COVID-19 Update:
The ACS Migration Skills Assessment Team would like to assure applicants and migration agents that we have robust business continuity plans in place during this time. All of our systems and processes are functioning as per normal and we would encourage you to continue to submit your migration skills assessment applications with us.
We are aware that applicants may be adversely impacted by the current pandemic and again want to assure applicants that our customer service channels through phone and email are operating as normal. Please reach out to us through these channels should you have any queries or are facing challenges in relation to your migration skills assessment applications.
这对于打算申请澳洲新财年州担保的计算机职业申请人无疑是利好消息!目前对于计算机类职业申请,要求最低的当属南澳州(South Australia),语言要求Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall),对应我们常说的雅思4个7或者总分7.5,无最低EOI分数要求,轻松拿下南澳491州担保!