QSOL 2018 硕士留学生州担保职业 - Queensland Postgraduate – Masters or PhD

2018-2019 年度最新昆士兰州境内硕士留学生担保职业清单 - 飞出国

昆士兰州担保昆州硕士类别州担保清单 QLD 官方 2018年7月2日最后更新(Queensland Postgraduate – Masters or PhD (subclass 190))。


对毕业未超过2年的昆州硕士毕业生,要求提名职业和硕士专业相关,同时在昆州找到1个12个月以上的雇主 offer 可以按
I'm a Master's graduate from a QLD university - QSOL 上的职业申请。不再这个清单上昆州硕士毕业生也没法申请。



  1. 雅思4个6(或PTE A 4个50)
  2. 通过职业评估
  3. EOI 分数达到 65 分(自身分数到达60分可以申请190,自身分数达到55分可以申请489,有些职业有自己的分数要求)
  4. 获邀时年龄45周岁之内


20180702 昆州留学生类别适用的QLD州担保职业清单(102个) - 飞出国

ANZSCO QLD 昆州工作类别 - 飞出国 190 签证 489 签证 具体要求-飞出国
131114 公共关系经理 / Public Relations Manager N 489
132211 财务经理 / Finance Manager N 489 70分
132311 人力资源经理 / Human Resource Manager 190 489 70分
132411 政策和规划经理 / Policy and Planning Manager N 489
132511 研究和开发经理 / Research and Development Manager 190 489
133211 工程师经理 / Engineering Manager 190 489
133511 生产经理(林业) / Production Manager (Forestry) 190 489
133512 生产经理(制造业) / Production Manager (Manufacturing) 190 489
133513 生产经理(采矿) / Production Manager (Mining) 190 489
133611 采购供应及分销经理 / Supply and Distribution Manager 190 489
133612 采购经理 / Procurement Manager N 489
134111 幼儿中心经理 / Child Care Centre Manager 190 489
134212 护理临床主任 / Nursing Clinical Director 190 489
134213 初级卫生机构经理 / Primary Health Organisation Manager 190 489
134214 福利中心经理 / Welfare Centre Manager 190 489
134311 校长 / School Principal 190 489
134499 教育管理者NEC / Education Managers nec 190 489
135112 信息和通信技术项目经理 / ICT Project Manager 190 489 70分
135199 信息和通信技术经理NEC / ICT Managers nec 190 489 70分
139915 体育管理员 / Sports Administrator N 489
212413 报刊杂志记者 / Print Journalist 190 489
212415 技术作家 / Technical Writer 190 489
212416 电视记者 / Television Journalist 190 489
212499 记者和其他作家NEC / Journalists and Other Writers nec 190 489
221111 会计师(普通) / Accountant (General) N 489 70分
222211 金融市场经销商 / Financial Market Dealer 190 489
222311 金融投资顾问 / Financial Investment Adviser 190 489
222312 金融投资经理 / Financial Investment Manager 190 489
223211 ICT培训师 / ICT Trainer 190 489 70分
224112 数学家 / Mathematician 190 489
224213 卫生信息管理员 / Health Information Manager 190 489
224512 估值师 / Valuer 190 489
224711 管理顾问 / Management Consultant 190 489
225112 市场研究分析师 / Market Research Analyst N 489
225113 市场营销专员 / Marketing Specialist 190 489
225211 ICT客户经理 / ICT Account Manager 190 489 70分
225212 信息和通信技术业务发展经理 / ICT Business Development Manager 190 489 70分
231111 飞机飞行员 / Aeroplane Pilot N 489
231113 飞行教练 / Flying Instructor N 489
231114 直升机飞行员 / Helicopter Pilot N 489
232111 建筑师 / Architect 190 489
232112 景观设计师 / Landscape Architect 190 489
232213 制图师 / Cartographer 190 489
232214 其他空间科学家 / Other Spatial Scientist 190 489
232312 工业设计师 / Industrial Designer 190 489
232411 平面设计师 / Graphic Designer 190 489
232412 插图画家 / Illustrator 190 489
232414 网页设计师 / Web Designer 190 489
232611 城市和区域规划师 / Urban and Regional Planner 190 489 70分
233914 工程技师 / Engineering Technologist N 489 70分
233915 环境工程师 / Environmental Engineer 190 489
241511 特别需要教师 / Special Needs Teacher 190 489
241512 聋哑教师 / Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 190 489
241513 视障教师 / Teacher of the Sight Impaired 190 489
241599 特殊教育教师NEC / Special Education Teachers nec 190 489
249111 教育顾问 / Education Adviser 190 489
251211 医用放射诊断技师 / Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 190 489
251212 医疗放射治疗师 / Medical Radiation Therapist 190 489
251213 核医学技师 / Nuclear Medicine Technologist 190 489
251214 超声检查技师 / Sonographer 190 489
251311 环境卫生官员 / Environmental Health Officer N 489
251911 健康推广主任 / Health Promotion Officer 190 489
254311 护士经理 / Nurse Manager 190 489
254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner 190 489
254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 190 489
261111 ICT业务分析师 / ICT Business Analyst 190 489 70分
261112 系统分析员 / Systems Analyst 190 489 70分
261212 Web开发员 / Web Developer 190 489 70分
261312 开发程序员 / Developer Programmer 190 489 70分
261313 软件工程师 / Software Engineer 190 489 70分
262111 数据库管理员 / Database Administrator 190 489 70分
262112 信息和通信技术安全专家 / ICT Security Specialist 190 489 70分
262113 系统管理员 / Systems Administrator 190 489 70分
263111 计算机网络和系统工程师 / Computer Network and Systems Engineer 190 489 70分
263112 网络管理员 / Network Administrator 190 489 70分
263113 网络分析师 / Network Analyst 190 489 70分
263211 ICT质量保证工程师 / ICT Quality Assurance Engineer 190 489 70分
263212 信息和通信技术支持工程师 / ICT Support Engineer 190 489 70分
263213 信息和通信技术系统测试工程师 / ICT Systems Test Engineer 190 489 70分
263299 信息和通信技术支持和测试工程师NEC / ICT Support and Test Engineers nec 190 489 70分
272112 药物和酒精顾问 / Drug and Alcohol Counsellor 190 489
272113 家庭和婚姻顾问 / Family and Marriage Counsellor 190 489
272114 康复顾问 / Rehabilitation Counsellor 190 489
272199 辅导员NEC / Counsellors nec 190 489
272311 临床心理学家 / Clinical Psychologist 190 489
272312 教育心理学家 / Educational Psychologist 190 489
272313 组织心理学家 / Organisational Psychologist 190 489
272314 心理治疗师 / Psychotherapist 190 489
272399 心理学家NEC / Psychologists nec 190 489
272511 社工 / Social Worker 190 489
272613 福利工作者 / Welfare Worker 190 489
312116 测量或空间科学技术员 / Surveying or Spatial Science Technician N 489
312999 建筑及工程技术员NEC / Building and Engineering Technicians nec N 489
313113 Web管理员 / Web Administrator 190 489 70分
313199 信息和通信技术支持技术员NEC / ICT Support Technicians nec 190 489 70分
313214 电信技术人员或技师 / Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist 190 489
323111 飞机维修工程师(航空电子) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) 190 489
323112 飞机维修工程师(机械) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) 190 489
323113 飞机维修工程师(结构) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) 190 489
411713 家庭支持工作家 / Family Support Worker 190 489
411716 青年工人 / Youth Worker 190 489
452321 体育发展主任 / Sports Development Officer 190 489


