



新西兰技术移民 SMC EOI 当前邀请分数 160 分,两周邀请一回,每次邀请500个左右的申请,其他90%以上是已经获得新西兰雇主offer的,不到10%是没有offer但自己达到160分的。

2018 年新西兰技术移民 EOI 评分标准,飞出国简化版

申请新西兰需要年龄在55周岁以下,雅思总分不低于6.5分(A类或G类均可,同时认可PTE,TOEFL iBT,FCE 和 OET,2年之内),其次要满足 EOI 的160分才能被邀请。

SMC评分项 最高分 新西兰2018年评分项说明 - 飞出国
年龄 30 39岁内30,40-44岁20,45-49岁10,50-55岁5
学历 70 硕博70,本科50,技校职高40
新西兰雇主 50 新西兰工作或雇主offer收入需要达到新西兰平均收入水平,时薪23.49纽币
高薪职业 20 新西兰工作薪酬达到平均薪酬2倍,当前是时薪46.98纽币或年薪73,299
新西兰工作 10 在新西兰本地工作1年及以上,flyabroad
奥克兰以外地区就业 30 奥克兰以外地区就业额外加分,飞出国
工作经验 50 2年10,4年20,6年30,8年40,10年50,不限于新西兰工作
绝对紧缺 25 2-5年10分,6年15分;新西兰紧缺工作或offer10分,中国的工作经验只有紧缺职业或500强公司才加分
配偶 40 本科10分,硕博20分;配偶新西兰雇主offer20分,同时需要雅思6.5,关系持续12个月
新西兰学历 15 2年以上本科10分,1年硕博10分,2年硕博15分
飞出国 340 总分最高340分,得到160分才能获得邀请

飞出国:从上面简化评分标准看,申请人年龄30分(39周内),学历70分(硕士),6年紧缺职业工作经验30+15共45分,配偶10分(本科),只有155分,没有新西兰技能雇佣(新西兰雇主offer)且没有新西兰留学经历的情况下要达到160分不是那么容易,而且在没有新西兰雇主offer和新西兰硕博学历的情况下即使获得160分也只能给予9-12个月的 job search visa,这个申请人需要注意。

SMC技术移民评分标准变化 - 飞出国


  • 新西兰技能雇佣(Skilled Employment)加分不再区分工作年限,统一为50分(之前工作满1年加60分),取消了未来发展领域技能雇佣额外加分。最重要的变化是新西兰技能雇佣的评估标准是岗位薪酬,ANZSCO Skill Level 1,2,3 需要达到时薪23.49纽币(年薪48,859纽币),ANZSCO 4,5 及其他未在ANZSCO里定义的职业要求时薪35.24纽币(年薪73,299纽币),时薪达到$46.98纽币的还可以获得额外20分加分。
  • 年龄:30-39岁的分数上涨
  • 学历:硕博学历分数提高到了70分,紧缺职业,未来发展行业学历加分取消
  • 工作经验:4年及以上工作经验加分提高,10年及以上工作经验加分最高50分(之前最高30分)
  • 新西兰亲属:新西兰亲密家庭支持的10分被取消


新西兰工签转移民的前提是在新西兰已经工作满两年同时还持有雇主有效 job offer。按申请人的职业分为长期紧缺职业类别合格雇主类别。2年高薪工作是难点。雅思的话由雇主来要求,移民部不做额外要求。

另外一个工签转移民的方式是针对35周岁以下,雅思总分6.5,本科以上学位的申请人先通过银蕨签证去新西兰,找工作,找到高薪职业后(1,2,3类职业 时薪 NZ$24.29,其他职业时薪 NZ$36.44)按照 SMC 打分申请常规技术移民,不够分的可以在新西兰工作1年后凑分,或者继续转工签工作满2年后按上面两种工签转移民方式申请移民。

新西兰银蕨签证每年全球只有 300 个配额,即使你年轻英语好感觉自己去新西兰找工作也无压力,又有几个人能抢上。再加上新西兰银蕨是不能带配偶子女的,更适合年轻自在的单身狗们。



假设学校也申请下来了,假设新西兰留学签证也申请下来了,假设移民政策2年后没有变的更难(变的更容易的假设就先不假设了,那样假设的话不留学也可以移民了),放眼望去,找高薪职业,工作2年后直接转,或雅思6.5,打分达到 160 后直接捞,新西兰合格雇主和合格薪酬的工作offer还是关键。留学生就能拿到这样的 offer 吗,如果你有自信可以试试,但在新西兰,花钱买这样的offer都很难了,而且因为薪酬高,各种税费高,不是真实工作的经济压力真的很大的吆。





需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


如果在新西兰读了硕士,没有job offer,但是打分到了160,是不是也能得到PR?




移民局表示,为了确保国际学生在毕业后的移民路径与学习目的相符,同时减少移民剥削的可能性。毕业后工签(Post-Study Work Visa)的最新主要变化有:

  • 取消雇主担保的毕业后工签类别(Employer-Assisted Post-Study work visa);
  • 本科或以上学历(>=Level 7)可以获得为期三年的毕业后工签;
  • 就读Level 4至6学位或非文凭Level 7学位的,可以获得为期一年的毕业后工签;持研究生文凭并且专业需要在相关职业机构注册的,可以多获得一年工签;
  • 就读上述Level 4至6学位或非文凭Level 7学位、但不在奥克兰的学生,可以有时效地获得两年毕业后工签。时效指学生必须在2021年底读完;
  • 学习Level 8及以上学位的,只有当其专业在长期技能短缺名单上,才有资格为配偶申请开放工签。

