- 必修课程:
- 预科课程(4学分);
- 新闻学基础。
- 除下列课程外,学生还应选择21学分的选修课程;
- 必修课程:
- 新闻报道学基础;
- 媒体报道;
- 视觉文章学基础。
- 除下列课程外,学生还应选择艺术或科学类18学分的选修课程;
- 必修课程:
- 高级新闻报道学1;
- 高级新闻报道学2;
- 新闻伦理学;
- 选修课程(任选其2):
- 科学和媒体;
- 艺术创作学;
- 特写报道学;
- 记者业务报告学;
- 编辑加工学;
- 视频报道基础;
- 网络新闻导论;
- 杰出记者介绍;
- 体育新闻报道学;
- 纪录片报道学;
- 无线电导论;
- 观点评论报道学。
- 学生将在指定的新闻机构做一个月的实习。大多数学生选择留在加拿大,在报纸上、广播、杂志或数字化操作等岗位。 学生也可选择出国实习。
- 注:不是每年都会提供以下所有的课程研讨,课程安排将依照每年的学生兴趣和入学情况;
- 必修课程:
- 新闻实习;
- 毕业论文;
- 选修课程(任选其3,且其中1门必须是JOUR 4857.09电子报道研讨或JOUR 4967.09高级电子报道研讨之一)
- 报刊研讨;
- 无线电研讨;
- 电子报道研讨;
- 电视研讨;
- 创新研讨;
- 投资研讨;
- 高级无线电研讨;
- 高级电视研讨;
- 工作研究;
- 杂志研讨;
- 高级电子报道研讨。
Bachelor of Journalism (Honours)
First Year Curriculum
Required Courses
- Foundation Year Programme (4-Credit)
- Foundations of Journalism
Second Year
In addition to the below, you will take 21 credit hours in Arts or Science electives (as approved).
Required Courses
- Introduction to Reporting
- Intermediate Reporting
Third Year
In addition to the below, you will take 18 credit hours in Arts or Science electives (as approved).
Required Courses
- Advanced Reporting 1
- Advanced Reporting 2
- Ethics of Journalism
Plus two of the following electives
- Science and the Media
- Creative Nonfiction
- Feature Writing
- Business Reporting for Journalists
- Copy Editing
- Introduction to Video reporting
- Introduction to Online Journalism
- Great Journalists
- Sports Journalism
- The Journalist as Documentarian
- Introduction to Radio
- Opinion Writing
Fourth Year
In your fourth year, you will do a month-long internship at an approved journalism organization. Most students choose to remain in Canada, working at a newspaper, broadcast outlet, magazine or digital operation. However you also have the option of an international placement; students have completed internships in Beirut, Dubai, El Salvador, New York City, London, the Philippines, Chile and many other locations outside Canada.
Please Note: Not all the following workshops will be offered each year. Course offerings will depend upon interest and enrolment each year.
Required Courses
- Journalism Internship
- Honours Project
And three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 Digital Reporting Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced Digital Reporting Workshop:
- Newspaper Workshop
- Radio Workshop
- Digital Reporting Workshop
- Television Workshop
- Creative Nonfiction Workshop
- Investigative Workshop
- Advanced Radio Workshop
- Advanced Television Workshop
- Directed Work Study
- Magazine Workshop
- Advanced Digital Reporting Workshop
Additional Requirements
Students are required to complete at least six credit hours in Canadian history or Canadian political institutions. This requirement may be satisfied by selecting six credit hours in a single subject or two 3 credit hour courses selected from History, Political Science or Canadian Studies courses. This is to be taken as one of the Arts & Science electives in either second or third year. Students who can demonstrate that they have an adequate knowledge of Canadian history or political institutions may be excused from this requirement with permission of the Director, provided they propose a coherent alternative academic program of study.
学校官网 https://ukings.ca/area-of-study/bachelor-of-journalism-honours/
国王学院大学 University of King's College(新省哈利法克斯市)