AIPP 加拿大大西洋省份移民试点项目 Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

2017年3月初,加拿大将正式推出 AIPP 大西洋移民试点项目 Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program,加拿大大西洋省份具体指下面四省:

  • 新不伦瑞克 New Brunswick
  • 纽芬兰与拉布拉托 Newfoundland and Labrador
  • 新斯科舍 Nova Scotia
  • 爱德华王子岛 Prince Edward Island

AIPP 为的是增加加拿大大西洋东部四省(NBNLNSPEI)新移民数量,2017年 AIPP 总配额是 2000 个,其中 NSNP AIPP 配额 800,占40%。

加拿大大西洋移民试点项目 AIPP 分为针对已经获得加拿大大西洋省份雇主offer的国际技术工人和在加拿大大西洋省份完成2年课程并在大西洋省份获得雇主offer的国际留学毕业生两类。

AIPP 具体又划分为三个小类 - 飞出国:

  • AHSP 大西洋高技能移民项目 Atlantic High-Skilled Program
  • AISP 大西洋中等技能移民项目 Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program
  • AIGP 大西洋国际留学毕业生移民项目 Atlantic International Graduate Program

AIPP 三小类的共同特点是都只需要:

  • 雅思 CLB 4(Level 4 of the Canadian Language Benchmark in English or the Niveau de compétence Linguistique Canadien in French),也就是听读写说 4.5, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0,与联邦技术移民里配偶加分的要求相同。
  • 加拿大大西洋省份的全职指定雇主工作 offer Full time Job Offer from a designated employer
  • 获得大西洋具体省份移民局的认可信 Letter of Provincial endorsement


符合 AIGP 大西洋四省国际留学毕业生项目要求的公立院校名称

合格公立院校名称 Publicly-funded institutions flyabroad 省份-飞出国
新不伦瑞克社区学院 Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick New Brunswick
森林技术海事学院 Maritime College of Forest Technology New Brunswick
蒙特爱立森大学 Mount Allison University New Brunswick
新不伦瑞克工艺设计学院 New Brunswick College of Craft and Design New Brunswick
新不伦瑞克社区学院 New Brunswick Community College New Brunswick
圣托马斯大学 Saint Thomas University New Brunswick
蒙克顿大学 Université de Moncton New Brunswick
新不伦瑞克大学和新不伦瑞克大学圣让 University of New Brunswick & University of New Brunswick Saint Jean New Brunswick
北大西洋学院 College of the North Atlantic Newfoundland
纽芬兰纪念大学 Memorial University of Newfoundland Newfoundland
阿卡迪亚大学 Acadia University Nova Scotia
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology Nova Scotia
卡普顿大学 Cape Breton University Nova Scotia
达尔豪西大学 Dalhousie University Nova Scotia
圣文森特大学 Mount Saint Vincent University Nova Scotia
新斯科舍艺术与设计学院 Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Nova Scotia
新斯科舍社区学院 Nova Scotia Community College Nova Scotia
圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学 Saint Francis Xavier University Nova Scotia
圣玛丽大学 Saint Mary’s University Nova Scotia
圣安娜大学 Université Sainte-Anne Nova Scotia
国王大学学院 University of Kings College Nova Scotia
索邦学院 Collège de l'Île Prince Edward Island
加拿大荷兰学院 Holland College Prince Edward Island
爱德华王子岛大学 University of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is for skilled immigrants and international student graduates who want to permanently live in:

  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island

If you are applying as a student graduate, you also must have graduated from a publicly-funded institution in one of those provinces.

We will accept up to 2,000 applications in 2017.

To apply, you need a job offer from a designated employer in an Atlantic province. With the support of your employer, a settlement service provider organization will help you and your family settle in Canada.

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot has two programs for skilled workers:

  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program

and one program for international student graduates:

  • Atlantic International Graduate Program

The work experience, education, and job offer you need will depend on whether you are applying as a worker or an international student graduate. The other requirements are the same for both.

