2019年阿省机遇类别 Alberta Opportunity Stream (AOS) 工作许可要求-飞出国
飞出国:申请阿省机遇类别必须要先有阿省雇主 job offer,因此必须要有合法的加拿大工作许可状态,2018年6月后阿省已经不允许配偶开放工签类别申请阿省机遇类别。
阿省 AOS 合格的工作许可状态包括:
- 工作许可通过加拿大劳工部 LMIA
- 四种豁免 LMIA 的工作许可
- 国际贸易协定 international trade agreements
- 公司内部派遣 workers transferred within a company
- 加拿大国际经验 International Experience Canada
- 法语为母语申请 Mobilité Francophone
- 留学生毕业工作许可 Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) holder
French-speaking skilled workers under Moblilité Francophone may be exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
- 在阿省找到的 job offer 的职业要与在阿省留学的专业对口(职业和专业相关)
- 2019年4月之前入学的专业需要在 Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution 列表上
- 2019年4月1日后入学的专业在 list of Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credentials for post-graduation work permit holders 列表上,且一年研究生文凭要求与之前的本科或研究生文凭相关
Residency status and work permit requirements - AOS flyabroad 2019
At the time your application is postmarked and at the time the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) assesses your application, you must have a valid temporary resident status in Canada that authorizes you to work in Canada (i.e. temporary foreign worker).
Eligible applicants - AOS flyabroad 2019
You must have a valid work permit (not implied status or restoration status) for an eligible occupation. Valid work permits are based on one of the following:
- a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
- a LMIA exemption for workers based on one of the following exemptions as determine by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC):
- international trade agreements
- workers transferred within a company
- International Experience Canada
- Mobilité Francophone
- Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) holder
Post-Graduation Work Permit holders must also meet additional education and occupation requirements:
- Your current occupation must be related to your field of study in Alberta.
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program before April 1, 2019, your credential must be issued by an Alberta Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution and must be one of the following Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials:
- certificate or post-graduate certificate (minimum one year in length)
- diploma program (minimum 2 years in length)
- undergraduate bachelor’s degree
- graduate level degree
- graduate level certificate
- graduate level diploma
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019, your credential must be on the Alberta Opportunity Stream List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials.
提交在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国( flyabroad_hk
)或 预约面谈 : http://flyabroad.me/contact/ 。