2020年安省将开通区域移民试点Regional Immigration Pilot项目

飞出国:为了解决偏远地区的劳动力短缺问题,安省将于2020年年初开通Regional Immigration Pilot, 试点项目为期2年。该项目和联邦发起的RNIP 项目有异曲同工之处。

在安省,80%的移民人口都居住在大多伦多地区及其周围地区,小城市和偏远地区很难留住移民。其实,目前加拿大的每个省份都面临这个问题。所以安省的Regional Immigration Pilot只是一个开始,将来也有可能被越来越多的省份效仿。当然,这个问题不仅在加拿大存在,传统的移民国家澳大利亚也存在这个样的问题,之所以澳洲491签证要求申请人在偏远地区生活三年&工作三年才可以申请永居,用意也在于此,有上山下乡支援偏远的意思。


2020年,安将从雇主担保项目的配额里拨出150个名额到Regional Immigration Pilot。需要注意的是Regional Immigration Pilot还是基于当前安省雇主担保项目 运行的,它并没有单独的标准,目前可以看作是安省雇主担保项目的一个分支。但是,根据飞出国的经验判断,试点项目的周期都比普通项目短。

About the pilot

The two-year pilot will begin in early 2020. It will include:

  • approximately 150 nominations under the employer job offer category set aside for applicants destined for pilot communities
  • marketing and outreach to raise awareness among local employers
  • dedicated business service support for employers
  • partnering with stakeholders to leverage the entrepreneur stream for local business succession

Note that the Regional Immigration Pilot works within the existing Employer Job Offer streams of the OINP. There is not a separate set of criteria for the pilot. If you qualify for any of the OINP Employer Job Offer streams and your full-time job offer is from an employer located within one of the pilot communities, then you may qualify for the pilot.

2020年即将到来,届时安省的雇主担保项目又将重新开始接收申请人。 想通过安省雇主担保项目移民加拿大的申请人可以尽早准备起来,飞出国将在雇主资源方面为您保驾护航!


加拿大时间2021年1月18日,安省Regional Immigration Pilot 项目拿到2021年度配额并开始接收申请人。

和2020年相同,2021年Regional Immigration Pilot 项目配额还是150个。符合要求的申请人必须完成 intake form 并通过邮件形式提交,表格填写不完整的将不被接受,也不接受简历投递。

Please note: 150 nomination spaces for 2021 are now available. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will continue to accept intake forms for the Regional Immigration Pilot.

由于Regional Immigration Pilot还是基于当前雇主担保项目标准和要求运行的,没有单独的标准,所以满足以下条件就可以递交申请。

Applicants to the Regional Immigration Pilot must:

  • have a full-time and permanent job offer from an employer located in one of the pilot communities (Chatham-Kent, Cornwall or Quinte West/Belleville)
  • meet the criteria for one of the streams under the OINP’s Employer Job Offer category (criteria can be found on the OINP webpage)
