BC省提名移民紧缺科技人才试点 BC PNP Tech Pilot

飞出国:BC省提名移民紧缺科技人才试点并不是一个新的移民项目,只是在之前 BC PNP 省提名技术移民基础上针对紧缺职业的特殊照顾,这些职业当前有 32 类。

要符合 BC PNP Tech Pilot 首先还是需要获得当地雇主offer,满足基本的技术移民要求:


A BC PNP Tech Pilot supports the attraction of skilled workers and to satisfy the demand for tech talent by expanding the province’s technology talent pool.

We want to develop and attract the highest quality local talent by introducing students to tech earlier, adjusting training and education in post-secondary institutions and creating work experience opportunities.

Not only do companies need access to local talent - beyond using the skills and talent of B.C. workers, companies need to be able to attract skilled workers from around the world. Tech entrepreneurs and skilled workers from other leading edge countries can have a catalytic effect on B.C.’s technology sector, leading to more jobs for British Columbians.

属于上述 32 类紧缺职业的申请人将有专门团队提供特殊服务,同时 每周邀请,优先处理。

August 28, 2017

BC PNP launches the Tech Pilot

The B.C. technology sector is a major driver of economic growth in the province with tech employment at its highest level ever recorded. The demand for talent in B.C.’s tech sector is increasing faster than the supply.

The priorities for the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology includes establishing B.C. as a preferred location for new and emerging technologies, increasing the growth of domestic B.C. tech companies and removing barriers to attracting skilled workers.

In support of these ministry priorities, we are introducing a pilot under the BC Provincial Nominee Program to ensure the technology sector can attract and retain the talent it needs to grow the sector further.

The BC PNP Tech Pilot will feature:

  • Dedicated concierge service - tech employers have access to relevant immigration information.
  • Weekly invitations for tech registrants to apply - tech employers have timely access to qualified individuals in the 32 key tech occupations.
  • Priority processing – dedicated BC PNP Tech Team and next business day assignment of tech applications in the 32 in-demand occupations.
  • Focused outreach and engagement –BC PNP sessions and events tailored for the tech sector, including one-on-one employer support.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:201806 BC PNP Tech Pilot Eligible Occupations 从2017年的32类职业调整为29类,删除了三个职业,没有新增,可以申请的人进一步减少:

  • 0113 采购经理 \ Purchasing managers
  • 1123 广告,市场营销和公共关系专业职业 \ Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations
  • 4163 商业发展主任及营销研究人员和顾问 | Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants

What is the BC PNP Tech Pilot?

  • The Tech Pilot is an initiative under the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) to support
    the tech sector in recruiting top international talent.

  • The pilot consists of:

    • weekly “tech only” invitations to apply to registrants working in one of 32 tech
      occupations in B.C.(applicants still need to register with the BC PNP)
    • dedicated concierge service for tech employers
    • priority processing for tech applications
    • targeted outreach and engagement to the tech sector

How long will it take for my tech application to be processed?

  • Most standard applications are processed within two to three months.
  • For complete applications under the BC PNP Tech Pilot, we will provide priority processing to
    meet the fast-paced demands of the sector.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


BC 技术试点项目延长到了2019年6月,还有1年时间

BC PNP Tech Pilot extended to June 2019

The BC PNP Tech Pilot has been extended for another year to provide employers with a degree of stability that will allow them to plan for their future staffing needs.

Updates to eligible Tech Pilot occupations

We have also updated the list of eligible occupations for the Tech Pilot to focus on the 29 tech occupations that have been demonstrated to be in high demand by the tech sector so that we can maintain the speed of service.

Labour market research conducted by the BC Tech Association and the Vancouver Economic Commission identified access to talent as the biggest issue facing the tech sector, posing the most significant barrier to economic growth.

The research identified 32 in-demand tech occupations, and eligibility for the BC PNP Tech Pilot was originally based on these 32 tech occupations. Based on actual demand from tech sector employers in the pilot’s first year, the pilot will continue with 29 of these occupations eligible under the pilot.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


BC 省提名科技人才试点放宽对雇主offer的要求

属于科技人才试点项目紧缺职业的申请人,只要求一年雇主offer且当前雇主offer期限还有120天就可以申请 BC PNP Tech Pilot。

Job offer duration requirement updates as of June 26, 2018:

As of June 26, 2018, to apply under the BC PNP Tech Pilot, you are no longer required to have an indeterminate job offer. However, your job offer must be at least one year (365 days) in duration, and there must be at least 120 days remaining on the job offer at the time of application.

Depending on your job, work experience and education, you can select the BC PNP category that is the best fit for you.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


BC 科技试点项目不需要 LMIA

不需要 LMIA,一年期 job offer就能申请。

BC tech pilot 速度快,大体流程是:1-2个月匹配雇主,1个月获雇主offer,1个月准备材料递省提名,3-4个月获省提名,递联邦材料,6个月获批,整体一年左右。

These BC PNP Tech Pilot services are in addition to the benefits that are available to all users of our program, such as:

  • pathways that don’t require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • work permit support letters for approved individuals that allow them to apply for a new work permit or renew their current work permit and continue to work throughout the permanent residency process with the federal government
  • client support services through email, phone and in-person


