新省雇主担保技术移民对雇主资格的要求 NSNP Criteria and Requirements for the Employer

NSNP Skilled Worker 雇主担保类别对雇主资格的要求-飞出国


NSNP 雇主要求-飞出国:

  • 在 NS 实际注册
  • 在 NS 成功运营2年以上
  • 满足加拿大联邦对企业雇佣海外员工的基本要求
  • 提供的职位是真实的,全职,长期offer
  • 满足薪酬和工作环境标准
  • 对提名 C,D 类职业的需要雇员已经实际工作6个月以上
  • 对 C 类职业很可能需要向劳工部申请 LMIA

Criteria and Requirements for the Employer - NSNP SW flyabroad

Registration status

The business must have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia.

The Office of Immigration accepts applications from workers with employers in the public sector and not-for-profit organizations with a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia. A not-for-profit organization must be registered under the Societies Act and demonstrate financial ability and stability to support the position on a long-term basis.

Operational status

The employer’s business must have been in active operation in Nova Scotia for at least two years and be in good standing with provincial occupational health and safety and labour authorities and not be in violation of the Immigration, Refugee and Protection Act (IRPA) or Immigration, Refugee and Protection Regulations (IRPR).

Business Practices

Employers must pay the federal employer compliance fee when hiring foreign nationals unless exempt. See www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/employers/hire-how.asp for further information. Employer must have a history of good workplace and business practices, and must be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

Most employers who wish to recruit and hire foreign workers for employment in Nova Scotia must obtain a Foreign Worker Employer Registration Certificate from Labour Standards. (see Foreign Workers - Employer Registration Fact Sheet | novascotia.ca) Employers cannot make deductions from wages or salaries for business costs such as bringing a foreign worker to Canada.

Employment agencies and similar placement firms cannot act as an employer unless they are establishing a full-time permanent employer-employee relationship with the applicant themselves. Deviation or violation of these obligations will result in the Office of Immigration’s refusal to accept NSNP applications by workers employed with such employers.

Employment offer

The employer must make a full time, permanent job offer for a job preferably for a NOC Level O, A or B.

The job, located in Nova Scotia, must:

  • have compensation in the form of salary that meets provincial employment standards and the provincial wage range. (see www.jobbank.gc.ca/wage-outlook_searcheng.do?reportOption=wage),
  • be a position which has a shortage of qualified permanent residents or Canadian citizens to fill the position,
  • not contravene any existing bargaining unit agreements, labour agreements/standards or involved in any employment disputes.

The NSNP will consider selected jobs defined as NOC C based on local labour market requirements and conditions, and six (6) months of work with the Nova Scotia employer supporting the application.

Consideration for NOC D occupations is based on the criteria listed under the section “Occupations” in this guide.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


NS 雇主的招聘努力 - 新省雇主担保移民雇主资格 - 飞出国2018


雇主要么提供 LMIA 劳工部的批文(C类职业可能会被强制要求,对豁免 LMIA 的也提供相关证明),否则需要提供其他资料证明雇主已经在NS省努力进行招聘但没有在当地找到合适人选。


这些内容要在提交省提名申请时一并提交,如果有 LMIA 就不需要提供这些招聘广告内容了。

Recruitment efforts - NSNP Skilled Worker Employer Requirement

The employer must provide evidence of recruitment for the position. This evidence must predate the applicant’s current offer of employment. Satisfactory evidence can be either:

  • a current positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), as described below,
  • proof that the position offered or worker is considered to be LMIA exempt, or
  • three advertisements and related information that meet the conditions described below.


If the employer has received a positive LMIA from Employment and Social Development Canada (Service Canada) for this position, attach a copy of the LMIA in which the applicant is named. No other recruitment documentation is required. The LMIA’s expiry date must be on or after the date of application to the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration (NSOI).


If the position offered and/or the worker is LMIA exempt as identified by Immigration, Refugees and
Citizenship Canada, proof must be submitted. (see: www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/apply-who-permit.asp)


If there is no current positive LMIA, or the offered position and/or worker is not considered LMIA exempt, provide a copy of the job advertisement that appeared in three different publications, one being national in scope (i.e., Job Bank or any other Canada-wide resources considered an effective method of recruitment for the position are acceptable.)

All advertisements must occur in the six months prior to the date of the job offer to the applicant. Each advertisement must be publicly available for no less than four consecutive weeks. The employer must be able to demonstrate that the print media and websites used to advertise the job target an audience in Canada that has the appropriate education, professional experience, language ability and skill level required for that job.

The advertisement must be in English or French and include the:

  • Company operating name and contact information: telephone number, cell phone number, email address, fax number, or mailing address;
  • Title of position
  • Job duties
  • Skill requirements
  • Location of work (city or town)


Recruitment efforts are mandatory, unless the applicant is in possession of a valid LMIA or is in a position considered LMIA exempt. The Office of Immigration reserves the right to request additional information to demonstrate recruitment efforts in support of an application.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
