魁北克技术移民语言要求(Québec French and English knowledge Requirements)

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魁北克技术移民语言要求(Québec French and English knowledge Requirements) - 飞出国


递交魁省的法语和英语成绩必须是2年之内的。详细的评分标准可以参考: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/quebec/qsw.htmlhttp://www.flyabroadvisa.com/quebec/lang.html

法语 - 飞出国



英语 - 飞出国


如何评分 - 飞出国



French and English knowledge for candidates from the Regular Skilled Worker Program

Evaluation of French and English knowledge

Effective December 6, 2011, all new candidates in the Regular Skilled Worker Program who wish to obtain points in the selection grid for their knowledge of French (principal applicant: 16 points for oral and written knowledge; spouse: maximum of 6 points) and English (principal applicant only: maximum of 6 points for oral and written) must enclose with their immigration application attestations of results of evaluation tests recognized by the Ministère. Children accompanying their parents are exempt from this new requirement.

The results of the language knowledge tests recognized by the Ministère are therefore the only language knowledge evaluation tool for French and English used for immigration candidates who submit an application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec. In addition to optimizing the Ministère’s selection practices, standardized tests ensure that the evaluation of candidates for their French and English knowledge is accurate, consistent and fair. The results must date from less than two years from the date of submission of the application.

Candidates who do not wish to use the points awarded for knowledge of French or English or both must specify this in their application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec by marking the appropriate box on the form.

Evaluation of French knowledge

Candidates in the Regular Skilled Worker Program (principal applicants and spouses) who wish to obtain points for their knowledge of French (principal applicant: maximum of 16 points, including 14 points for oral and 2 points for written; spouse: maximum of 6 points for oral) must demonstrate this knowledge by enclosing with their immigration application the results of a French evaluation test issued by one of the two organizations recognized by the Ministère, specifically:

These tests evaluate oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral production and written production. Points on the selection grid are awarded according to the results indicated on the attestations of standardized test results or, if applicable, on the reverse side of the DELF or DALF diploma. Only supporting documentation issued by organizations that offer these tests (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris-Île de France) are recognized by the Ministère.

An up-to-date list of all accredited TEF, TEFAQ, TEF Canada, TCF, TCFQ, DELF and DALF centres can be consulted on the the Internet sites of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France and the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (Centres d’examen DELF - DALF and Centres de passation du TCF pour le Québec).

Evaluation of English knowledge

Candidates in the Regular Skilled Worker Program (principal applicants only) who wish to obtain points for their knowledge of English must demonstrate this knowledge by enclosing with their immigration application the results of an English evaluation test recognized by the Ministère, namely the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

An up-to-date list of centres certified by the IELTS is available on the International English Language Testing System Internet site.

Awarding of points

For the evaluation of French knowledge**,** level 7 (advanced intermediate) of the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is the minimum threshold from which points are awarded.

The principal applicant can obtain a maximum of 16 points for knowledge of oral and written French, including 7 points for oral comprehension, 7 points for oral production, 1 point for written comprehension and 1 point for written production.

The spouse of a candidate can obtain a maximum of 6 points for oral French knowledge, including 3 points for oral comprehension and 3 points for oral production.

For the evaluation of English knowledge, level 5 (intermediate) of the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent is the minimum threshold from which points are awarded.

The principal applicant can obtain a maximum of 6 points for knowledge of oral and written English, including 2 points for oral comprehension, 2 points for oral production, 1 point for written comprehension and 1 point for written production.

IMPORTANT: To prove knowledge of French and English, candidates who submit an immigration application under the Regular Skilled Worker Program must provide the results of a standardized test, even if their mother tongue is French or English.

Spouses of candidates in the Regular Skilled Worker Program can obtain points for knowledge of oral French. Consequently, they are asked to provide the results of an evaluation test for oral comprehension and production only.

魁北克技术移民语言要求 :http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/permanent-workers/official-immigration-application/requirements-programs/language-knowledge.html


1 个赞



魁北克法语加分需要B2,是比较困难的。英语加分只需要clb 5,比较简单。最适合申请魁北克的是本身法语好的或者是受训分高的。当前,受训分高的,不仅不要求法语成绩,而且优先处理,速度快,受训加分高的可以优先考虑魁北克技术移民。



考 TEF-Q 和 TCF-Q也可以是吧?



在满足初申分时可以先递交申请,初审通过后补交资料时再补交语言成绩。3.8 魁北克技术移民评分标准变了,语言加分没变,还是法语听说读写都要达到B2以上才能加分。听说加分高,单项最高加7分,读写单项最多加1分。最高 7+7+1+1=16分。

英语加分上,雅思达到 CLB 5(听5,读4,写5,说5)单项加1分。听说达到 CLB 9(听8,读7,写7,说7)单项可以加2分,最高2+2+1+1=6分。