Post-Graduate Worker Category criteria include but are not limited to:
As a Candidate, you must:
Clearly show in the application that you are able to and intend to live permanently in Alberta.
Be working full-time in Alberta, at the time of application, for an Alberta employer.
An Alberta employer is defined as, being incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.
Please note, the AINP will not approve an application if there is a labour dispute in progress that may involve, directly or indirectly, either the employer or the candidate.
Have obtained a certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program from one of these AINP approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institutions.
The program of study in Alberta must have been at least one year (i.e. minimum of two semesters of full-time study, or equivalent) in duration.
Have a current and valid Post-Graduation Work Permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Be working in one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels:
NOC 0: Management occupations
NOC A: Occupations that usually require university education
NOC B: Occupations that usually require college education
NOC C: Occupations that usually require specific training and/or secondary education.
Some occupations are not eligible for consideration under the AINP. Please review the list of ineligible occupations (list updated June 20, 2014). If your occupation is on this list, you are not eligible to apply to the AINP under this category.
If working in a NOC C occupation, you must submit official test results showing that you meet the minimum language standards, and your test results cannot be more than two years old at the time of application to the AINP. (CLB 4)
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program /Employer-Driven Stream /International Graduate criteria - flyabroad:
Post-Graduate Worker Category 类别更准确的是毕业生类别,不是研究生类别,针对的人群是已经在阿省完成一年(2学期)课程的毕业生,学历类型包括 certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program。
Have obtained a certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program from one of these AINP approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institutions.
The program of study in Alberta must have been at least one year (i.e. minimum of two semesters of full-time study, or equivalent) in duration.
阿尔伯特省提名(AINP)战略招聘类(SRS),毕业生工作类(PGW)没有具体工作年限要求,只要求申请时已经获得 Alberta 省全职雇主 offer。
Be working full-time in Alberta, at the time of application, for an Alberta employer.
An Alberta employer is defined as, being incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.
Please note, the AINP will not approve an application if there is a labour dispute in progress that may involve, directly or indirectly, either the employer or the candidate.