LMIA 劳工市场影响评估 Labour Market Impact Assessment 与加拿大EE加分

LMIA 劳工市场影响评估与加拿大EE加分 - 飞出国

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) 是加拿大雇主雇佣海外工人时需要的许可文件。加拿大雇主雇佣国外工人需要申请 LMIA ,以证明加拿大雇主已经在境内努力招聘但没有找到合适雇员,有必要雇佣国外雇员。

An LMIA is a document from Employment and Social Development Canada/Service Canada that allows an employer to hire a foreign worker through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

Labour Market Impact Assessment 与加拿大EE加分 - 飞出国

在2015年加拿大实施 Express Entry 后, LMIA 成为雇主offer加分的核心因素,如果要获得雇主offer的600分加分,Arranged employment (positive Labour Market Impact Assessment required) 。也就是只有雇主先申请了 LMIA 再提名雇员后的工作offer才能在EE里加600分。

LMIA 申请条件及 ESDC 重点考虑的评估因素 - 飞出国

LMIA 必须由雇主联系加拿大就业和社会发展部(ESDC)提起申请,申请通过的文件通常叫做确认信(confirmation letter),如果评估结果显示在加拿大境内确实有雇佣海外员工的需要,且该工作是加拿大公民不能胜任的,即没有加拿大人可以胜任该类工作,雇主就可以雇佣海外人员。

第一次申请 LMIA 需要提供企业执照,随后申请需要以前的申请满足要求。不同类别有不同的申请中心: http://www.esdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/foreign_workers/scc.shtml

ESDC(Employment and Social Development Canada )重点考虑的因素包括薪水,工作环境,劳动力市场情况,公司信用,及雇佣该海外雇员对加拿大可以带来好处同时避免对本地劳动力的冲击,同时还要考虑雇员的情况。

LMIA 评估时并没有对企业规模,成立时间,经验状况等做出严格要求,重点考虑的是一个企业是否真的有必要去境外雇佣临时工人。证明这一必要性的关键因素就是招聘努力,例如一般需要提供最少4周,最好12周的招聘广告,并且需要在 job bank 及两种其他招聘方式才比较容易通过申请。

Requirements for Employers Applying for an LMIA - FLYabroad

In their analysis of the offer of employment, ESDC will consider the following elements:

  • Is the salary offered to the foreign worker consistent with the average for the occupation in the area the position is located?
  • Are the working conditions consistent with labor laws and/or collective bargaining agreements?
  • Is there a labor shortage for that occupation in the area the position is located?
  • Is there an ongoing labor dispute in the company and/or industry?
  • Has the Canadian employer undertaken recruitment efforts in order to find a Canadian to fill the position?
  • Will the foreign worker be able to transfer unique skills or expertise to Canadians?
  • Will hiring the foreign worker help to create or retain jobs for Canadians?
  • Will the foreign worker be the employee of the Canadian employer, whereby the foreign worker is expected to work on a full-time basis at a pre-determined wage?

Generally speaking, for jobs located in one of Canada’s major cities, the more specialized the position and the higher the salary offered, the higher the chances of obtaining a positive LMIA will be. In less populated cities and regions, this is still true but generally obtaining an LMIA may be easier.

从统计数据上看,5-50人公司申请的LMIA最多,5人之下的小公司其次。也就是中小企业是申请LMIA的核心群体。 http://www.esdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/foreign_workers/lmo_statistics/annual-business.shtml

通过下面统计数据看一下哪些省和地区审批的LMIA最多: http://www.esdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/foreign_workers/lmo_statistics/annual-loc-emp.shtml


NSPNP - New Requirements for the International Mobility Program

NS 又明确的说明了一些豁免 LMIA 的 International Mobility Program 类别的费用,及雇主及申请人需要做的事情。豁免 LMIA 的无法在技术移民中加分,主要针对短期临时工签。

  • a $230 compliance fee for employers;
  • a requirement for employers to submit employment information directly to CIC; and
  • a new fee of $100 on open work permit applications.