AIPP 工作经验要求 Work experience - 飞出国

国际留学生类别 International graduates 对申请人没有工作经验。而对于技术工人类别(Skilled Workders)要求最少近三年内至少一年同一职业(可以是不同雇主)的符合加拿大 NOC 技能级别0,A,B,C 的等同全职工作经验(可以是兼职或不连续的每周 30 小时累计一年达到 1560 小时即可)。这里所说的工作经验不要求是加拿大的工作经验。

AHSP 类别(High-skilled workers )需要近3年内有1年 NOC 0,A,B 技能级别工作经验,AHSP 类别(Intermediate-skilled workers) 只需要近3年内一年 NOC C 技能级别职业。如果同时满足这两类的要求,那么按照 AHSP 类别申请。

You must have worked at least one year (1,560 hours total or 30 hours per week) within the last three years. It can be full-time, non-continuous, or part-time, as long as it adds up to 1,560 hours.

The work must be:

Workers apply as either high-skilled workers or intermediate-skilled workers. High-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at skill type/level 0, A, or B. Intermediate-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at the skill level C. If you are eligible to apply for both, apply as a high-skilled worker.

AIPP 学历要求 Education - 飞出国

AIPP 技术工人类别 Skilled Workers 只需要申请人具有高中学历,加拿大之外学历需要完成 ECA 认证。

AIPP 国际留学毕业生类别 International graduates 需要申请人在大西洋四省认可的公立院校完成最少2年全日制高等教育且毕业没有超过1年(12个月),在申请前的2年内在大西洋四省中的一个省份最少居住了16个月,同时持有合法签证和许可。


Workers - You must have:

  • a Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree,
The report must show your education is equal to a completed Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree. Your [ECA] must be less than five years old when you apply.

International graduates

You must have:

  • a minimum 2 year degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship credential from a [recognized publicly-funded institution in an Atlantic province]
  • been a full-time student in Canada for at least two years
  • graduated in the last 12 months when you apply
  • lived in one of the Atlantic provinces for at least 16 months in the last 2 years before you graduated
  • had the visa or permit needed to work, study or train in Canada

Your study or training program cannot be:

  • English or French second language courses for more than half of the program, or
  • distance learning undertaken for more than half the length of the program.

You can’t apply if you had a scholarship or fellowship requiring you to return to your home country after you graduate.

AIPP 雇主 Job offer 要求 - 飞出国

申请加拿大大西洋移民试点项目 AIPP 的基本要求是已经获得大西洋省份被认可雇主的最少一年的全职雇主 offer (不能是季节性的)。AISP 中等技能类别要求是永久不定期的(Indeterminate),AHSP 和 AIGP 需要时1年以上工作合同。AISP 和 AIGP 允许的雇佣职业类别是 NOC 0-C 类,AHSP 只能是 NOC 0,A,B类(C类别不可以)。

申请人获得雇主 offer 后可以先申请工签尽快开始工作,过程中申请移民。

Atlantic Intermediate-skilled Program (AISP) Atlantic High-skilled Program (AHSP) Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)
Full time Full time Full time
Indeterminate One-year contract One-year contract
NOC 0, A, B or C NOC 0, A or B NOC 0, A, B or C

Note: Starting in early March 2017, Pilot candidates will be able to apply for a temporary work permit if the job needs to be filled urgently. If your future employer would like you to apply for a temporary work permit first, you will need to commit to apply for permanent residence within 90 days of your application being submitted.

More details will be available March 2017.

Job offer

You must have a job offer that is:

  • from a designated employer in an Atlantic province (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island)
  • non-seasonal
  • reviewed by the province (details on the endorsement process will be available in early March 2017)

The [National Occupational Classification (NOC)] and duration of the job offer depends on your application.

Job offers for high-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, or B
  • last at least one year

Job offers for intermediate-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • be indeterminate (permanent)

Job offers for international graduates must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • last at least one year

Your job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience. However, you need to meet employment requirements for the job you are offered. The requirements are listed in the [NOC].