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/





需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


BCPNP 技术试点项目延期到2020年6月 - 飞出国

飞出国:BCPNP 技术试点项目是对紧缺职业的的雇主担保类别进行单独邀请和加急处理。该项目2017年8月28日启动,有32类紧缺职业,2018年6月紧缺职业从开始的32类紧缺职业调整到了29大类并延期到了2019年6月,2019年6月BCPNP又宣布 Tech 试点项目再次延期一年到2020年6月。

Tech 试点项目的特点就是快,简单。 BC省提名技术移民科技行业试点计划32类紧缺职业清单 BC PNP Tech Pilot 32 in-demand occupations - #2,来自 mongo


BC PNP Tech Pilot extended to June 2020
The BC PNP Tech Pilot has been extended to June 2020 to provide B.C. tech employers with the continued ability to recruit and retain international talent…

The B.C. tech sector is a major driver of economic growth in the province, with tech employment at its highest level ever recorded. The demand for talent in B.C.’s tech sector is increasing faster than the supply.

The priorities for the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology include establishing B.C. as a preferred location for new and emerging technologies, increasing the growth of domestic B.C. tech companies, and removing barriers to attracting skilled workers.

B.C. is developing the highest quality local talent by introducing students to tech earlier, expanding tech training and education in post-secondary institutions and creating work experience opportunities.

Beyond using the skills and talent of B.C. workers, companies need to be able to attract skilled workers from around the world. Tech entrepreneurs and skilled workers from other countries can help grow B.C.’s technology sector, leading to more jobs for British Columbians.

In support of these priorities, a pilot under the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) works to ensure the technology sector can attract and retain the talent it needs to be sustained and to grow the sector further.

The BC PNP Tech Pilot helps employers to address their talent needs by providing a fast-tracked, permanent immigration pathway for in-demand foreign workers and international students.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Features

The BC PNP Tech Pilot key features are based on service , timeliness , prioritization , and engagement in response to the needs of the industry:

  • Service: A dedicated BC PNP concierge for tech employers provides tailored information and navigation assistance of immigration programs and processes.
  • Timeliness: Weekly invitations to apply are issued to qualified skilled tech workers, minimizing the wait for employers and their prospective employees.
  • Prioritization: Tech applications are prioritized during processing to meet the sector’s fast-paced demands.
  • Engagement: Continuous support to tech sector employers through proactive engagement activities and participation at key industry events.

2018 updates and enhancements to the BC PNP Tech Pilot

Updates to eligible Tech Pilot occupations

We have updated the list of eligible occupations for the Tech Pilot to focus on the 29 tech occupations that have been demonstrated to be in high demand by the tech sector so that we can maintain the speed of service.

Labour market research conducted by the BC Tech Association and the Vancouver Economic Commission identified access to talent as the biggest issue facing the tech sector, posing the most significant barrier to economic growth.

The research identified 32 in-demand tech occupations, and eligibility for the BC PNP Tech Pilot was originally based on these 32 tech occupations. Based on actual demand from tech sector employers in the pilot’s first year, the pilot will continue with 29 of these occupations eligible under the pilot.

This change allows the program to focus resources on prioritizing those tech occupations demonstrated to be in high demand within the tech sector to maintain the speed of processing and high level of service to tech employers.

The complete list of the 29 in-demand tech occupations can be downloaded from our website here (PDF, < 1MB).

Technology companies hiring for occupations that are not eligible for the BC PNP Tech Pilot are still able to connect with the concierge service regarding their specific needs.

Tech Pilot enhancements to include one-year job offers

The BC PNP Tech Pilot is also being enhanced by reducing the eligibility requirement for a permanent full-time job offer, to a one-year full-time job offer.

As of June 26, 2018, individuals who apply under a Skills Immigration category in an eligible tech occupation must have a job offer of at least one year (365 days) in length. The job offer must have at least 120 days remaining at the time of application to the BC PNP.

Longer duration job offers, including indeterminate job offers, will continue to be eligible.

BC PNP Tech Pilot process

Please note that the BC PNP Tech Pilot is not a separate BC PNP stream or category. Applicants need to apply to the BC PNP under one of the existing categories and ensure they meet the general and category requirements.

Weekly invitations

We issue weekly invitations to qualified registrants who have valid job offers in the 29 key technology occupations.

The free registration process includes providing information about your company as the supporting B.C. employer. In order to be issued an invitation to apply, both you and your employee must meet all program requirements at the time of registration.

Meeting program requirements does not guarantee that your employee will be invited to apply.

Priority processing

We prioritize applications in the 29 key technology occupations. Once your employee submits a complete application, their file will be assigned within the next business day to a dedicated Tech Pilot processing team.

Processing times for 80% of BC PNP applications is 2-3 months from receipt. Tech Pilot applications are typically processed in shorter timeframes.

For more detail on how the process works, please refer to our BC PNP Tech Pilot FAQs document (PDF, <1MB)

Engagement and outreach

The Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology will continue to proactively support technology employers and industry stakeholders. Staff are available to deliver presentations, exhibit at immigration or newcomers trade shows, speak at conferences and events, and provide individualized services to employers.

These BC PNP Tech Pilot services are in addition to the benefits that are available to all users of our program, such as:

  • pathways that don’t require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • work permit support letters for approved individuals that allow them to apply for a new work permit or renew their current work permit and continue to work throughout the permanent residency process with the federal government
  • client support services through email, phone and in-person


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