昆州(Queensland)教育概况 & 移民政策介绍

有着"阳光之州"美誉的昆士兰州(Queensland)对打算移民澳洲的小伙伴来说也是个不错的选择。它环境优美、矿产资源丰富、农牧业发达,首府布里斯班(Brisbane)和旅游胜地黄金海岸(Gold Coast)更是吸引无数游客慕名前往。


一. 昆州教育和育儿服务-飞出国:

  1. 12周岁及以下的儿童可以接受早教机构 early childhood education and care services提供的教育计划和育儿服务;

  2. 就近按需选择幼儿园或者托儿所 search facility

  3. 适龄儿童入学选择schools directory

  4. 义务教育从1年级(Year 1)开始,学前教育不强制.

  • In Queensland, early childhood education and care servicesdeliver educational programs and childcare for children from birth to 12 years old. You can can use this search facility to find your nearest approved kindergarten program or a childcare provider of your choice, e.g. long day care, family day care, school age care, limited hours care, etc.

  • If you have school age children and need to enrol them in school in Queensland you can find a school that suits you and your child by searching the schools directory. In Queensland, schooling from year 1 is compulsory. The Prep Year program is available to children in the year before they start primary school and is not compulsory.

  • If you have older children or family members who are interested in doing additional study or learning English, you can find out more about the universities, TAFE, vocational education and training and other education facilities in Queensland.

二. 海外学历认证-飞出国:

昆士兰州(Department of Education and Training’s Overseas Qualification Unit)免费为居住在当地的申请人提供海外获得的高中后学历证书的认证,以帮助申请人获得更高层次的职业&学历资格。

Overseas qualification recognition

If you hold a completed post-secondary school qualification from overseas and currently live in Queensland, the Department of Education and Training’s Overseas Qualification Unit may be able to assist you to have your qualifications assessed and recognised.

The unit provides a free general academic assessment that gives an indication of the general educational comparability in Australian terms. The assessment can assist people with higher level vocational qualifications and university qualifications.


  1. Study Queensland https://www.studyqueensland.qld.gov.au/

  2. Early childhood education https://www.qld.gov.au/education/earlychildhood

  3. Primary and High Schools directory Find a school | Education and training | Queensland Government

  4. ELICOS, VET and University directory https://www.studyqueensland.qld.gov.au/Study

三. 昆州毕业生州担保政策
昆士兰硕士、博士类别(Master’s or PhD Alumni of a Queensland University)-飞出国