3月3日,安省先是公布雇主担保-留学生类别(Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream)开放接受申请人的消息。
Update: Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream
The Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream opening has been paused due to technical issues.
The OINP is investigating the cause of the technical issues and are working to open the stream as soon as possible.
OINP now accepting applications to the Employer Job Offer: International Student and Foreign Worker Streams
The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) is now accepting applications to both the Employer Job Offer: International Student and Foreign Worker streams.
Once the intake limits have been met, the system will automatically prevent further registrations from being submitted. Should the limits be met outside regular business hours, a notice will be posted on this page the next business day.
OINP has closed intake to the Employer Job Offer: International Student and Foreign Worker Streams
Please note that the Employer Job Offer: International Student and Foreign Worker Streams are now closed, and no additional registrations will be accepted until further notice.
对于安省雇主担保项目的申请人来说,无疑是经过了过山车般的一天。我方已经致电安省移民局询问情况,得到的答复是:由于访问量过大导致系统瘫痪。 由此推测,安省雇主担保项目有可能近期还会再次开放。
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某私立学院 ,位于多伦多,现招聘1123招生岗位、0124市场经理、2173/2174 IT岗位。
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