LMIA 分为:Named LMIA,和 Unnamed LMIA

  • 现成的 LMIA 属于 Unnamed LMIA,已经批准出来了后需要改到客户名字(有效期6个月),大概需要7个工作日
  • Named LMIA 就是正常流程,雇主用雇员名字申请,不可转让给别人,申请周期需要6个月左右

Applying for an Unnamed Labour Market Impact Assessment

Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, employers can apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before a temporary foreign worker (TFW) has been identified. LMIA applications that do not contain the names of the TFWs will be assessed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/Service Canada and employers who meet the requirements will receive a positive “Unnamed LMIA”, valid for 6 months.


This unnamed LMIA option does not apply to all Program streams and is not offered in all provinces/territories.

All provinces and territories (except Quebec)

An unnamed LMIA application can only be submitted for available positions in:

  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (including Quebec)
  • Agricultural stream
  • Caregiver Program
  • Stream for Low-wage positions
  • Stream for High-wage positions


An unnamed LMIA application can only be submitted for available positions in the province of Quebec if the employment is for a period of less than 30 days in:

  • Agricultural stream
  • Caregiver Program
  • Stream for Low-wage positions
  • Stream for High-wage positions

Note: In Quebec, employment offers less than 30 days do not require approval from the ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI).

How to apply?

The process for an unnamed LMIA application consists of:

  1. The employer submits an LMIA application without completing the “Foreign Worker Information” section or by indicating “Unnamed” in that section.
  2. The application must be accompanied by all supporting documentation as the assessment is the same as a standard LMIA application.
  3. The employer must continue to make efforts to recruit Canadians and permanent residents until the names of the TFWs have been provided.
  4. ESDC/Service Canada verifies that the LMIA application meets the criteria for an unnamed LMIA, and assesses the application according to the Program requirements.
  5. If the result of the assessment is positive, a positive LMIA letter labelled “Unnamed LMIA” will be sent to the employer for a given number of positions, and a specific period of employment. The letter will include a “Foreign Worker Name Template”.
  6. As soon as the TFWs have been identified, the employer must complete and submit the “Foreign Worker Name Template” to ESDC/Service Canada.
  7. ESDC/Service Canada will add the names of the TFWs into the system and issue an official positive LMIA letter to the employer within 5 to 10 business days. The official positive LMIA letter will include the same expiry date as the unnamed positive LMIA letter.

TFWs must apply for a work permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) before the expiry date of the positive LMIA. Their applications for a work permit must include a copy of the official positive LMIA letter, the annexes, and the employment contract.



  1. 可以在 联邦EE中为申请人额外增加50/200分;


  2. LMIA 是某些移民项目的必要条件;

    比如说一些省提名项目以及联邦的农业和食品加工试点项目(AFIP) 要求申请人在申请工签之前必须申请LMIA。

    目前,很多项目不用申请LMIA, 比如 很多项目不用LMIA也能申请,

    例如 Caregiver项目、AIPP项目、萨省雇主担保、安省雇主担保等,这些项目不需要LMIA,简化了申请流程,也一定程度上减小了项目的难度。

  3. 帮助海外申请人顺利拿到工签;

  4. 帮助毕业工签持有者续签;



除了上面提到的LMIA可以在联邦EE等多个移民项目中加分、以及帮助申请人顺利申请工签外, LMIA还可以让您的移民申请更有把握

申请LMIA对雇主的要求非常高,雇主的营业情况纳税情况、以及雇主对招聘岗位的真实需求、申请人的情况等都是LMIA考察的重点! LMIA评估其实是对雇主背景和对雇主招聘情况的一个测试。显然,拿到LMIA对我们的移民申请是有很大好处的,这样,我们可以对雇主更放心移民局对于雇主和申请人之间的雇佣真实性也更信服,因此对提高通过率有很大的帮助

LMIA是由雇主来申请的,然而由于LMIA对雇主的要求高、需要雇主提供大量的文件和证明材料以及一些准备工作(比如在当地多途径打招聘广告),花费成本和精力, 因此不是每一位雇主都愿意为申请人申请LMIA。

飞出国会视申请人的情况以及项目要求来决定是否申请LMIA, 同时也会和雇主做好协调工作,为申请人保驾护航!

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