OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream 安省境外雇主担保移民 2018
- 在合格雇主处找到高技能(技能级别0,A,B类别职业),全职,连续 job offer,
- 职位满足平均工资要求,且担保的职位不能与公司里其他同职位的工资低
- 海外雇员近5年内有2年与提名职业相关的工作经验,且满足该职业在安省的就业要求
OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream
Who Can Apply? - flyabroad
To be eligible to apply for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream, at the time of your application, you must have a job offer from an eligible Ontario employer that meets the following criteria:
- Is a full-time job offer of an indeterminate duration in a skilled occupation (NOC 0, A or B), and
- Meets the median wage levels in Ontario for that occupation and region.
- If the applicant is already working for the employer in the position, the wage of the job offer must also be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays the applicant in that position.
As a foreign worker, you must also:
- Have two cumulative years of work experience in the same NOC occupation as the one in your job offer in the last five years immediately preceding the date of application submission.
- Have the relevant mandatory licensing in Ontario for a regulated occupation, if applicable.
- Have an intention to reside in Ontario.
- Have legal status in Canada (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) if currently residing in Canada. Not required if you are residing outside of Canada.
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) > Employer/Job Offer > Foreign Worker
Before you can submit your online application, you must pay the application fee of $2,000 for job offers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and $1,500 for job offers outside of the GTA (the GTA is defined as the City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York and Peel Regions).
OINP 雇主担保对雇主及职位的要求: 安省雇主担保移民对雇主及担保职位的要求 2018 OINP Employer & Position Criteria 。
OINP Application Guide 20180709 - Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream: oi_en_worker-20180709-flyabroad.pdf (835.0 KB)。
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。