澳洲和加拿大移民申请中,对于澳洲无犯罪记录证明(AFP Certificate)的要求是有区别的。
加拿大要求 Standard Disclosure
澳洲要求 Complete Disclosure
申请流程:最简单的办法是提交National Police Checks在线申请online application;
申请材料 & 申请费:提前准备好护照、中英文出生公证(或者至少两个身份证件,比如身份证、户口本、驾驶证、学生证等,凑够100分即可,非英文文件要求正规翻译official translation)、信用卡(Visa, MasterCard or American Express,申请费AUD 42);
All other names by which you are known or have previously been known (such as your maiden name), must be provided in full, including given names.
- Purpose Type:Commonwealth Employment/Purpose
1. 办理目的(Purpose of Check),这一点非常重要:
办理用于加拿大移民的无犯罪,要选code 35-Overseas Employment/visa-for supply to a country other than Australia,最后生成的是[standard disclosure certificate];
办理用于移民澳洲的无犯罪,要选code 33-Immigration/Citizenship-for supply to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, 最后生成的是[complete disclosure certificate]
不认可无犯罪复印件,要求原件(original documents)的清晰彩色扫描件;
不认可州政府出具的无犯罪证明,只认可澳洲联邦警局出具的AFP Certificate;
不认可complete disclosure certificates;
18周岁之后在昆州/维州居住过的申请人, 必须同时 提供在该州的交通记录报告(Traffic History Report)/正式驾照(FULL LICENCE)历史查询记录.
Only original documents are accepted.
We won’t accept:
photocopies of a clearance
certificates issued by the state police authority
complete disclosure certificates
any certificate that doesn’t include a Traffic History Report and/or Full Licence History Search if you lived in Queensland and/or Victoria while you were over 18 years old