萨省技术移民存款证明要求 Settlement Funds for SINP ISWs in Occupations in Demand

SINP 省提名技术移民资金数额要求 - 飞出国


2017 年萨省技术移民存款证明要求 Settlement Funds for SINP ISWs in Occupations in Demand

申请人数-SINP 资金要求-飞出国 人民币-flyabroad
1 $12,164 ¥72,984.00
2 $15,143 ¥90,858.00
3 $18,617 ¥111,702.00
4 $22,603 ¥135,618.00
5 $25,636 ¥153,816.00
6 $28,913 ¥173,478.00
7或更多 $32,191 ¥193,146.00

SINP 省提名技术移民资金证明要求 - 飞出国



  • Personal chequing or savings accounts 个人储蓄账户
  • Bonds
  • Cash value life insurance 现金价值寿险
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GICs) or Certificates of Deposit 银行投资证明
  • Mutual Funds 共同基金
    • Provident Funds (an official letter from the provident fund organization indicating the amount of funds that are accessible is required)
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
  • Stocks 股票
  • Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) 免税储蓄账户
  • Term deposits and time deposits (must be valid at the time of application and remain valid throughout the entire application process) 定期存款必须整个申请过程中有效
    • Treasury Bills 国库券,国债


明确说明的是: 公司债券,信用卡,信用额度,黄金,现金,房产或商业资产 不能 作为定居资金证明。

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2018 年萨省技术移民存款证明要求 Settlement Funds for SINP ISWs in Occupations in Demand


萨省认可的资金证明形式比较多,资金证明形式除了最长用的银行定期或活期存款,还可以包含现金价值寿险,股票,国库券,国债等。2018年3月5 日后资金会根据IRCC 要求而变化,IRCC 要求提供近6 个月流水;因此,建议资金尽早存,递档前6 个月不低于萨省要求最低额。

  1. 递交申请前三个月活期流水余额持续满足最低资金要求
  2. 定期存款证明及最近三个月的活期流水
  3. 股票市值单以及最近三个月的交易记录
  4. 购买国债证明及最近三个月的活期流水
  5. 现金价值寿险保单及最近三个月的活期流水
  6. 银行或者网络理财产品的资金证明以及对应的银行账号(如有)的近三个流水(会显示购买赎回信息)


Required Documents for ISWs in Occupations in Demand

Proof of funds must be attached to your application. They must:

  • be official letters, official statements, and/or certificates from one or more financial institutions.
  • have been maintained at least 3 months prior to submitting your application and maintained throughout the entire immigration process.
  • be in the name of the principal applicant and/or spouse only.

Fund statements must show a detailed transaction history for at least three months before the date your SINP application is submitted and must include the type of currency, fund holder’s name, contact information of the financial institution, account numbers, transactions and balances.

All documents not issued in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.

To determine whether settlement funds are sufficient, the account must show that when the account was at its lowest amount, it met the settlement requirement for the size of the household.

The following funds will be accepted:

  • Personal chequing or savings accounts
  • Bonds
  • Cash value life insurance
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GICs) or Certificates of Deposit
  • Mutual Funds
  • Provident Funds (an official letter from the provident fund organization indicating the amount of funds that are accessible is required)
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
  • Stocks
  • Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs)
  • Term deposits and time deposits (must be valid at the time of application and remain valid throughout the entire application process)
  • Treasury Bills

Debentures, credit cards, lines of credit, gold, cash, property or businesses are not accepted as settlement funds.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2018年5月后,SINP 定居资金要求与联邦保持一致,3口之家大概2万加币,按5.2汇率计算,11万人民币就够了。为了稳妥起见,飞出国建议申请人提供尽可能充足的定居资金,并以银行存款的形式一直保持在账号上,从申请前3个月前就要满足这个存款要求并且在获得省提名前也要保持这笔资金。

#### Settlement Funds

You must submit proof that you have funds that will support your household during your employment search after you arrive. The minimum amount required for your application is based on the size of your family, as listed in the table below.

Number of Persons in Household Funds Required (in Canadian dollars)
One person $12,475
Two people $15,531
Three people $19,093
Four people $23,181
Five people $26,292
Six people $29,652
Seven people $33,014


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
