indication of a skills shortage. The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, however, will consider local labour market conditions.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


新省雇主担保技术移民对提名职业的要求 NSNP Skilled Worker Occupations Requiement


NSNP 把技术移民雇主担保类别职业分为三类:

  • 技术工,NOC 里的 0,A,B 职业,这些职业将被优先处理
  • 半技术工, NOC 里的 C 类职业,这类职业申请人需要已经在NS为提供offer的雇主工作6个月,且需要 LMIA
  • 低技术工,NOC 里的 D 类职业,需要为 NS 提供 offer 的雇主工作6个月后才能申请,这类拒签率会高,这类职业不适合持毕业生工签的申请人

Occupations - Skilled Worker - Nova Scotia Immigration

The Office of Immigration does not have a specific occupation or skills shortage list for the Skilled Worker Stream.

The Office of Immigration uses the National Occupational Classification (NOC) to classify jobs according to duties, formal qualifications and experience specified by the employer. The NOC helps determine whether a job meets the skill levels established for skilled and semi-skilled worker occupations, and whether the candidate’s qualifications and experience match the requirements of the job.

The NOC matrix provides an overview of the entire occupational classification structure based on skill levels and skill types. For more details on NOC skill levels and types, visit Error 404 - Canada.ca .

The Office of Immigration differentiates between skilled workers, semi-skilled and low-skilled workers.

Skilled workers are defined as individuals with an occupation within NOC 0, A or B. Priority will be awarded to these higher skilled occupations.

Semi-skilled workers have occupations that fall under NOC C.

The Office of Immigration may consider applications based on local labour market requirements and conditions. At the time of submission, applicants must have at least six (6) months of work experience with the Nova Scotia employer supporting the application.

In most cases, employers need to obtain a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Service Canada to hire a temporary foreign worker in Canada.

Low-skilled workers have occupations that fall under NOC D.

The Office of Immigration may consider applications from individuals in these occupations only if all other eligibility criteria are met. At the time of submission, the principal applicant must have worked for at least six (6) months with the Nova Scotia employer supporting the application.

There must be indicators of success in the application and strong employer support such as contribution to the immigration fees, accommodation/housing, language training, and career training plans.

The Office of Immigration will not consider applications from individuals on a federal post-graduation work permit whose occupations fall under NOC D.

The Office of Immigration reserves the right to consider only certain types of jobs and occupations for nomination. This decision will depend on the current economic situation of the Nova Scotia labour market needs.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