此外,技术移民(Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa)和技能工作签证(Essential Skills Work Visa)的薪酬标准也再次提高。根据新西兰统计局最新工资数据,跟去年的标准相比,涨幅为2.9%。


  • 技能级别为1至3级的职位,技术移民工资上涨到每小时25新西兰元,相当于年薪5.2万新西兰元;
  • 技能级别为4至5级的职业,技术移民工资上涨到每小时37.5新西兰元,相当于年薪7.8万新西兰元;
  • 如果想获得高薪人士的20加分,工资必须达到每小时50新西兰元,相当于年薪10.4万新西兰元(即国民收入中位数的两倍)。


  • 技能级别为1至3级的职位,工资要达到每小时21.25新西兰元,才能办理Essential技能工作签证,对应年薪为44200新西兰元;
  • 技能级别为4至5级的职业,工资要达到每小时37.5新西兰元,才能办理Essential 技能工作签证,对应年薪为78000新西兰元。




  • 除了北京办公室外,其他地方的申请缴费方式不得为现金;
  • 在允许MasterCard和Visa信用卡支付外,新增银联信用卡支付方式;
  • 允许部分申请人免交申请费。

Changes to post-study work rights for international students come into effect on 26 November 2018Friday, 9 November 2018

On 8 August 2018, the government announced changes to the Post-study work visa policy to ensure that post-study pathways for international students are fit for purpose and provide the skills and qualifications New Zealand needs. These changes will come into effect on 26 November 2018.

The changes will:

  • remove the employer-assisted post-study work visas at all levels
  • provide a 1-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications, with an additional year for Graduate Diploma graduates who are working towards registration with a professional or trade body
  • provide a 2-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications outside Auckland, provided study is completed by December 2021, at which point the entitlement for post-study work rights reverts to a 1-year Post-study open work visa
  • provide a 3-year Post-study open work visa for degree Level 7 or above qualifications
  • require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.

Skilled Migrant and Essential Skills visas — changes to remuneration thresholdsFriday, 9 November 2018

Remuneration thresholds in Skilled Migrant and Essential Skills policies will be increasing on 26 November 2018.

The Essential Skills work visa and Skilled Migrant Category resident visa remuneration thresholds have been updated as part of our annual review. The new thresholds are based on the New Zealand median salary and wage rate of $25 per hour (up 2.9% from last year), equivalent to $52,000 per annum for a 40-hour per week job.

Hourly rates from 26 November 2018

From 26 November 2018, we are making changes to what an applicant in the Skilled Migrant Category must earn.

Threshold Between 15 January 2018 and 25 November 2018 From 26 November 2018
Threshold for skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 1-3 $24.29 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary) $25.00 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 4-5, or which is not included in ANZSCO $36.44 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary) $37.50 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold to earn bonus points $48.58 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary) $50.00 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary)

After 26 November 2018, we are making changes to what an applicant in the Essential Skills work visa category must earn.

Threshold Between 15 January 2018 and 25 November 2018 From 26 November 2018
Threshold for mid-skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 1-3 $20.65 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary) $21.25 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for higher-skilled employment in any occupation (including those at ANZSCO 4-5) $36.44 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary) $37.50 per hour or above (or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for lower-skilled employment (for all ANZSCO levels) $20.64 per hour or below (or the equivalent annual salary) $21.24 per hour or below (or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for lower-skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 4-5 $36.43 per hour or below (or the equivalent annual salary) $37.49 per hour or below (or the equivalent annual salary)

What if I am a current Essential Skills work visa holder and my job does not meet the new threshold? What if I’m an employer and one of my staff hold a current visa but their wage does not meet the new threshold?

Visas that people already hold will not be affected. Changes to the income thresholds will not affect the duration or conditions of visas that have already been granted.

If you apply for, or have applied for, an Essential Skills work visa and your application was received by INZ before 26 November 2018, the old thresholds will be used to assess your application and determine your visa application. Only new applications made on or after 26 November 2018 will be assessed against the new threshold.

This may mean the conditions or visa duration of the next visa could be different. For example, a chef paid $21 an hour would currently be considered mid-skilled, as the occupation is ANZSCO level 2 and the pay is above the existing threshold of $20.65. However if they applied for a further visa after 26 November they would be considered low skilled, unless their pay increased to above the new threshold of $21.25.

If I am an employer who has already advertised and prepared to support an Essential Skills work visa, but the person cannot get his application in before 26 November 2018, what happens then?

If an application is received and accepted after 26 November 2018, the new thresholds will apply, even if, for example, the employment agreement has been signed prior to 26 November 2018.

What happens if I was invited to apply for the Skilled Migrant Category under the old thresholds?

We will assess your application against the thresholds in place on the date your expression of interest (EOI) was selected from the Pool, if that selection results in an invitation to apply. For example, if your EOI was selected on 21 November and you were invited to apply before 30 November, the old remuneration thresholds will apply, even though you weren’t invited to apply until after the new thresholds were introduced.







而现任移民部长Iain Lees-Galloway表示,他正在想办法鼓励让更多的技术移民成为居民:“我的确在考虑这个问题,看我们是不是能够更好地target到技术移民,并为他们提供能够获得居民权的更好的机会。我并不认为目前我们的residence programme(居民项目)有效地推给了目标群体。”

你好,请问新西兰职业也是和澳大利亚的定义一样吗?之前在EA评估过,国内职业是电信工程师,但因为和教育专业不完全匹配所以给认定了engineering technologist,而这个不在新西兰的紧缺职业列表