堪培拉教育(Canberra Education)& 毕业生移民优势分析



一. 堪培拉(ACT)教育和育儿概况-飞出国

  1. 育儿(Childcare):政府援助(Government assistance)可用于帮助降低家庭日托,偶尔护理,长日托和学龄儿童护理服务的成本。

  2. 学前(Preschool):ACT政府教育和培训局提供为期一年的公共学前教育。公立幼儿园是当地小学的一部分,向4月30日或之前满4岁的孩子开放。在某些地区,儿童也有资格从三岁开始在幼儿学校就读学前班。

  3. 学校体系(School system):

  • 由86所公立学校和44所天主教及私立学校组成;

  • 小学(primary School):5-12/13岁;

  • 中学(High School/secondary School):13/14-17/18岁;

  • 一些学院(高中)仅招收11年级和12年级的正在准备取得12年级证书(Year 12 Certificate)的学生。


A wide range of childcare services provides children with a caring, creative and stimulating environment while allowing parents to pursue work or study. Government assistance is available to help with the cost of these services that include family day care, occasional care, long day care and school-aged care.


The ACT Government’s Education and Training Directorate also provides one year of public preschool education. Public preschools are part of the local primary schools and are open to children who turn four on or before 30 April. In some areas, children are also eligible to start preschool from age three at an Early Childhood School.


Canberra’s school system has a national reputation for achieving excellent academic results.

Consisting of 86 ACT Government public schools and over 44 Catholic and independent schools, each school offers a modern, well-equipped and supportive environment with opportunities for intellectual, sporting and cultural development.

Generally, children attend primary school from age 5 until they are 12 or 13 years old and then attend high school (or ‘secondary school’) until they are 17 or 18 years old. Some colleges (senior secondary schools) take only students in Years 11 and 12 who are preparing for the Year 12 Certificate. Find out more in our ‘Learn’ portal.

Further Information

ACT Education and Training Directorate

Playgroup Australia ACT

Child and Family Centres


Woden Community Services

Communities at Work

Northside Community Services

Southside Community Services

Yellow Pages Directory - Childcare listings

Department of Social Services - Beginning a Life in Australia booklet

二. ACT硕士毕业生优势在哪里-飞出国

前面提到,ACT没有单独的硕士毕业生移民类别,那么ACT留学还有必要吗?答案必须是有!2018.11.19开始,在DHA EOI (Expression of Interest)打分的基础上,ACT正式引入适用于本州州担保申请的Matrix评分系统(ACT 州担保打分标准详解 - 20190701 Canberra Matrix scoring),实施高分邀请制,具有ACT学习、工作、居住的申请人都有不少的额外加分,在分数上占很大优势。


飞出国:ACT明确当前或者过去一年内,本人/配偶/小孩如在澳洲其他州居住或者居住过,不得申请其州担保。 无论境内境外申请,提名1,2开头的职业需要雅思4个7(或pte 4个65),有效的 提名职业相关的职业评估函(valid and positive skills assessment)也是必须的材料。

三. ACT博士毕业生州担保政策-飞出国

2018.11.29 ACT 博士类别州担保政策 190 Streamlined PhD nomination