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me


昆士兰硕士、博士类别(Master’s or PhD Alumni of a Queensland University)-飞出国


飞出国:当前持有489签证的申请人不允许再次申请 190 。

I’m a Master’s or PhD Alumni of a Queensland University

Features - flyabroad

Queensland is seeking to attract highly skilled and employable international postgraduate alumni, in target occupations which are difficult to fill from the local labour market.

Queensland makes nominations for eligible Master’s and PhD graduates under the Skilled Nomination (Permanent) visa (subclass 190), which allows you to live and work in Queensland permanently. If you are a current holder of a Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) you will not be eligible for nomination for the Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190).

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both the Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category.

The DHA criteria requires you to:

  • have a points test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points
  • have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation
  • meet the minimum English language requirement of COMPETENT, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority
  • be under 45 years of age
  • and submit additional documents if invited to lodge an application for a subclass 190 or subclass 489 visa.

BSMQ criteria requires you to meet the following criteria:

* Graduates of a Queensland Masters degree Graduates of a Queensland PhD
Skilled Occupation List Have an occupation on the QSOL Masters Graduate List Have an occupation on the HA relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.
Work/study experience, specialisations and registrations Have completed 100% of your Masters degree at a Queensland-based institution and graduated in the last two years. This qualification must be related to your nominated occupation.
Provide evidence of current full-time employment with a Queensland employer registered in Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related occupation). Have completed 100% of your PhD at a Queensland-based institution and graduated in the last two years. This qualification must be related to your nominated occupation.
Job offer Provide evidence of ongoing employment from a Queensland employer registered in Australia in your skilled occupation (or a closely related occupation). This job offer must be for a minimum of 12 months (35 hours per week). A job offer is not required unless otherwise stated.

All applicants agree to commit to living and working in Queensland for two years from visa grant.

Application process

Step 1: Review your eligibility criteria, visa conditions and document checklist (see below) and on the DHA website. Ensure you meet both the DHA criteria and BSMQ criteria, and have all your documentation prepared before you apply.

Step 2: For Queensland State nomination, submit an EOI with SkillSelect. Please ensure all information, such as work experience, is included in your EOI. Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice.

Step 3: BSMQ assesses all EOIs that meet the DHA and BSMQ criteria. If you are successful, will receive an email invitation to lodge an application and be requested to provide the BSMQ required documents. Documents are to be uploaded electronically, through the Document Portal link provided in your invitation email. We no longer accept attachments sent to us by email.

Step 4: When you have uploaded your documents, you will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee to BSMQ, in order to finalise your application. BSMQ will review your application and may request further documentation.

Please note: you will be given two weeks to finalise your application from the date of invitation. Applications not finalised within this time frame will be closed and applicants will need to submit a new EOI if they wish to re-seek Queensland nomination.

Step 5: Once your completed BSMQ application is received and approved, you will receive an invitation from the DHA to lodge your visa application. You will be given 60 days to lodge your application with the DHA.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
