

首先,澳大利亚的永居身份一般都是通过持有永居签证Permanent resident visa证明,而这个永居签证一般都是自签发之日有5年的有效期,在这五年内可以任意出入澳大利亚,而且入境澳大利亚后可以长期居住,即使后续签证到期了,只要不出境澳大利亚,也可以不必再去续签,但是如果5年到期了,不论人是在澳大利亚境内还是境外,只要有出入境需求,那么就要续签了,而申请续签就要涉及到签证持有人是否满足移民监要求(居住要求)了。

其次,我们来讨论续签的问题,不论之前是通过技术移民(比如189和190永居签证),还是杰出人才移民(比如124和858永居签证)或者其他移民(比如186雇主担保永居签证)等,在签证5年到期之际,如果想要进行所谓的续签,就是需要申请155或者157居民返程签证(Resident Return Visa),而这个居民返程签证的核心要求就是看申请人是否满足居住要求。

申请155或者157居民返程签证,需要满足居住或者实质性联系要求Meet our residence or substantial ties requirements:

  1. 在持有永居签证的5年内有2年居住在澳大利亚(累计),可以获得5年有效期的155签证
  2. 在澳大利亚境外,除非有令人信服的理由,在递交155/157签证申请之前没有连续5年或者更长时间没有居住在澳大利亚,持有永居签证或者最后离开澳大利亚的时候是永居或者公民身份(没有丧失公民身份),可以证明有对澳大利亚有益的实质性联系,那么可以获得12个月有效期的155签证
  3. 在澳大利亚境外,在递交155/157签证申请之前曾是澳大利亚公民或者永居不到10年,除非有令人信服的理由,作为公民或者永居最后离开澳大利亚的时候截止到递交155/157签证申请之时没有超过5年不在澳大利亚,可以证明有对澳大利亚有益的实质性联系,那么可以获得12个月有效期的155签证
  4. 在澳大利亚境内,且能够证明有对澳大利亚有益的实质性联系,并且自最近一个永居签证或者丧失公民身份之后没有连续超过5年不在澳大利亚(除非有令人信服的理由),那么可以获得12个月有效期的155签证
  5. 是已持有居民返程签证或者单独申请居民返程签证申请人的家庭成员,且满足下签的申请要求的,那么可以获得12个月有效期的155签证
  • have lived in Australia for 2 years in the last 5 years as the holder of a permanent visa (or permanent entry permit), or as an Australian citizen, in which case you will get a 5-year travel facility
  • be outside Australia and
    • not absent for 5 continuous years or more before the date of application (unless you have compelling reasons),
    • hold a permanent visa or last left Australia as a permanent resident or citizen (but subsequently lost citizenship)

be able to demonstrate substantial ties to Australia that are of benefit to Australia, in which case you can only be given a maximum 12 months travel facility

  • be outside Australia and
    • was an Australian citizen or permanent resident for less than 10 years before you applied,
    • not absent for periods that equate to 5 years (unless you have compelling reasons) between the date you left Australia as a permanent resident or citizen and the date of application

be able to demonstrate substantial ties to Australia that are of benefit to Australia, in which case you can only be given a maximum 12 months travel facility

  • be in Australia and able to demonstrate substantial ties to Australia that are of benefit to Australia and not been absent for 5 continuous years since grant of your most recent permanent visa or when you stopped being an Australian citizen (unless you have compelling reasons) in which case you can only be given a maximum 12 months travel facility
  • be the member of family unit of a person who already holds an RRV or has lodged a seperate application for an RRV, and meets the time of application criteria for grant, in which case you can only be given a maximum 12 months travel facility


  • 2年居住指的是730天
  • 5年时间是从递交155/157签证申请之日往前算(而不是155/157下签之日往前算)
  • 入境和离境当天都能算入在澳大利亚居住时间内,如果出入境是同一天那就只能算一天居住。如果是签证过期之日当天有另外的签证下签,也只算一天。永居签证持有者在澳大利亚待的半天也可以算一整天。

In calculating the residence requirement, the:

  • 2-year period is counted as 730 days
  • 5-year period is counted back from the RRV application lodgement date (not from the date of RRV decision)
  • date of arrival and date of departure are both included in the count of days in Australia. Only one day is counted if the applicant arrives and departs on the same day. Only one day is counted if a visa expires and another one is granted on the same day. A part-day spent in Australia by a permanent visa holder is counted as a full day.


  • 商务联系:
  • 文化联系
  • 工作联系
  • 个人联系 (包括家庭联系)

Your ties must be both substantial and of benefit to Australia, including:

  • business ties
  • cultural ties
  • employment ties
  • personal ties (including family ties)


  • 作为澳大利亚公民或者永居近五年内在澳大利亚有累计居住两年,则可以签发5年有效期的155签证
  • 不满足两年居住要求但是可以证明有对澳大利亚有益的实质性联系,则可以签发12个月有效期的155签证
  • 是已持有居民返程签证或者单独申请居民返程签证申请人的家庭成员,且满足下签的申请要求的,则可以签发12个月有效期的155签证
  • 以上都不满足,但是有令人信服的理由导致没待在澳大利亚境内,则只可以签发3个月有效期的157签证
  • lived in Australia for a total of 2 years in the last 5 years as a permanent resident or Australian citizen, then you meet what is known as the ‘residence requirement’ and will be given a 5 year travel facility on your RRV.
  • not met the ‘residence requirement’ but have demonstrated you have substantial ties with Australia that benefit Australia, then you can only be given a maximum of 12 months travel facility on your RRV. See ‘eligibility’ for the requirements.
  • applied as a member of family unit of a person who already holds an RRV, or who has lodged a seperate application for an RRV and meets the time of application criteria for grant, then you can only be given a maximum of 12 months travel facility on your RRV.
  • not met any of the above requirements, but have compelling and compassionate reasons for departure , then you can only be given 3 months travel facility on your RRV (subclass 157).


  • 如果之前的永居签证还有几个月到期,剩余的几个月有效期是没法留存到居民返程签证有效期一起计算的
  • 如果获得居民返程签证,则需要留意签证有效期安排入境
  • 虽然之前有永居签证,但是返回澳大利亚不是持有有效的永居签证(比如永居签证过期了,申请了旅游签),将影响申请人的永居身份(澳大利亚一般是后一个签证覆盖前一个签证),同时影响后续申请公民或者居民返程签证(因为这两者的居住要求都需要是持有永居签证在澳大利亚境内居住)
  • 如果在澳大利亚境内,永居签证过期了但是也不会出境,那么没必要申请居民返程签证

It is not possible to carry over the remaining travel facility from any previous visa to the subsequently granted RRV. You will not be able to get a refund for any lost travel facility.

If you hold an RRV, you should always be aware of the expiry date of the travel facility. You can check this on VEVO.

We will not send reminders to you when the travel facility of your RRV is about to expire. If you need to travel, you should apply for a new RRV before your existing travel facility expires in order to avoid delays.

There are only four types of permanent visa holders who are sent a Travel Facility Expiry Reminder (TFER), including permanent Partner visa holders. For more information, see Overseas travel as a permanent resident.

If you return to Australia without a permanent visa and a valid travel facility (for example, a visitor visa), this might impact your:

  • entitlements as a permanent resident
  • ability to satisfy the permanent residence requirements when applying for Australian citizenship or another RRV.

If you are in Australia and your travel facility has expired and you do not wish to travel, you do not need to apply for an RRV.
