澳洲IML(原AIM)高管133611 Supply and Distribution Manager供销经理职业评估要求



The Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) is the basis for the assessment of applicants’ qualifications and experience required to perform specific jobs and what the tasks are that the applicant is expected to have performed in that occupation.


The Country Education Profiles prepared by the Australian Government Department of Education are the basis for any educational assessment.


  1. 如果申请人有本科或者硕士学历,则需要满足:
  • 至少有三年从事供销相关职位,以及
  • 这三年内至少有两年需要是供销经理职位

Where an applicant holds a relevant Bachelor’s or Master’s degree comparable to an equivalent AQF qualification, the applicant must have demonstrated employment experience:

  • in a supply and distribution-related role for at least three years; and
  • in the role as Supply & Distribution Manager for at least two out of these three years.
  1. 如果申请人没有本科学历,则需要满足:
  • 至少五年从事供销相关职位,以及
  • 这三年内至少有两年需要是供销经理职位

Where the applicant does not hold a relevant Bachelor’s or Master’s degree comparable to an equivalent AQF qualification, the applicant must have demonstrated employment experience

  • in a supply and distribution-related role for at least five years; and
  • in the role as Supply & Distribution Manager for at least two out of these five years


  1. 供销经理负责一个企业机构所生产的产品的供应,存储和分销活动的规划,组织,领导,控制和协调。

Supply & Distribution Managers plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate the supply, storage and distribution of goods produced by an organisation.

  1. 供销经理的职责需要在决策水平,且对公司的核心供销事务有决策权。

The applicant’s responsibilities as Supply & Distribution Manager must clearly be at a strategic level with decision-making authority in key supply and distribution-related matters.

  1. 供销经理的职责需要包括持续性的领导员工活动以及监督员工业绩和发展。

The applicant’s responsibilities must have included directing the employees’ activities and monitoring their performance and development on an ongoing basis.

  1. 供销经理的具体工作职责需要符合ANZSCO,具体如下:
  • 确定、实施和监督采购、储存和分销战略、政策和计划 determining, implementing and monitoring purchasing, storage and distribution strategies, policies and plans
  • 制定并实施计划,以最低的成本维持必要的库存水平 preparing and implementing plans to maintain required stock levels at minimum cost
  • 就质量、成本和交货要求达成一致后,与供应商签订合同 negotiating contracts with suppliers to meet quality, cost and delivery requirements
  • 监控和审查储存和库存系统,以满足供应要求和控制库存水平 monitoring and reviewing storage and inventory systems to meet supply requirements and control stock levels
  • 管理记录系统,跟踪所有物料及制成品的运转情况,以确认重新订货和补充库存的最佳时间 operating recording systems to track all movements of supplies and finished goods, and ensuring re-ordering and re-stocking at optimal times
  • 就出货和相关的代理运输的要求与其他部门和客户进行商讨 liaising with other departments and customers concerning requirements for outward goods and associated forwarding transportation
  • 监督采购、储存和分销事务 overseeing the recording of purchase, storage and distribution transactions
  • 指导员工工作并考核其表现 directing staff activities and monitoring their performance
  • 提供产品和服务以满足客户的需求 provision of products and services to meet customer or client requirements.


  1. 申请人需要IML定义的IML’s Management Competency Framework来说明管理职责级别,主要有以下三方面(具体参考 飞出国2021澳洲IML(原AIM)高管职业评估介绍 ):
  • Manage Self 自我管理能力
  • Manage and Lead the Business 管理和领导公司的能力
  • Manage and Lead Others 管理和领导他人的能力
  1. 从以上三个方面,申请人需要各自选择一个能力要素,并针对所选的能力要素来进行说明,每一个能力要素说明不少于300字,具体要求:
  • 用工作中的实际案例来说明管理职责
  • 说明个人如何做以及为什么这么做的
  • 说明这么做的结果如何,以及
  • 从所做的事情中学到了什么

For each of the three competencies selected, the applicant must describe how they achieved these in 300 words or less. The applicant must

  • use specific examples from their demonstrated work experience,
  • state what they personally did and why,
  • what the outcome was and
  • what they learned from it.


  1. 供销经理职业评估会因为公司机构的规模及架构复杂度有所影响,比如公司规模越大,那么应该是越符合的
  2. 供销经理应该是公司机构这一职能版块的最高职位,汇报对象是高级领导团队成员,且应当有直接下属的管理人员
  • The Supply & Distribution Manager position held by the applicant must be the most senior functional position;
  • The applicant is expected to have reported to either a Senior Leadership Team member or the Head of a division/department or equivalent; and
  • The applicant is expected to have supervised either qualified or administrative staff.

To be assessed as a Supply & Distribution Manager for migration purposes, the size and complexity of the organisation will influence the assessment.