EOI 邀请制后,安省雇主担保项目邀请记录-2021

加拿大时间5月11日,安省雇主担保项目外籍工人类别(Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream)自改成EOI邀请制之后首次发邀请。

本次邀请人数 81 人,最低邀请分为 31 分,但值得注意的是本次邀请为 指定职业邀请 ,邀请的职业为 健康医疗相关职业 以及 技工职业

从本次邀请来看,安省雇主担保项目改成EOI邀请制后,对于咱们国内申请人来说, 我们要关注的不仅是打分问题,指定职业邀请更是决定申请人是否会获邀的一个重要因素 。接下来安省雇主担保项目是否会延续这个指定职业邀请的规则,让我们拭目以待。


Invitations to apply issued for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream

On May 11, 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued invitations to apply to candidates in the Expression of Interest system pool who may qualify for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream.

You may apply to the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream if you received an invitation to apply on May 11, 2021.

If you received an invitation to apply, you don’t need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates with a score of 31 and above, and work experience in the following national occupational codes (NOC) below:

Health care occupations

  • 3012 - Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 注册护士及注册精神科护士
  • 3112 - General practitioners and family physicians全科医生和家庭医生
  • 3121 - Optometrists视光师
  • 3122 - Chiropractors脊医(按摩疗法医生)
  • 3124 - Allied primary health practitioners专职初级保健医生
  • 3125 - Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating其他专业的健康诊断和治疗职业
  • 3131 - Pharmacists药剂师
  • 3132 - Dietitians and nutritionists营养师和营养学家
  • 3141 - Audiologists and speech-language pathologists听觉病矫治专家和语音语言病理学家
  • 3213 - Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians动物健康技术人员和兽医技术人员
  • 3214 - Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师
  • 3215 - Medical radiation technologists医疗放射技师
  • 3216 - Medical sonographers医用超声检查
  • 3232 - Practitioners of natural healing自然疗法职业医师
  • 3236 - Massage therapists按摩治疗师

Skilled trades occupations

  • 7241 - Electricians (except industrial and power system)电工(除工业和电力系统)
  • 7271 - Carpenters木匠
  • 7291 - Roofers and shinglers屋顶处理工和瓦工
  • 7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员
  • 7312 - Heavy-duty equipment mechanics重型设备技师
  • 7313 - Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics制冷与空调技工
  • 7316 - Machine fitters机械钳工
  • 7318 - Elevator constructors and mechanics电梯的构造和力学


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安省雇主担保- 区域移民试点(Regional Immigration Pilot)项目发邀请

加拿大时间5月25日,安省雇主担保项目外籍工人类别(Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream)再次发邀请,本次邀请的是Regional Immigration Pilot项目申请人。

2021年Regional Immigration Pilot 项目配额还是150个, Regional Immigration Pilot还是基于当前安省雇主担保项目标准和要求运行的,没有单独的标准。


加拿大时间6月16日,安省雇主担保项目外籍工人类别(Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream)发邀请,该类别自改成EOI邀请制之后第二次发邀请。

本次邀请人数较多, 569 人,最低邀请分为 38 分,本次为常规邀请,不限定职业。

加拿大时间7月13日,安省雇主担保项目外籍工人类别(Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream)和雇主担保项目留学生类别( International Student stream)均发邀请。

以上两个类别除了常规(General)邀请外,还对区域试点项目(Regional Immigration Pilot)申请人进行了邀请,区域试点项目为不计分邀请。

加拿大时间7月15日,OINP 雇主担保紧缺技能类别Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream)进行了筛选。本次共发出54份邀请,最低邀请分11分。


同时,本次In-Demand Skills stream邀请还对 区域试点项目 (Regional Immigration Pilot)申请人进行了邀请,对区域试点项目申请人不采用打分制。

July 15, 2021

Invitations to apply issued for the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream

On July 15, 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued invitations to apply to candidates in the Expression of Interest system pool who may qualify for the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream.

You may apply to the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream if you received an invitation to apply on July 15, 2021.

If you received an invitation to apply, you don’t need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates registered for the Regional Immigration Pilot, and in a separate draw, targeted candidates under this stream with work experience in the national occupational codes (NOC) below:

Health and agricultural occupations:

  • NOC 3413 – nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • NOC 4412 – home support workers and related occupations, excluding housekeepers
  • NOC 8431 – general farm workers
  • NOC 8432 – nursery and greenhouse workers
  • NOC 8611 – harvesting labourers
  • NOC 9462 – industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers

Manufacturing (outside the GTA only):

  • NOC 9411 – machine operators, mineral and metal processing
  • NOC 9416 – metalworking and forging machine operators
  • NOC 9417 – machining tool operators
  • NOC 9418 – other metal products machine operators
  • NOC 9421 – chemical plant machine operators
  • NOC 9422 – plastics processing machine operators
  • NOC 9437 – woodworking machine operators
  • NOC 9446 – industrial sewing machine operators
  • NOC 9461 – process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing
  • NOC 9523 – electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
  • NOC 9526 – mechanical assemblers and inspectors
  • NOC 9536 – industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
  • NOC 9537 – other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors

OINP 雇主担保紧缺技能类别要求:

