

Please Note - Updated Skills Assessment Guidelines will be published on the ACS website on Friday 27 September 2019. Applications submitted after this date will be assessed against the updated Skills Assessment Guidelines.


1. ACS进一步明确澳洲学历申请人ICT Major要求

一般情况下,只有申请ACS评估中Temporary Graduate 和Post Australian Study 两个类别才要求申请人必须有本科或以上的学历,其中ACS认可的澳洲学历一般可以被认为是符合ICT Major标准,是否与提名职业相关另说。其中ACS 认可的澳洲学历可以参考 Accredited Courses | ACS

Accredited Australian ICT qualifications
Australian qualifications that have been accredited by the ACS will generally meet the ICT Major Criteria.
Please note however that this does not guarantee that the qualification will be assessed as being closely related to the nominated ANZSCO occupation.

2. ACS进一步明确中国等地区的申请人的学历材料要求
ACS最新版指南明确提出对于Bologna agreement,中国,巴基斯坦以及菲律宾学历申请人的学历材料的要求,其中中国学历的申请人,学位证书和毕业证书是都需要提交的。

Region Specific Requirements
• Bologna agreement
If providing a qualification from a country that is a signatory to the Bologna Agreement, please submit the Diploma Supplement.
• People’s Republic of China (PRC)
If providing a qualification from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) please provide the graduation Diploma and the certificate of award according to the regulations concerning academic degrees in the PRC.
• Pakistan
An attested HEC (Higher Education Commission Pakistan) copy of the award certificate and full academic transcript must be provided.
• Philippines
Please supply evidence of passing the Professional Regulation Commission’s Licensure Examinations if available.

3. ACS认可的思科资格类别有删减

ACS最新版指南中只认可CCNP, CCDP, CCIE, CCDE和CCA,相比2018版指南,删掉了CCVP (Cisco Certified Voice Professionacl) , CCSP (Cisco Certified Security Professional)和CCIP (Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional)

The following list outlines Cisco Certifications accepted by the ACS. Certifications must be valid at the time of submitting the skills assessment and display the validation date.
Once your application is submitted you may be requested to publish Credentials for your Cisco Certifications through the Cisco Certification Tracking System at Unable to Authenticate.
Cisco Professional:
• Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) - All tracks
• Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)
Cisco Expert:
• Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE) - All tracks
• Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE)
Cisco Architect:
• Cisco Certified Architect

4. ACS进一步明确所认可的工作履历类型

  • 如之前指南所提出的,只有每周工作小时不低于20小时且有偿的工作履历才能用于ACS职业评估,所做的工作内容必须符合提名职业的广度和深度,薪资水平必须符合提名职业的技能水平层次。不带薪休假或者部分发薪休假或者志愿者工作不算。

Only employment that is at least 20 hours per week and remunerated can be considered for skills assessment purposes. The employment to be assessed must be performed at the level of depth and complexity for the nominated occupation. The salary level should also reflect the level of skill required.
Please note that unpaid/partially paid leave or volunteer services will not be considered as paid employment at the required skill level of a nominated occupation for skills assessment purposes.

  • 一个时间段只能认可一份工作履历,如果申请人在同一个时间段有给多个雇主工作Concurrent Employment,且提供了这几个雇主的推荐信,ACS只会评估最有利于职业评估的那一份履历,其他的不被认可。

Only one period of employment can be claimed for a period of time. When multiple employment episodes with different employers for the same period of time occur, only one of these episodes can be claimed. If multiple concurrent episodes are provided in an assessment, the episode of employment that gives the best outcome will be assessed and the others will be reported as concurrent employment and not suitable.

  • ICT方面的教学经历ICT Teaching可以被认可,但是前提条件是需要在ACS评估认可的院校教授的专科及以上水平的学生。

ICT Teaching must be in a recognised qualification at the level of an AQF Diploma or higher and at an institution recognised by the ACS assessment process.