The employer does not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment.

AIPP 安家定居资金要求 - 飞出国

因为 AIPP 申请人都已经获得大西洋省份雇主offer,因此对定居资金要求较低,一家三口只需要不到 5000 加币,具体数额见下表,每年都会有调整(但调整 不会太大)。

申请人数(包括不随行家庭成员) 资金要求(加元)-飞出国
1 $3,075
2 $3,828
3 $4,706
4 $5,714
5 $6,481
6 $7,309
7 or more $8,138

Proof of funds – Skilled immigrants (Atlantic Immigration Pilot)

Note: We update these numbers every year based on 12.5 per cent of the [low income cut-off] totals. You may want to double-check that you still have enough money, based on the new cut-off, to support your family if you immigrate to Canada. This change is small but there is a chance it could affect your eligibility.

You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you get to Canada unless you are working in Canada under a valid work permit.

You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay the costs of living for your family (even if they are not coming with you).

You will need to show proof to the Canadian visa office in your home country that you have enough money when you apply to immigrate.

The amount of money you need to support your family is set by the size of your family. We update these amounts every year.

Number of Family Members (including those you support that aren’t immigrating with you) Funds Required (in Canadian dollars)
1 $3,075
2 $3,828
3 $4,706
4 $5,714
5 $6,481
6 $7,309
7 or more $8,138

How much money should you bring?

It is a good idea to research how much it costs to live in the place where you plan to settle in Canada.
Bring as much money as you can to make moving and finding a home in Canada easier. Note, however, that Canadian customs regulations require you to declare if you are bringing more than CAN$10,000 into Canada.

If you do not tell them, you may be fined, and your funds could be seized. These funds could be in the form of:

  • cash,
  • documents that show property or capital payable to you (such as stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills, etc.), or
  • documents that guarantee payment of a set amount of money, which are payable to you (such as bankers’ drafts, cheques, travellers’ cheques or money orders).



飞出国 AIPP:获得大西洋四省一年全职雇主offer,该offer不要求专业,职业相关。

AIPP 加拿大大西洋试点移民项目申请条件的核心是有大西洋省份指定雇主(Designated employer)的至少一年的 Job Offer,该 job offer 不要求与所学专业相关,也不要求与以往的工作经验相关,也不需要申请 LMIA(Labour Market Impact Assessment 加拿大劳动市场影响评估),只要申请人自身的条件满足该职业的任职要求就可以,具体任职要求在 NOC 具体职业里有说明。

飞出国:大西洋四省试点项目加拿大时间 3月6日正式实施,新不论瑞克,新斯科舍,爱德华王子岛,纽芬兰 四省的临时技术工人及获得雇主担保的四省内合格院校留学生获得雇主 offer 后可以正式申请 AIPP 项目了。具体要求上面帖子有介绍。

Ministerial Instructions 23 (MI23): Atlantic Immigration Pilot

Effective March 6, 2017, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship’s (IRCC) twenty third set of Ministerial Instructions (MI 23) introduced the Atlantic Immigration Pilot.

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot consists of three programs designed to provide workers with permanent residency and facilitate their integration into the region with employer support. Eligible skilled immigrants and international graduate students with a job offer from a designated employer in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador and an endorsement from the province, can apply for permanent residence. The Pilot will run for three years until December 31, 2019.



对应 NOC Skill level C 的职业,申请人都要满足近3年内1年相关工作经验才可以申请。

within the last three years, you have accumulated at least one year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) work experience in your primary occupation at Skill level C (intermediate jobs which usually need a high school or job-specific training, such as long-haul truck drivers, butchers, food and beverage servers, etc.) of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) matrix.

另外 AIPP 项目与加拿大联邦EE项目一样,对受管制职业也不要求申请时就满足注册要求。

For regulated occupations, you do not need to meet Canadian licensing requirements.