  • 持有安省雇主提供的长期全职工作offer,职业为护理、农业或建筑业的合格职业,所提供的职位必须是雇主企业所必需的,薪资水平符合该地区行业中位数标准,如申请人正在为雇主从事该职位的工作,工作offer中的薪资必须等于或高于当前的薪资水平;
  • 工作offer提供的职业必须属于NOC C或D类中的 Eligible occupation职业;
  • 提交申请前的3年中至少有9个月安省累计工作经验,该工作经验必须为有薪、全职或等同兼职合格职业工作经验;
  • 如从事的职业需要认证或执照,提交申请之时需持有有效的认证或执照; 英语或法语达到CLB 4或以上水平;
  • 高中以上学历,境外学历需通过ECA学历认证;
  • 有在安省居住的意愿;
  • 如当前居住在加拿大需持有合法身份(如学习许可、工作许可、访问许可等),当前居住在加拿大境外的不要求。

加拿大时间8月6日,安省雇主担保项目国外工人类别发出邀请,本次邀请人数1个,仅仅针对的是经济类流动人才移民项目Economic Mobility Pathways Project 申请人。

On August 6, 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued a targeted invitation to apply to a candidate who may qualify for the federal Economic Mobility Pathways Project under the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream.

经济类流动人才移民试点项目,英文全称Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP)。今年该类别移民配额将有500名。



Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot Overview

The Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) was launched in April 2018 and aimed to identify approximately 10 to 15 skilled refugees in the Middle East and East Africa who meet the requirements of Canada’s economic immigration programs. Refugee candidates who appeared to have strong economic settlement potential were referred to participating jurisdictions for a possible nomination under existing Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) or to apply under a federal economic program (that is, Atlantic Immigration Pilot [AIP]).

加拿大时间8月11日,OINP 雇主担保紧缺技能类别Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream )进行了筛选。本次共发出48份邀请。



August 11, 2021

Invitations to apply issued for the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream

On August 11, 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued invitations to apply to candidates in the Expression of Interest system pool who may qualify for the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream.

You may apply to the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream if you received an invitation to apply on August 11, 2021.

If you received an invitation to apply, you don’t need to contact the program.

The OINP targeted candidates under this stream with work experience in the national occupational codes (NOC) below:

Health and agricultural occupations:
  • NOC 3413 – nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • NOC 4412 – home support workers and related occupations, excluding housekeepers
  • NOC 8431 – general farm workers
  • NOC 8432 – nursery and greenhouse workers
  • NOC 8611 – harvesting labourers
  • NOC 9462 – industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
Manufacturing (outside the GTA only):
  • NOC 9411 – machine operators, mineral and metal processing
  • NOC 9416 – metalworking and forging machine operators
  • NOC 9417 – machining tool operators
  • NOC 9418 – other metal products machine operators
  • NOC 9421 – chemical plant machine operators
  • NOC 9422 – plastics processing machine operators
  • NOC 9437 – woodworking machine operators
  • NOC 9446 – industrial sewing machine operators
  • NOC 9461 – process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing
  • NOC 9523 – electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
  • NOC 9526 – mechanical assemblers and inspectors
  • NOC 9536 – industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
  • NOC 9537 – other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors


2021年9月21日,安省雇主担保紧缺职业类别不限定邀请分数,最新邀请了 区域试点项目(Regional Immigration Pilot)中以下领域职业:

Health and agricultural occupations:

NOC 3413 – nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
NOC 4412 – home support workers and related occupations, excluding housekeepers
NOC 8431 – general farm workers
NOC 8432 – nursery and greenhouse workers
NOC 8611 – harvesting labourers
NOC 9462 – industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers

Manufacturing (outside the GTA only):

NOC 9411 – machine operators, mineral and metal processing
NOC 9416 – metalworking and forging machine operators
NOC 9417 – machining tool operators
NOC 9418 – other metal products machine operators
NOC 9421 – chemical plant machine operators
NOC 9422 – plastics processing machine operators
NOC 9437 – woodworking machine operators
NOC 9446 – industrial sewing machine operators
NOC 9461 – process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing
NOC 9523 – electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
NOC 9526 – mechanical assemblers and inspectors
NOC 9536 – industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
NOC 9537 – other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors

加拿大时间2021年10月20日,安省雇主担保海外技术工人类别发邀请,本次为指定邀请,邀请经济类流动人才移民试点项目(Economic Mobility Pathways Project)申请人,邀请人数4人,不设分数限制。

经济类流动人才移民试点项目,英文全称Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP)。今年该类别移民配额将有500名。



Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot Overview

The Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) was launched in April 2018 and aimed to identify approximately 10 to 15 skilled refugees in the Middle East and East Africa who meet the requirements of Canada’s economic immigration programs. Refugee candidates who appeared to have strong economic settlement potential were referred to participating jurisdictions for a possible nomination under existing Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) or to apply under a federal economic program (that is, Atlantic Immigration Pilot [AIP]).

加拿大时间2021年12月7日,安省雇主担保项目国外工人类别(Foreign Worker Stream)、国际学生类别(International Student Stream)、紧缺技能职业类别(In-Demand Skills Stream)齐发邀请,共发出1186份邀请。


注:“General” 为不限职业邀请。