BCPNP 卑诗省提名项目-飞出国
BC省提名技术移民2017年2月最新调整申请指南,基本要求与2016年一样,BC 省提名技术移民包括 EE 下的 EEBC 和 传统非 EE 下的 Skills Immigration stream。两者都要满足下列基本要求。
- 除国际留学生硕士类别外都需要获得 BC 省全职无固定期限雇主 offer
- 满足 job offer 提供职业的学历及技能要求
- 工作满足 BC 省最低薪资要求(B.C. wage rates)
- NOC B,C,D 技能级别要求提供语言 CLB 4(听力4.5,阅读3.5,读写4.0),0,A类职业无强制要求
- 满足最低收入标准(minimum income requirements),见下表
- 该就业可以给BC带来利益
- 该就业不能对当地劳动者带来损害
- 申请费 700 加币,获得 ITA 邀请时在线支付
- BC PNP 只认可合法就业时获得的工作经验
The following are requirements in all categories of both the Express Entry BC and Skills Immigration streams:
Your employer has offered, and you have accepted, indeterminate, full-time employment in an eligible occupation (Exception: Skills Immigration - International Post-Graduate and EEBC - International Post-Graduate).
You must be qualified for the offered position. The BC PNP may refer to the National Occupational Classification (NOC), WorkBC or industry standards to determine the minimum qualifications for an occupation.
The wage you have been offered must be competitive with B.C. wage rates for the occupation.
For occupations classified under NOC Skill Levels B, C, and D, you must demonstrate English or French language proficiency at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4. If you are registering and/or applying with a job offer in a National Occupational Classification Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A occupation, you are not required to submit valid language test results. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results to determine whether you have the language proficiency to perform the duties of the position.
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements.
You must not have an ownership/equity stake of more than 10 percent in the B.C. company that has offered you employment.
Your employment must provide economic benefit to B.C. For example, your employment will contribute to:
- maintaining or creating jobs for Canadians
- transferring knowledge and skills to Canadians
- supporting the development of proprietary new products
- building the workforce for a major project
Your employment must not adversely affect the settlement of a labour dispute, or the employment of anyone involved in any such dispute, or adversely impact training or employment opportunities for British Columbians.
If invited to apply, you must submit the $700 application fee with your online application before your application will be processed. Incomplete applications will not be approved, and application fees will only be refunded if you withdraw your application before the BC PNPbegins to assess it. You may contact the BC PNP at [email protected] to withdraw your application and find out if you are eligible for a refund. Please provide your full name, your date of birth, and your BC PNP application file number in your email.
For the purposes of assessing your work experience in Canada, the BC PNP will only consider work experience that was obtained while you were legally authorized to work. You must also meet other category-specific work experience requirements.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。