阿省机遇类别 AOS 工作经验要求 Work experience requirements

2019年阿省机遇类别 Alberta Opportunity Stream (AOS) 工作经验要求-飞出国

飞出国:申请阿省 AOS 省提名时必须有合格的阿省雇主 offer,Alberta job offer 上对应的职业就是提名职业(阿省叫做 “current occupation” )。同时申请人还需要有与该提名职业相关的工作经验。

常规工作许可类别(LMIA 或四种豁免LMIA类别):

  • 近18个月内在阿省有12个月与提名职业相关的全职工作经验
  • 近30个月内有24个月与提名职业相关全职工作经验(可以是任何国家获得的)


  • 近18个月内有6个月阿省与提名职业相关的全职工作经验
  • 这半年阿省工作经验需要与在阿省留学的专业相关
  • 2019年4月1日后入读艾伯塔省高等教育批准的一年研究生证书,则同时要求提名职业与在加拿大以外的本科或研究生专业相关,也就是读研究生文凭时需要与之前的学历相关
  • 对留学生工签类别AOS认可在阿省留学期间的在Alberta的全职带薪实习工作经验


工作经验要求 AOS Work experience requirements



AOS 合格工作经验


  • 在过去18个月内,您目前在艾伯塔省的职业至少有12个月的全职工作经验;要么
  • 在过去30个月内,您目前在加拿大和/或国外的职业至少有24个月的全职工作经验
    • 这种工作经验可以结合在艾伯塔省,加拿大(艾伯塔省以外)和/或国外获得的经验。


这项职业必须与您在艾伯塔省高等教育认可的证书 的艾伯塔省的学习领域有关高等教育认可的艾伯塔省公众和私立高等教育机构


AOS 合格工作经验-飞出国:

  • 必须是全职的,每周至少30小时
  • 必须与您目前的职业相同
  • 必须获得加拿大移民,难民和公民的授权,并且如果在阿尔伯塔省或加拿大完成,则必须具有有效的临时居民身份
  • 在加拿大学习期间不能获得,并且作为学习计划的一部分进行合作工作实习或实习*


  • 有偿合作工作期限为全日制(每周最少30小时)
  • 工作经历与您目前的职业直接相关
  • 工作经验都是在艾伯塔省获得的



Work experience requirements - AOS flyabroad 2019

Your “current occupation” is the occupation you are working in at the time your application is postmarked to the AINP.

Your current occupation must also match your work experience at the time your application is postmarked and at the time the AINP assesses your application.

Qualifying work experience - AOS flyabroad 2019

At the time your application is postmarked you must have either:

  • a minimum of 12 months full-time work experience in your current occupation in Alberta within the last 18 months; or
  • a minimum of 24 months of full-time work experience in your current occupation in Canada and/or abroad within the last 30 months
    • This work experience can be a combination of experience gained in Alberta, in Canada (outside Alberta) and/or abroad.

Post-Graduation Work Permit holders require a minimum of 6 months full-time work experience in your current occupation in Alberta within the last 18 months.

This occupation must be related to your field of study in Alberta of your Alberta Advanced Education approved credential at an Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution.

If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019 and you completed an Advanced Education-approved one year post-graduate certificate, your occupation must also be related to your previous undergraduate or graduate field of study outside Canada.

Work experience in the qualifying period:

  • must have been full-time, for a minimum of 30 hours a week
  • must be for the same occupation as your current occupation
  • must have been authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and with valid temporary resident status if completed in Alberta or Canada
  • cannot have been gained while studying in Canada and doing co-op work placements or internships as part of a study program*

*There is an exception to this rule if you are a Post-Graduation Work Permit holder. Work experience completed during paid co-op work terms that was part of a program of study at an Alberta post-secondary institution can be used to meet the work experience criteria with the following conditions:

  • the paid co-op work term was full-time (minimum 30 hours per week)
  • the work experience is directly related to your current occupation
  • the work experience was all gained in Alberta

You must have the required licensing, registration or certification to work in your current occupation in Alberta at the time your application is postmarked and at the time the AINP assesses your application for nomination

If you are working in a compulsory trade in Alberta you must have a valid Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Trade (AIT) recognized trade certificate.

提交在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国( flyabroad_hk )或 预约面谈http://flyabroad.me/contact/

访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。

阿尔伯塔是个很差劲的地方 俗称眼子省 不要发他们的移民信息了