

​​The COVID-19 concession period will cease on 25 November 2023. ​From early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in international travel restrictions, and deteriorating business and employment conditions. The former Government implemented temporary measures related to an initial concession period . This was to provide concessions for applicants of certain visa subclasses affected by travel restrictions and which made it difficult for them to meet visa requirements. This included where the applicant must be located at time of application.

之前受疫情影响导致很多申请人不能按照签证申请要求递交签证,或者出入境澳洲,因此,当时澳政府有出台一系列的特许优惠政策,具体可以参考 一文汇总因疫情受影响的澳洲签证特许优惠政策!



  • 在2023年11月25日以及之前递交了887签证申请的,还依然可以享受境内偏远地区居住满18个月即可
  • 在2024年2月26日之前递交887的申请人,则只能享受工作满9个月就能递交申请的优惠政策,居住时间减少的优惠不再享受

Skilled Regional Visa subclass 887

The temporary concessions available to holders of eligible skilled provisional visas to apply for the subclass 887 visa are set around the COVID-19 concession period.

The concessions allowed​​ eligible prospective subclass 887 visa applicants to lodge from in or outside Australia during the concession period and to access shorter periods of employment and regional residence requirements.

Applicants can only access the employment requirement concession if they:

  • held an eligible skilled provisional visa during the concession period, and
  • make a valid application within 3 months of Monday 26 February 2024.

The ending of the concession period will end any other concessions for the subclass 887 visa.

After 25 November 2023 eligible skilled provisional visa holders applying for a subclass 887 visa must be in Australia, but not in immigration clearance, when applying.

而针对配偶的309签证以及子女的101签证,如果在2023年11月25日之前递交了签证申请,且在2020年2月1号到2023年11月25日之间(concession period)在澳洲待过的,可以在澳洲境内等下签。如果在2023年11月25日之前递交了签证申请,但是在concession period期间没有在澳洲境内待过,就需要在澳洲境外等下签。如果是2023年11月26日及之后递交的,则必须在澳洲境外等下签。

Family visas

The COVID-19 concessions removed restrictions on the ‘location at the time of visa grant requirement for certain Family program visa applicants.

Applicants for certain Partner and Child visas who applied before 26 November 2023, and who were in Australia at any time during the concession period, will continue to be eligible to be granted a visa in Australia (if they meet all other visa criteria) after the end of the concession period. The COVID-19 concession arrangements will not apply to Partner and Child applicants who were not in Australia at any time during the COVID-19 concession period.

The COVID-19 concessions for certain Parent visa applicants, only applied during the COVID-19 concession period, from 1 February 2020 to 25 November 2023.