从 新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别申请条件及流程(NSNP Skilled Worker Stream) 继续讨论:
新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别材料清单(NSNP Nova Scotia Nominee Program Forms and Supporting Documents Checklist) - 飞出国
新斯科舍省申请表-提供原件(Nova Scotia Nominee Program forms – provide ORIGINALS )
- 申请人申请表 (NSNP 100 – Application Form )
- 雇主申请表 (NSNP 200 – Employer Form )
- 代理表(NSNP 50 – Use of a Representative )
- 授权个人获取申请人信息表(NSNP 60 – Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual )
联邦表格-提供复印件 (Citizenship and Immigration Canada forms – provide COPIES ONLY )
- 同居伴侣法定声明(如适用)([IMM 5409] Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (if applicable) - For the principal applicant and spouse (only if the latter
is a co-signer on the application), and signed by a
commissioner of oaths ) - 同意未成年子女随行声明(如适用)([IMM 5604] Separation Declaration for Minors Travelling to Canada -For the non-accompanying parent/guardian, former
spouse or former common-law partner and witnessed
by a notary public (if applicable) )
支持文件-提供复印件 (Supporting Documents – provide COPIES ONLY )
Where the documents are not in English or in French, the principal applicant must submit a photocopy of the
original document and a photocopy of the certified translation.
- 所有随行人员的签证、护照和旅行文件:
- 护照的首页和签证页复印件;
- 以前的临时居住许可,如有;
- 以前申请人加拿大联邦或者省提名时的通信;
- 身份文件:
- 每个家庭成员各提供1张护照照片;
- 主申配偶的出生证明;
- 结婚证(如适用);
- 离婚证(如适用);
- 前配偶死亡证明(如适用)
- 子女信息:
- 出生证明;
- 19周岁以下子女的监护文件;
- 教育和培训:
- 主副申教育培训证明;
- 语言考试成绩单;
- 工作证明文件:
- 推荐信;
- 简历;
- 如有,提供授权机构和监管机构证书
- 财政信息:银行的资金证明及近3个月交易记录,
Travel Documents, Passports and Visas
- For the principal applicant, spouse or common-law partner, and all accompanying dependents.
- Valid regular passport. Include only copies of pages showing the passport number, date of issue and expiry, your photo, name, date and place of birth, and any previous visas and/or visits to Canada. In order to ensure successful immigration processing, it is recommended that passports have an expiry date no less than two years from the date of your Nova Scotia Nominee Program application.
- If you live in a country other than your country of nationality, include a photocopy of your visa for the country where you currently live.
- Previous temporary residence permits, if applicable and available.
- Correspondence from previous attempts to immigrate to Canada through provincial or federal immigration categories. Include correspondence received from the provincial or Canadian government associated with each previous application.
Identity and Civil Status Documents
One passport-sized colour photograph for each family member.
Birth certificates for the principal applicant, spouse or common-law partner.
If applicable:Marriage certificates.
Final divorce, annulment or separation documents for you and your spouse.
Death certificate for a former spouse (for you or your current spouse).
Children’s Information
Birth certificates indicating both parents. If applicable:
Adoption papers.
Custody and maintenance documents for children under age 19 (0-18) and
- if accompanying, proof that the children may accompany the principal applicant to Canada;
- if not accompanying, proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements.
Education and Training
You must provide a copy of any certification and training obtained by the principal applicant and spouse or common-law partner.
Language Ability
Supporting Employment History and Documents
Letters of employment to support your employment history and work experience.
Resume or curriculum vitae.
If applicable, proof of certification for principal applicant with a licensing or regulatory association or organization or any permits required to hold an occupation abroad or in Canada.
Financial Information
For the principal applicant, spouse or common-law partner, and all accompanying dependents. You may provide one or a combination of the following:
Letter from financial institutions indicating the balance and transactional history for the last three months.
Financial institutions’ statements demonstrating access to transferable, liquid funds and assets.
Investments portfolio.
Mortgage and other loans (both must include principal and interest owed).
Do NOT include real estate or personal items such as jewelry, furniture and vehicles.
工作支持文件-提供复印件(Supporting Documents Related to the Employment – provide COPIES ONLY )
- 工作描述:工作职责,教育学历要求,工作经验、知识和技能要求;
- 工作offer: 公司名字,职位,工资,每周工作时间和加班费,假期和假期加班费,工作地点,福利。
- 雇主的招聘活动:本地媒体广告,网络招聘广告,以前的LMIA复印件。如果雇主当前有LMIA,则不需要提供招聘广告证明。所有的招聘活动的日期都必须早于工作offer上的日期。
- Job Description
- Detailed requirements of the position including the following information:
- Duties and responsibilities
- Education and credentials
- Work experience, knowledge and skills
- Employment Offer
- An employment offer (including detailed conditions of employment and all supporting documents, as per Section D of NSNP 200) and related contracts on company letterhead signed by the authorized signing officer of the company and the principal applicant including:
- Worker’s name
- Position title and scope
- Hourly wage rate/annual salary and benefits
- Number of hours of work per week and overtime pay
- Vacation time and vacation pay
- Holiday pay
- Location of employment
- Benefits (including accommodations, if applicable)
- Recruitment Activities
- Proof that the employer has tried to recruit for this position. Provide supporting materials such as previous advertising in the local media and/or on the internet, or correspondence identifying shortages or industry surveys or reports.
- If the Employer has previously received a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) confirmation from ESDC - Service Canada for this position, attach a copy. Where there is already a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), no recruitment documentation is required.
- All activities in this section must predate applicant’s Offer of Employment. Recruitment activities are also required for applicants with an Open Work Permit.
Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
1741 Brunswick Street, Suite 110A
PO Box 1535
Halifax, Nova Scotia
CANADA B3J 2Y3Tel: (902) 424-5230
Fax: (902) 424-7936
[email protected]
新斯科舍省提名技术工人类别材料清单: https://novascotiaimmigration.com/wp-content/uploads/AppGuide-NSNP-SW-12May2015-English.pdf