
澳大利亚PR永居移民监要求具体是怎样?满足不了怎么办? 继续说起,



  • 令人信服的理由连续五年或以上没有居住在澳大利亚,或者
  • 近十年内作为澳洲公民或者永居居住在澳洲境外,从最后一次离开澳洲,有令人信服的理由累计超过五年没有居住在澳大利亚



  1. 商业联系证明文件 Business ties documents:
  • 体现申请人职位和权利的公司报告 company reports defining your role and authority
  • 商业交易 business transactions
  • 合伙或合资协议 partnership or joint venture agreements
  • 有申请人签名的合同 contracts showing your signature
  • 商业或者个人记录 business or personal records
  1. 文化联系证明文件 Cultural ties documents:
  • 申请人发表的文章 publications written by you
  • 合同 contracts
  • 文化类协会会员证明 evidence of membership of cultural associations
  • 有关申请人的媒体报道 newspaper articles about you
  • 有列明申请人艺术或者文化表演的节目 programs listing your artistic or cultural performances
  1. 工作联系证明文件 Employment ties documents:
  • 工作合同 employment contracts
  • 官方证明文件比如收入证明或者工资单 recent official documents such as group certificates and payslips
  • 员工证或者安全通行证 employee identification or security pass
  1. 个人联系证明文件 Personal ties document:
    如果申请人是或曾经是澳大利亚社区和经济的参与成员,并且他们的关系丰富了澳大利亚居民和公民个人的生活,那么与他们建立实质性的个人关系可能对澳大利亚有益。 这可能包括将澳大利亚视为家或有意在澳大利亚居住。例如:
举例情况 Example situation 举例文件 Example documents
您在澳大利亚有长期居住的历史,在澳大利亚度过了您的成长岁月,或者自首次获得永久签证以来在澳大利亚度过了大量时间。You have a history of long-term residence in Australia, spent your formative years in Australia or have spent a significant amount of time in Australia since first being granted a permanent visa. 水电费账单、银行对账单、旅行记录、永久签证决定、学校记录 Utility bills, bank statements, travel record, permanent visa decision, school records
您有澳大利亚公民的伴侣,或者如果还是未成年申请人,有澳大利亚公民的父母,且之前曾在澳大利亚居住过。You have an Australian citizen partner or, in the case of a minor child, Australian citizen parent, who has previously lived in Australia. 伴侣和子女的出生证明、结婚证或公民证明复印件,以及与澳洲公民身份配偶的关系持续证明 Copies of birth certificates, marriage or citizenship certificates of partners and children; Evidence of continuing relationship with Australian citizen partner
您有一名或多名澳大利亚公民未成年子女居住在澳大利亚(包括寄宿学校),且不存在任何探视权方面的法律障碍。You have one or more Australian citizen minor children living in Australia (including at boarding school) where no legal impediment to access exists. 学校报告,家庭住所证明 School reports, proof of residence of family home
您与家人(包括澳大利亚公民的未成年子女)在海外居住后将返回澳大利亚。You are returning to Australia after living overseas with your family unit, including Australian citizen minor children. 机票、购房文件、入学登记、搬家收据 Plane tickets, property purchase documents, school enrolments, moving receipts


  1. 如果是在澳大利亚境外申请,且:
  • 曾经持有永居签证,或者最后一次离开澳大利亚是永居或者公民身份(之后失去了公民身份),截止到递交155/157签证申请之时已经连续超过5年不在澳大利亚,需要有令人信服的理由
  • 在递交155/157签证申请之前曾是澳大利亚公民或者永居不到10年,作为公民或者永居最后离开澳大利亚的时候截止到递交155/157签证申请之时达到5年不在澳大利亚,需要有令人信服的理由

如果您在澳大利亚境外申请,并且在申请之前的 10 年内您不是澳大利亚公民或永久居民,则您没有资格获得 RRV。

If you apply outside Australia, and

  • you hold a permanent visa, or last departed Australia as a permanent resident or citizen (but subsequently lost that citizenship) – you must have compelling reasons for any absence(s) from Australia of at least 5 continuous years immediately before the date of your application;
  • you were an Australian citizen or permanent resident for less than 10 years before you applied for a RRV, you must have compelling reasons for any absence(s) that amount to 5 years in total between the date you departed Australia as a citizen or permanent resident and the date of application.

You are not eligible for an RRV if you apply outside Australia and you were not an Australian citizen or permanent resident in the 10 years immediately before the application.

  1. 如果是在澳大利亚境内申请,自从上一次获得永居签证或者失去澳洲公民身份起有5年不在澳大利亚,需要有令人信服的理由。申请人可以提供任何自己认为有说服力的因素,并要说明为何这些因素导致不能居住在澳洲。申请人可以提交解释声明并附上相关证明文件。可以包括但不限于:

If you apply in Australia

you must have compelling reasons for an absence of at least 5 continuous years since the grant of your most recent permanent visa, or since you ceased to be an Australian citizen.
Your compelling reasons should include any elements which you thought were forceful at the time. Although not mandatory, you should indicate how the compelling reasons for your absence link to the entirety of your absence from Australia. This could be done by a statement explaining the circumstances of your absence(s). Attach other documents showing your compelling reasons for absence(s) from Australia to your application, or there may be delays in processing your application. Examples of documents you can attach are (but not limited to)

  • 海外家庭成员重病或死亡 severe illness or death of an overseas family member
  • 申请人或者其配偶有工作或者学习承诺 work or study commitments by the applicant or the applicant’s partner
  • 申请人在海外与伴侣保持持续关系,或有未成年子女 the applicant is living overseas in an ongoing relationship with a partner, or has minor children
  • 申请人或申请人的随行家属一直在接受复杂或长期的医疗 the applicant or the applicant’s accompanying family members have been receiving complex or lengthy medical treatment
  • 申请人曾在海外卷入法律诉讼,时间超出申请人的控制范围 the applicant has been involved in legal proceedings overseas and the timing was beyond the applicant’s control
  • 申请人遭遇自然灾害、政治起义、流行病或其他类似事件,无法旅行 the applicant has been caught up in a natural disaster, political uprising, pandemic, or other similar event preventing them from travel


It will take us longer to process your application if we need to ask you for more documents. We may still, however, make a decision on your application based on any available information without requesting any additional information from you. As such, it is very important that you read all information on the website, and provide a complete application at the time of lodgement.


  1. 如果是已婚,则需要提供结婚证,如果是事实伴侣,则需要提供澳洲注册的关系证明,或者可以证明关系已持续至少12个月的证明。
  2. 不论是已婚还是事实伴侣,都需要证明关系的真实持续性,材料可以包括:
  • 联名银行账户流水 joint bank account statements
  • 联名账单 billing accounts in joint names
  • 联合租赁或抵押 joint leases or mortgages
  • 同居证明 documents that show your partner has lived at the same address as you
  1. 对于18周岁以下的子女,则需要提供:
  • 体现了父母姓名的出生证明或者户口本 copies of birth certificates or the family book showing the names of both parents
  • 如有,收养证明 copies of the adoption paper, if applicable
