国王学院大学课程介绍——新闻学硕士(新风险投资方向)Master of Journalism (New Ventures)
- 已获得相关本科学位可申请两年制新闻学硕士课程;
- 新闻学基础好的学生可直接进阶到2年级;
- 新闻学或相关专业学士毕业生、有新闻领域5年以上工作经验者可进阶。
- 完成1年制新闻学士课程、或相关专业本科课程或有新闻工作经验的学生都可申请新闻硕士课程;
- 10个月的硕士课程贯穿6月到次年4月,夏季学期有12门30学分课程,秋季和冬季学期9门。 在夏季和秋季学期,学生将在学校学习,冬季学期专业项目在校外完成;
- 夏季和秋季学期:
- 夏季学期:
- 观众和内容策略;
- 数字新闻学Ⅰ;
- 移动报道;
- 记者业务基础;
- 秋季学期:
- 数字新闻学Ⅱ;
- 创业创造;
- 新兴商业模式;
- 夏季学期:
- 冬季学期
- 冬季:
- 当代新闻范例;
- 新风险投资专业项目。
- 冬季:
Master of Journalism (New Ventures)
Admissions and advanced standing
- You are eligible to apply for the two-year program if you have an undergraduate degree in any discipline. If you already have a strong foundation in journalism, you may enter the program in the second year with advanced standing. The accelerated path is open to students who have completed a Bachelor of Journalism degree, or equivalent, and to working journalists who have a minimum of five years’ experience in the field.
- Students will either enter the masters program having completed the one-year Bachelor of Journalism, or having requisite education or experience in journalism practice.
- The 10-month masters program runs from June to April with 12 of 30 credits in the summer term, and 9 in each of the fall and winter terms. In summer and fall terms, students will stay in residence while in the winter term their capstone professional project may be done off campus.
- The first two terms prime students for a career in the ever-changing world of journalism in the digital age. They will learn storytelling from a multi-platform approach. Students then learn the fundamentals of creating a new enterprise including market identification and raising start-up funds, in preparation for embarking on their professional project.
- Summer
- Audience and Content Strategies;
- Digital Journalism I;
- Mobile Reporting;
- Business Fundamentals for Journalists;
- Fall
- Digital Journalism II;
- New Venture Creation;
- Emerging Business Models in Journalism;
- Winter Term
- In the winter term, students develop their capstone project, a business or business model, under the guidance of a faculty mentor and a professional in the field. New Ventures students can take their projects to the Halifax Startup competition, and can conclude the program with a pitch for feedback from a panel of business professionals.
- Winter:
- Exemplars of Contemporary Journalism;
- Professional Project in New Ventures
学校官网 https://ukings.ca/area-of-study/master-of-journalism-new-ventures/
国王学院大学 University of King's College(新省哈利法克斯市)