从 阿省自雇农场主类别(AINP Self-Employed Farmer Stream) 继续讨论:
阿省自雇农场主类别材料清单AINP-SEF-checklist(Self-Employed Farmer Category – Document Checklist) - 飞出国
- 所有材料,除了特殊说明的,其他都提供复印件即可。
- 非英语或法语文件,提供认证的翻译件。加拿大或阿省的认证翻译人员,可以去这个网站查找: www.atia.ab.ca
- 将此清单和所有的表格、文件一起递交。
需要填写的表格 - 飞出国
- AINP 004(原件);
- CIC 表格(复印件):
- 主申: IMM 0008 Generic, IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 0008 Schedule 4, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 and IMM 0008DEP if necessary;
- 配偶和18周岁以上的子女:IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 if necessary.
需要提交的文件 - 飞出国
- 有效的护照:主申、配偶和子女的护照首页,以及显示到期日和更新日期的页面;
- 教育(提供 certified true copy ):学位,学历,证书,许可和其他支持文件;
- 前雇主的推荐信:与工作相关,需要前雇主的签字,并打印在公司信头纸上,内容需包含:职位名称,主要职责和学历要求,工作时间段。推荐信中还要包含现有农场的财务文件;
- 个人净资产报表(提供 certified true copy ):不少于50万加币;
- 个人商业计划书;
- 加拿大金融机构财政资助:加拿大财务机构愿意为农场提供财政资助的证明,需打印在信头纸上;
如果使用代理 - 飞出国
- 申请人使用代理填写 AINP 008B表格:原件,签名;
Contact information - 飞出国
Self-Employed Farmer Stream
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
J.G. O’Donoghue Building
200, 7000-113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 5T6 Canada
Forms required
- AINP 004
- The Candidate must complete the Self-Employed Farmer Application (AINP 004) form
- Signatures must be original. Do not send a copy or fax.
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) forms
- Candidate: IMM 0008 Generic, IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 0008 Schedules 4 and 4A, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 and IMM 0008DEP if necessary.
- Spouse/Common-law partner and dependants over 18: IMM 5669 Schedule A, IMM 5406. Include the IMM 5476 if necessary.
Documents required
- Valid passport(s)
- Candidate
- Spouse/common-law partner
- Dependent children
- Include only the personal information page and any page(s) showing the expiry and renewal date(s) of the passport
- Education
- Degree, diploma, certificate, licenses and any other supporting documents relevant to performing a complete eligibility assessment.
- Reference letters
- Work-related reference letters from previous employers related to the job
- Must be signed by the employer, dated and on company letterhead and include:
- Job title
- Main duties and education required for the job
- Period worked
- Reference letters may include financial documentation of your existing farm enterprise.
- Personal net worth statement
- An accountant prepared statement showing you have a minimum net worth of $500,000 in unencumbered Canadian funds.
阿省自雇农场主类别材料清单AINP-SEF-checklist: Government of Alberta | Alberta.ca