

之前认证学历包括澳洲学历,EA和华盛顿协议(Washington Accord),悉尼协议(Sydney Accord)和都柏林协议(Dublin Accord)互认所认证的工学学历。从2019年2月开始,又增加了一些新的认可学历。


该协议适用于在1970年或之后完成法国工程学位(Diplôme d’Ingénieur)的申请人,且在完成年度其所在院校在《共和国官方公报》上列为有能力提供工程师头衔的机构列表中,这样的话,该申请人有资格通过认证学历途径进行EA职业评估。


In February 2019, Engineers Australia signed an agreement with the French Commission des Titres d’ Ingénieurs to facilitate the recognition of French engineering degrees in Australia.

This agreement applies to the holders of a French Diplôme d’Ingénieur completed in or after 1970 and listed in the Journal Officiel de la République in the list of institutions habilitated to deliver the title of Engineer for the year of completion are eligible for an assessment via the recognised qualifications pathway.

When applying online, eligible applicant must select the pathway “Washington Accord” and follow the instructions for this pathway.
