

1. 南澳要求申请人长登后进行注册Arrival registration

  • 南澳州担保移民申请人在获得签证后,首先要在准签信要求的短登日(Must not arrive after)之前完成短登,短登不限制必须从南澳登陆或者必须去南澳停留;如果是长登,则建议去南澳。
  • 南澳州担保要求申请人居住两年,没有要求必须是下签后立即去居住满两年,而是申请人准备长登的前两年,两年可以是累计。飞出国举例说明,对于南澳担保的190签证持有人,签证有效期是5年,如果申请人短登后,在前三年都没打算去澳洲长住,那么后面两年就都要住在南澳;如果申请人下签后就开始长登住在南澳,那么在南澳住了两年后,第三年开始就可以去其他州居住了。
  • 南澳州政府建议移民申请人到达南澳后进行注册,如果仅是短登激活签证无须注册,打算长住才需要注册。
  • 注册可以通过南澳在线系统进行操作 https://apply.migration.sa.gov.au/user/login.php ,需要在达到南澳后的三个月内完成,仅仅要求主申请人进行注册,如果申请移民时已经是onshore,则南澳到达时间填写签证准签日期即可。

If you have just arrived in South Australia you must register your arrival to South Australia to validate your obligation and commitment to South Australia.

If you are only going to travel to Australia to validate your visa and then return to your home country, you do not register your arrival, as you have not arrived in South Australia to live and work.

  1. You must register your arrival to South Australia on the Immigration SA Apply website.
  2. Only primary applicants nominated by the South Australian Government are required to register their arrival.
  3. If you are already onshore, enter your State nominated visa grant date as your arrival date.
  • Note: You are only required to register your arrival when you permanently settle in South Australia

2. 南澳要求申请人完成居住调查undertake the survey for the first two years from arrival

The State Government monitors skilled migrant outcomes and uses this information to report to the Australian government on settlement achievements for the first two years. Your participation in these updates is recorded towards meeting your obligation to the South Australian who has nominated you to live and work in South Australia for a two-year period.

  • Register your arrival in South Australia
  • Provide your address both before and after you arrive in Australia
  • Complete surveys providing updates on your contact details and employment outcomes
  • Undertake the survey for the first two years from arrival or from when your state nominated visa is granted at 3, 6, 12, 18 months and 2 year intervals

3.南澳要求申请人履行两年居住承诺 Commitment to South Australia

If you are planning to live and work in Australia, as you made the two-year commitment to South Australia, Immigration South Australia expects state nominated visa holders to initially arrive in South Australia and look for work while based here in South Australia and not to live in another State first before moving to South Australia.

The South Australian government does not issue obligation or commitment exemptions or waivers. We do recognise that from time to time circumstances arise whereby meeting your obligation and commitment to the South Australian government may be challenged. If you have encountered circumstances which are challenging your commitment, please communicate with us by submitting an enquiry detailing your situation.

You are reminded that the South Australian Government has nominated you on the basis that you fulfil your commitment to South Australia. Your commitment requires you to:

  • Live and work in South Australia for two years
  • Register your arrival
  • Complete regular skilled migrant updates at 3, 6, 12,18 and 24 months
  • Ensure your Immigration SA apply account is active and you provide up to date contact details via the Immigration SA Apply site. ​

4. 南澳两年居住期间是否可以离开
Please note that any extended periods you spend out of the country will not be included in your two year commitment to South Australia, i.e. if you were returning to your home country for 4 weeks out of a 12 month period, this would be deemed an acceptable period of time for a holiday, however if you return to your home country for longer periods during the year, you would need to add the time spent out of the country onto the end of your two year commitment.

飞出国总结: 南澳州本身不是众多移民申请人的首选移民地,因此,南澳对于两年居住这块要求一直比较严格,也是担心很多申请人通过南澳移民到了澳洲后就去了其他州居住,所以南澳近几年给海外申请人一般多是489州担保,除非有南澳留学,亲属,工作,offer等情况。而对于当前居住在澳洲其他州的申请人,则都不能申请南澳州担保,由此可见,南澳非常注重申请人的定居意向。