  • 对于研究性质的工作Research Work,如果该研究工作是属于完成某个学历所需要做的,不能算作工作经验。申请人需要提供导师的推荐信,证明该研究工作与学历是独立开来的。

Research work that is entirely directed to a thesis for satisfying requirements for a qualification cannot be accepted as employment experience. Please provide a statement from your supervisor that identifies research work you have done other than that which is a direct input to your thesis.

5. ACS明确要求申请人在线申请中要将澳洲与澳洲外的工作履历分开来填写
此次ACS指南中,将申请人的工作履历分为澳洲的Australia和澳洲境外的Outside Australia;明确要求申请人在填写在线申请时,其中在澳洲境内的履历,需要一段段分开来填写;如果澳洲境内的履历是夹杂在澳洲境外的履历之中的,更需要分别开来;如果申请人给一个雇主在不同的国家(不包括澳洲)工作过,且所做的岗位是一样的或者区别不大,可以合并在一起填写。

Applicants are required to breakdown episodes of employment to show “Australia” and “Outside of Australia” employment when preparing their online applications:
Australia Employment:
• Each period of Australian employment must be recorded separately in the online application.
Outside Australia Employment:
• Each period of outside Australia employment must be recorded separately in the online application if you have worked for different employers or outside Australia employment is broken up with Australia employment episodes
• If you have worked in multiple countries (excluding Australia) for the same employer and in the same or closely related occupation this should be recorded as a single period of outside Australia employment in the online application.

6. ACS要求提供有偿雇佣方面的工作证明材料

此处划重点!!! 之前ACS评估工作履历只需要提供申请人该段工作履历的工作推荐信即可,从20190927之后,所有ACS申请人都需要在工作推荐信的基础上,额外提供有偿雇佣paid employment方面的工作证材料,如果不能提供则有可能该段履历不认可,只拿cash的工作履历也不可以。申请人可以提供的工作证明材料需要是以下中的其中两种

  • 政府官方的纳税证明,列明公司名称及申请人名字
  • 工资单,列明公司名称及申请人名字
  • 社保证明,列明公司名称及申请人名字
  • 工资银行流水,列明公司名称和申请人名字

ACS requires sufficient evidence of paid employment to verify your employment and that your pay is commensurate with the skill level for your position.
Payment Evidence must include at least two of the following to cover the relevant period of employment:
• Official government tax records or documents that may include payment summaries, group certificates or notices of assessment (citing company and applicant name)
• Payslips citing names of the applicant and employer
• Employment linked insurance/superannuation documents citing the name of the applicant and employer
• Bank statements showing salary payments from employer (citing applicants name and name of employer).
Please note: Failure to provide acceptable evidence of paid employment may result in an unsuitable assessment. Cash payments will not be accepted as sufficient evidence of paid employment.

7. 申请ACS职业评估,简历必须提交



简历的话,需要列出来那些东西? 就是正常的 找工作用的简历吗? 不包含薪水的,可以吗?


个人所得税完税证明上面 没有 公司名称,还有必要提供给ACS吗?提供了,会不会 造成误解?


目前有的就是 银行流水 和 个人参保的社保证明, 银行流水有两段是xx 代理公司 或者 xx银行代发,也让公司出具了工作证明,证明 当时工资是通过 xx 代理公司 或者 xx银行代发。 这种情况下,还需要提供个人所得税完税证明吗(完税证明上 没有 公司名称)?

今天收到ACS caseofficer 邮件 (我这是做review)说要工作推荐信 color copy, 我的原件就是黑白的,直接彩色扫描一份给他,可以吗?





刚刚拿到了新的ACS职业评估,大概9年的样子。给我的加分没有改变,我还要必要去跟新 EOI吗? 更新EOI 会影响我排队顺序吗?


好的,多谢. 还是anniej靠谱

想問一下, 你重新做職業評估是因為過期的話, 是等到EOI被撈到才需要把新的評估呈上嗎?