AIPP 移民申请费与其他技术移民类别一样,主副申申请费 550 加币,登陆费 490 加币。随行子女(一般指19周之内子女)申请费 150 加币(无登陆费)。

费用可以在线支付。当前 AIPP 申请还是纸质材料递交到加拿大悉尼 CIO。其中 Offer of Employment to a Foreign National – Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project IMM 5650 申请表需要雇主填写。



加拿大移民部官方进一步明确 AIPP 大西洋试点项目要求:雇主offer要求的是在获得 PR 后算起还有1年有效期,全职的要求是 30 小时/周。

  • last at least one year from the date permanent residence is granted
  • full-time (at least 30 paid hours per week)

请问具体的AHSP 和A ISP申请步骤,如何联系和获得雇主的JOB OFFER ?

找雇主人各有异,可以通过多种途径联系雇主,自己没有渠道的也可以联系当地猎头公司。剩下的流程就是雇主参与帮助申请 Endorsement Application ATLANTIC IMMIGRATION PILOT。政策刚出台,很多大家都没有实际经验。参考一下 NL 官方申请表可以了解个大概。

endorsement_application_en_20170316-flyabroad.pdf (113.7 KB)。

NLPNP AIP 项目 2017,2018,2019 3年每年 AIP 配额都是 442 ,3年总计 1326 。 NLPNP 其他类别总配额 1,050,EE 和 非 EE 各占 550 个。

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP), launched in March 2017, is a three–year employer driven immigration program aimed at addressing skill gaps and labour market needs in Atlantic Canada. The Newfoundland and Labrador Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism (OIM) is authorized by the Federal Government through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to annually approve up to 442 endorsement applications for permanent residency.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) is authorized by the Federal Government through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to issue up to 1,050 certificates of nomination for the calendar year.



PEI PNP AIPP 申请流程:先申请为认证雇主(designated employer),然后向省政府申请担保支持(endorsement),省这边 endorsement 向加拿大联邦政府申请签证。2017年大西洋四省总 AIPP 配额是 2000 个。

Am I eligible to endorse a foreign national? - AIP

To be eligible to endorse a foreign national you must be a designated employer.

What is the process? - AIP

You must first identify a foreign national that you want to endorse through the program and complete the job offer template (link is external). The foreign national must then approach an approved Settlement Service Provider (link is external) with a copy of their job offer and your designation letter and get a settlement plan prepared. You must then submit the job offer, endorsement application, and settlement plan to our office.

How do I apply? - AIP

If you meet the terms listed above, you must first read the application guide then complete the employer endorsement form.

The complete form can be submitted to the Office of Immigration in three ways:

Office of Immigration
94 Euston Street, 2nd Floor
PO Box 1176
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7M8

获得具体省提名移民局 AIP 项目雇主支持后(getting endorsed by a province)准备签证申请资料递交到加拿大NS省悉尼的 CIO :

Submit your application

Mail your application to the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada:

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program
Centralized Intake Office
PO BOX 8900
Sydney, NS
B1P 0H1



我们现在有几个职位 已获批函

Trucking Company
1215 Logistic Officer
7511 Transport truck drivers

Financial planning company / Life Insurance Sales Company
1114 Financial Management Officer
0111 Financial Services Marketing Manager

Hunting and Taxidermy Store
1123 China Importing Specialist
6411 Newcomer Sales Specialist



飞出国:Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program 大西洋试点项目未来3年配额大增。

年份-fcg 最低 最高-flyabroad 目标-飞出国
2018 500 2,000 1,000
2019 1,000 4,000 2,000
2020 2,000 4,000 4,000

AIPP 项目定居资金要求 - 飞出国2018

AIPP 申请人因为都有雇主offer,因此对定居资金要求比较低。

Number of Family Members Funds Required(in Canadian dollars)
1 $3075
2 $3828
3 $4706
4 $5714
5 $6481
6 $7309
7 or more $8138


Examples of items you can submit as proof of funds include:

  • current bank statement or certification letter
  • evidence of savings balance
  • deposit statements

